What I've Done

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Day turned into night as we stayed in the Impala. We watched the post office to make sure no one went in or out. The spirit of Ben was going to be pissed when he sees that the ones he captured are no longer there, and we didn't want anyone else to get in the crossfire.

The only time we left was to get some kind of take out for dinner, but we had to make it quick.

Once we finished our meals, I leaned up against the window, feeling myself fall asleep slowly. The amount of food I had and the numerous times we had to stay awake researching a case made me tired, and the summer heat wasn't much help either.

Sam saw that I was falling asleep and quickly went in the backseat with me. He grabbed me and put one arm around me while I rested my head on his shoulder. I knew he didn't want me to fall asleep on a harder surface but relaxing in his arms is just going to make it tougher for me to stay awake.

Dean looked to us and saw me fighting sleep. "If you need your beauty rest, don't let us stop you," he said.

I chuckled. "I don't want to sleep through anything," I said.

"I'll blast AC/DC when it gets dark," Dean said.

I rolled me eyes. "Startle me awake," I said, "Cool move, bro."

The energy to continue the banter wasn't there, though, and I felt myself going in to a deep state of sleep.

I woke up to find myself in the Impala, but Dean and Sam were nowhere to be found. The post office was still in plain sight, though.

Did they go in without me?

I looked at the rear view mirror, but I couldn't see my own reflection.

I was dreaming.

The vividness of it, though, meant that a spirit wished to talk to me.

I got out of the Impala, making my way towards the post office. Pretty soon, I saw three children running out of there, looking around frantically for someone to help them. When they saw me approach them, they immediately ran up to me and hugged my legs.

"Miss! Help us!" they said.

"What's wrong? Who are you three?" I asked.

They released me and I bent down so I can make some eye contact with them. Tears were streaming down their faces.

"It's our father," the little boy said, "He's...he's angry."

"Why is he angry?" I asked.

"Because he can't find the man that killed us," one of the little girls said.

"Is...is your father's name Ben?"

The three of them nodded.

"So...I'm guessing you three are Nellie, Alice and Howard Pitezel?"

They nodded again.

"Have you tried reaching out to him?"

"He can't see us," Nellie said, "He's too angry."

Ben didn't know he was dead. He was so full of rage and anger that he's not realizing the damage he is leaving behind.

"Please, miss," Alice said, "Help us get our daddy back..."

I practically jumped out of my seat as I woke up in a cold sweat. Sam quickly took my hand and Dean looked behind him from the driver's seat. My breathing got so much heavier and I tried really hard to keep my composure.

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