Don't Scare Me Papa

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Daybreak came sooner than expected. I slowly began to open my eyes, taking in my surroundings. I noticed an arm wrapped around me and my hand intertwined with Sam's.

I wonder how long we were in this position, and I'm surprised that we managed to stay this long like this without waking the other up.

I turned to Sam, who was laying on his back and his face was in my direction. I smiled and moved a bit so I was also facing him. I laid my head on his bare shoulder, wrapping one arm around his chest. His one arm wrapped around me began to adjust himself, and I got nervous that he was waking up, but once he shifted, the movement stopped. I took my finger and began tracing his face, enjoying ever beautiful feature that he had.

I leaned in closer, my eyes growing a bit heavy as I began to fall a bit back to sleep. I was in such a bliss that I didn't even want to get up. I wanted to stay here with Sam forever.

I heard Sam groan a bit which kept me from going back to sleep. I looked up at him to see that he was starting to wake up as well. He shifted his body a bit before looking down at me, giving me a tired smile.


"Morning to you too," I said.

Sam pushed away some of my hair and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Have you been awake for very long?"

"Nope. I actually was just waking up a bit before you did."

"Good," he said, "I was worried that I interrupted your sleep."

Sam reached over to his nightstand to grab his cell phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Making sure we don't have any missed calls from Dean. We've been passed out for a bit, it feels like."

I giggled and nodded. "Yeah, I definitely feel a lot more rested than usual. The day off was VERY much needed."

"Well, good news is no missed calls or texts," Sam said as he put his phone back on his nightstand. He shifted again and wrapped both his arms around me, pulling me close.

"Means more time to just settle here."

I smiled and buried my face in his neck. Little moments like this just felt amazing. I felt safe, secure, and vulnerable in the best way possible.

"If you're up for another round though..." Sam said in a joking tone.

I shook my head. "You exhausted me last night. I think I'm good for the next few days..."

"Wow...I was that good, huh?"

"Shut it. Now you're starting to sound like Dean."

We both chuckled and looked at each other. He continued to smile as he stared, like he was trying to take a photographic memory of this moment. I felt myself blush a bit and laid my head back on his chest. We laid there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, but then I remembered something that Sam said before we went to sleep that had me a little concerned.



"Last night...when you were asking about the white picket fence life and everything...I know you asked me about it a few times. I'm just wondering...why did you bring it up again? Has something been bothering you?"

I looked up at him, propping myself up with one arm so as to not strain my neck. He looked downwards, thinking about his next words carefully.

"I guess...I'm just worried. I keep thinking about what you said the night you told me you loved me, about how I'm scared to let anyone back into my life because of what happened...and yes, you were right. Now that we're here, though, I just keep thinking, 'What if this is too good to be true?'"

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