Friend hang out

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Kayleen pov

Since I was finally ungrounded me and my friends wanted to go to the mall but I knew I had to ask first. So I ran downstairs where my dad was.

"Dad!" I yelled well running down the stairs towards my dad who was on the couch

"Yeah?" He questioned

"I have a question." I said well jumping on the couch

"Well calm down then you can ask." he said

"Ok" I said sitting down and taking a breath "can I ask now?"

"Yes" he said

"Can I go the the mall with my friends please."

"You can but if anything happens I need you to text me. Ok?"

"Ok thank you!" I said hugging him.

"How are you guys getting there?" He asked

"Damon's mom said she'll pick us up and drop us off" I said

"Ok when?"

"In an hour?" I said more like a question

"Ok" he said. I hugged him one more time and said thank you before running upstairs and getting ready.(Picture above)

~one hour later~

Damon text me and told me they were 5 minutes away so I got up and grabbed my purse and my money. I wanted to buy my dad a birthday present since it was next weekend on Saturday. I ran downstairs and gave dad a hug then went outside and got in the car with my friends and Damon's mom. Damon was in the passenger seat, his mom was driving, destiny in the back on the right, raven in the middle and me on the left.

"Hi" I said

"Hey" raven said

"Hey kay" damon said

"Hi kaykay" destiny said

Hi Kayleen. How are you?" Damon's mom Delilah said

"Hi Mrs. Blake. I'm good. How about you?" I said smiling

"I'm good thank you." She said smiling "You guys ready to go?" She asked

"Yeah" we all said at the same time

We drove off and the entire way we were talking. We finally got there after 10 minutes.

"I'll pick you up here at there thirty. Ok?"

"Ok." We all said as we got out of the car. She drove off and we eagerly ran in to the mall like we had 5 minutes even though we had three and a half hours.

~Time skip cause i'm lazy~

We shopped, ate, and played at the arcade. I bought my dad his birthday gifts I'm really excited about them so I hope he likes them. But anyway we walked out of the mall with our stuff. We walked toward the car and got in. We drove off and we talked about how much fun we had the whole way. I got dropped off 1st. I said beg to my friends and thank you to Mrs. Blake.
I grabbed my stuff and went inside. Before my dad could see his gifts I ran right past him while he was on the couch and up the stairs ignoring my dad. I hid the presents and then went downstairs to say hi to my dad.

"Hi dad." I said hugging him

"Hey pumpkin. Why'd you run straight upstairs?" He questioned

"To put my stuff in my room." I said

"Ok...what'd you get?" He asked

"Just some new clothes, art stuff, and dance stuff." I said leaving out the gifts I got him. I would've told him but I wanted it to be a surprise.

"Nice" he said we watched some movies until dinner. Then dad got up to make dinner. We ate dinner while watching a movie. After we ate we went to bed because I have school tomorrow. I was laying in bed when dad came in.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he said well kissing my forehead

"Good night dad." I said half asleep and with that he went to his room and  went to bed.

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