New home

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When they arrived in LA they got off the plane and were surrounded by paparazzi. Chris looked over at Kayleen who looked scared and immediately picked her up grabbed their luggage and left the airport still being followed by paparazzi. Chris put Kayleen in the car and their luggage then got in the car and drove off. He looked over at Kayleen who still looked scared.

"I'm sorry I didnt know they knew I was gonna be here. Are you ok?" he said concerned

"Yeah I'm fine I just didnt expect it. Like do they just know where you are all the time?" She asked

"Unfortunately...yes but I wont let them get to you I promise."

"I know you wont" she said with a small smile

After 2 more minutes in the car they arrived at the house and Kayleen mouth opened in awe. Chris smiled at her as they got out of the car and grabbed their luggage.

"You like it?" Chris asked still smiling

"YES!" She exclaimed. The house was a 2 story house with a nice yard and a pool.(picture above)

"Great let's show you to your room!" He was just as excited as she was as they walked into the house and up the stairs to her room chris opened the door to let Kayleen see her new room she started in awe with the biggest smile on her face.(picture above)

"I know it's not much but I wanted to let you decorate it to" he said hoping she liked it

"Its perfect thank you so much!" She said as sge ran and hugged him well he hugged her back.

"I'm glad you like it. Now how about you unpack and I'll go make dinner. So when your done unpacking we can eat a just relax. Does that sound good?" He said

"That sounds great" Kayleen said with a small smile

And with that chris left the room shutting the door behind him leaving Kayleen in her thoughts to unpack. 30 minutes later she had everything the way she wanted it and she fell back on her bed. When she did her phone buzzed and she saw she got a text from alice.

A: Hey how'd it go with the adoption today?

K: It went fine.;)

A: What do you mean?


A: Wait really?!

K: Yup!

A: See I told you it was your day! I'm so happy for you Kayleen! How's the family?

K: You wont believe who it is!

A: Who?!

K: It's chris evans!

A: Your lying!

K: Nope!

A: Ahhhh Kay that's amazing!

K: I know right. I just finished unpacking my stuff. The house is so big and it has a pool!

A: OMG Kay that's awesome I'm so happy for you!

K: Thank you Ally

A: No problem. I have to go my moms calling me for dinner I'll text you in the morning.

K: Ok bye Allyyyy

A: Bye Kayyy

After texting Alice for a little while Kayleen just layed on he bed staring at the the ceiling and thinking. After 5 minutes her thoughts were enturuped by chris yelling to her.

"Kayleen dinners ready!" He yelled from downstairs

"Coming!" She yelled from upstairs. She made her way downstairs and ate dinner. After dinner they both sat on the couch and decided to watch a Disney movie. They both agreed on the little mermaid which is his favorite Disney movie. A little over half way into the movie Kayleen fell asleep on Chris's lap. So he decided to carry her upstairs to her room. He put her down on her bed and put the blanket over her.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he whispered as he kissed her head and as he was walking away he heard a tiered Kayleen say "Goodnight dad" as she fell back asleep. Chris had a big smile on his face as he shut the door to Kayleen's room and went downstairs to call his mom and his brother to very excitedly let them know what happened. After he got off the phone he cleaned up downstairs and went to bed excited to see where his new adventure takes him.

I hope you enjoy I should have another chapter out by either tomorrow or the next day but for now goodnight❤

Adopted by chris evansWhere stories live. Discover now