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Dad, Papa, Brendan and I were in boston. We got to boston yesterday and me and grandma were the only ones curently awake. So I was helping her cook breakfast. 10 minutes later it was 8:30 and everyone was awake except for Brendan. Dad walked into the kitchen where me and grandma were cooking.

"Hey kid. Hey mom." Dad said

"Hey dad!" I said

"Hi chris" Grandma said.

"You should really get ready kid." Dad said as he kissed my head

"But I want to help grandma!" I said

"You can help grandma after kayleen" Said dad

"But dad-" I started to say before he cut me off

"No buts kayleen now go" He said well pointing towards the stairs

"Fine" I said well walking away and rolling my eyes

"Kayleen dont roll your eyes at me. Got it?" Dad said

I ignored him and walked towards the stairs. Papa tried to tell me something but I completley ignored him and rolled my eyes again then just kept walking. I made it upstairs and quickly got dressed into some blue jeans and a plain white shirt. Then sat on my phone. I heard dad call me but just scrolled on tiktok

Chris POV

I walked in to the living room after kayleen stomped off and seb looked at me with a concerned look.

"What" I asked

"Whats wrong with kayleen?" He asked

"What do you mean?" I asked

"She walked right passed me and rolled her eyes when i tried to tell her not to ignore you" He said

"Something has seriously gotten into her" I said

"Yeah no duh" Seb said

"What do we do though?" I asked

"Well we can start by calling her downstiars to talk to her" he said and I nodded

"Kayleen!" I yelled well looking at the stairs. After five minutes of no responce I looked at seb.

"Try again" He said

"Kayleen get downstairs now!" I yelled

"No!" We heard her yell from upsatairs

"We're not asking kayleen!" Seb yelled

I heard the door open and loud footsteps coming downstairs. Then we saw her walking towards us.

"What" She said with an attitude

"Stop with the attitude" Seb said and she just stood there

"Kayleen stop ignoring us" I said and again she stood their

"Kayleen marie evans-stan if you dont stop ignoring us your gonna be in trouble!" Seb yelled

"Whatever" She said well rolling her eyes

"What did we just say about the attitude and stop rolling your eyes!" I said starting to yell.

She flinched a little at the yelling but i didn't think anythingof it cause after she flinched she just stood there. After a little more yelling she started to cry.


"Don't yell at us kayleen!" I said

"WHATEVER!" She yelled well crying. After that she ran upstairs and slamed the door. We looked at eachother and relized we messed up. We walked upstairs and tried to open the door but she had locked it.

"Kayleen please unlock the door" Seb said.

"NO!" She yelled I heard the anger and sadness in her voice. It breaks my heart knowing we made her feel like this.

"Baby girl-" I started but she cut me off

"Don't call me that!" She yelled

Every time we tried to say something she told us to go away so we decided to just give her time.

~Time Skip~

Sebs POV

Its the next day and kayleen hasn't come out of her room. Yeah she has her own room at Lisa's house but she hasn't left it. She didn't come out to eat at all yesterday or today. It's now dinner time and we were downstairs eating. We tried to get kayleen to come down to eat but she wouldn't budge. We were eating when all of the sudden we heard a loud thud from upstairs me and chris quickly looked at eachother then ran upstairs. Well Lisa staid with Brendan downstairs.

"Kayleen honey are you okay!?" I questioned when we got no responce we paniced

"What do we do!?" I said freaking out

"Move!" Chris yelled

"What are you gonna do?" I asked

"Kick the door down!" He exclaimed

I moved out of the way and Chris kicked the door open. We ran in and we saw kayleen laying unconscious on the floor. We ran over to her and I called 9-1-1.

9-1-1: 9-1-1 what's your emergency.

Seb: Its my daughter she passed out!

9-1-1: Ok sir whats your adress?

Seb: 1917 brooklyn road

9-1-1: Ok sir ambulance is almost there

Seb: I hear it

9-1-1: Ok sir is anyone home other then you and your daughter

Seb: Yeah

9-1-1: Who's home sir

Seb: My husband, son and mother-in-law

9-1-1: Ok sir its gonna be ok

Seb: The ambulance is here

9-1-1: OK sir I hope everything goes well

Seb: Thank you

The paramedics came up stairs with a backboard straped her on and carried her downstairs well me and chris followed. They put her in the ambulance and i hopped in with her well chris stayed back. The ambulance drove off and after a couple minutes they pulled her out of the ambulance well I followed. We entered the hospital and the paramedics told the doctors all the stuff they needed to know. The doctors took her to a room and started working.

~1 Hour later~

Chris walked in with tears in his eyes. I got up and we hugged so tight. He gave me a quick kiss before we joined our daughters side in tears.

"How is she?" Chris asked

"Doctors said she'll be fine and its from the not eating and all the crying it made her pass out" I said

"This all my fault!" He said well geting mad at himself

"No babe its not you fault" I said

After a little bit of talking we fell asleep on the chairs next to her bed.

Hey guys sorry its been a while ive been busy, But there will be a part two to this chapter cant just leave you guys with her being in the hospital. Love you pepole!

1050 Words

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