Fun day

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It was almost fathers day and I have to buy two presents. So I asked Scarlett and Lizzie to convince my dads to let me go out with them. Even though I’m ungrounded they’re being very cautious about letting me go places. Not because they don’t trust me but because paparazzi have been following us around a lot more. It’s so annoying being followed around by cameras 24/7. But on the bright side, they said I could go so I was upstairs waiting for the girls. Five minutes later pops called me downstairs.

“Kayleen! Scarlett and Lizzie are here!” Pops yelled from downstairs

“Ok, I’m coming!” I yelled from upstairs

I grabbed my bag and put my wallet in it then ran downstairs. I gave both of them a hug.

“Hey, kay!” Lizzie said

“HIIII!” I said to Scarlett and Lizzie

“Hey, you ready to go?” Scarlett asked me

“Yup” I said 

“Then let’s get going” Lizzie said

“Ok” I said

I hugged my dads and they told me to be safe and have fun. After I hugged them we left and headed towards the mall. We were singing in the car the whole way to the mall. I was already having so much fun and we’ve only been gone for 10 minutes. After five more minutes in the car, we finally made it to the mall. As soon as we walked in people started taking pictures and following us until security stepped in and escorted us around. We shopped for 3 hours until it was time for them to take me home. I had already bought dad and pops their gifts and a card. I got them each a different card but they can share if they chose to. I hope they like their gifts. I also bought a t-shirt to wear for fathers day. I’m really excited it’s my first fathers day with them.

~Time skip to home~

Lizzie and Scarlett dropped me off at home. When I got inside I went strait upstairs and hid the presents. Then i went downstairs to get water. As i was getting water i felt one of my dads kiss my forehead.

“Hi honey” They said.

“Hi pops” I said not turning around to look at him.

“You didnt even turn around how’d you know it was me?” He asked

“One I know your voice. Two your the only one in this house that calls me honey”

“Oh makes since” Pops said

I turned around to face him and when I did dad walked in. I gave them both a hug and then went up to my room. I set my water down on my desk. Then pulled out my art stuff and started to draw.

~Time Skip~

I finished my drawing after a couple hours and I like the way it turned out. I was looking at my drawing seeing if I need to add anything else when dad walked in. 

“Hey pumpkin.”

“Hi dad” 

“What are you up to?” he asked

“Just seeing If I need to add anything to my drawing.”

“Can I see it?” He questioned

“Sure” I said as I handed him the drawing

“Kayleen this is amazing” He said as he loked at the drawing

“Thanks dad”

We talked for a couple more minutes then he left. I put away my art stuff then decided to go to bed as soon I layed down I was out like a light. Today was a fun day!

Please vote if you like my story it really means a lot! Enjoy!

595 words

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