Just Like Paradise (M)

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One Week Later

It was finally the morning of getting Sam and Dean out of jail. My suspicions of the authorities not playing nice were correct, and their little FBI friend also "happened" to be in town the day Sam and Dean were arrested.

Sam called me every night, giving me updates on where they are in the case. A fiend was let loose after the prison opened up one of the cells that was locked away for 30 years. They were doing their best to work with their public defender on what the fiend was without letting her in on our world.

We didn't have enough time on the phone so all we could talk about was the case. However, just hearing Sam's voice alone was enough to ease my anxieties. I didn't care how long we had on the phone as long as I could talk to him.

I drove the Impala to the prison, hoping that the person that Dean said would let me in the prison didn't call out sick or was fired. The last thing I wanted was to be tangled up in the authorities and not be able to hunt without raising suspicions. Sam and Dean needed someone who was able to go out once in a while if it wasn't safe for them to do it.

I reached the prison gates, a guard stopping me. He came over to my window and tapped it, indicating for me to roll it down. Once I did, he asked, "Where's the mark?"

I knew immediately that he meant my anti-possession tattoo. I pulled my shirt down a bit to expose the area. He took one look at it and nodded, giving me instructions on where to park out of sight and that the boys will be out as soon as possible.

I did as he said and parked near the door he said Sam and Dean would be getting out of. I put the car in park and sat in the back seat. I locked the car doors, which may delay us a bit from getting out, but after the demon attack, I wasn't going to take any chances.

I laid down in the back with my bag as a pillow. My eyes began to grow heavy as I started to fall in to a deep slumber.


I was startled awake by the sound of loud knocking. Sam and Dean were both on their respective sides of the car and looked confused on why I locked the car. I quickly unlocked both sides and handed Dean the keys to get the Impala started. "Why did you lock the doors?" he asked in frustration.

"I'll explain in a few," I said, "Let's just focus on getting the hell out of here and get to some kind of safety."

Dean nodded and began to drive out. Sam, meanwhile, looked at me a bit with confusion and concern in his eyes. I looked back at him, assuring him that I was okay and that all will be answered when we are as far away from the place as possible. "So we know the name of the nurse and where she's buried," Dean explained, "Sam and I will go to the graveyard, dig her up and burn the bones along with our prison suits. You stay by the Impala and keep watch."

"You don't want me to come with?"

"In the off chance the cops do catch us, we at least want to keep you out of jail and not give them another face to watch out for," Sam said.

We soon reached the graveyard which was almost smack dab in the midde of nowhere. Dean pulled over to the side of the road and I handed both boys their new clothes. They immediately went into the graveyard and I climbed into the driver's seat, preparing the use the horn in the off chance I saw someone come by. It felt like hours, but both men came back to the car in their regular clothes. I went into the back seat while Dean took his place as the driver side and Sam got in the back with me. He put one arm around me and pulled me close, my head resting on his chest.

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