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After purchasing some groceries with a pretty substantial discount thanks to your new buddy Jun, the three of you walk back to your RV with a somewhat less tense atmosphere. But when you finally do arrive back at the camper, you're met with mixed reactions from your friends. Kenma, for instance, looks up and pauses his game as he waits for some kind of explanation from you and Akaashi won't even let the three of you in. He had walked up, stopped you right in your path with Jun and Bokuto behind you, and gave you a disapproving look with his eyebrows knitted together.

"Why are you bringing a stranger in here?" he asks as politely as he can so as to not be rude.

"This is Jun," you explain. "He said he can do a bit of explaining for us."

"You didn't need to bring him right where we live!" Akaashi snaps back. "We can't trust anyone around here!"

"This guy sure is annoying, but he's kinda trustworthy," Bokuto grumbles from the back of your little line.

Kuroo watches as you nod in agreement with Bokuto and walks over to get a better look at the person you've brought with you. "I agree with Akaashi. You shouldn't have brought a stranger here," he huffs. "What if he was the one who robbed us?"

"I think it's fine," Hotaru says in your defense as she walks over. "We can always move the RV if we need to. And it's six against one right now so I'm sure we'll be fine unless you guys don't think you could take him," she smirks.

Kuroo and Akaashi look at each other before passing glances to Kenma for the tiebreaker.

"Hotaru does make a good point," he nods. "We do have a bit of gas left, after all."

"Okay, come on, Y/N. Bring him in," Hotaru calls to you.

Akaashi and Kuroo quietly move to the sides as they watch you and Bokuto bring in this brown-haired stranger they've never seen before. Bokuto sets down the two bags of groceries the two of you had purchased with about half of the money you and Hotaru pulled together. Bokuto then tosses Jun his chips just as the latter jumps backwards into the chair under your television. At the same time, you find a spot on the couch beside Kenma.

"What the hell is going on, Y/N?" he whispers to you.

"Bokuto and I found this guy working at the grocery store we went to. And, oh! We found out that it's actually Monday," you tell the group.

Hotaru nods as she leans up against a wall. "We realized that, too, just as soon as the two of you left."

Jun takes a chip, loudly crunching on it to interrupt Hotaru. "It's 'cause you idiots were drugged so they could take your shit."

"Our camper's fine," Akaashi comments. "Why didn't they steal anything from here?"

"I dunno," Jun shrugs. "It was prolly locked or somethin'. Or maybe they just didn't care 'nough to go through it."

Kuroo huffs and steals the bit of space on the couch between you and Kenma. Crossing his arms, he asks Jun, "So what was so important that Y/N and Bo brought you back here?"

"I didn't wanna talk 'bout this stuff out loud, dude. If you haven't noticed this is a small town and if one person hears me givin' you guys help then everybody'll know. Man, I don't usually help the newcomers but your friends didn't give me much choice!"

"Stop the dramatics and help us then if that's what you came here to do!" Akaashi exclaims.

"To be honest with you guys," Jun sighs. "It's just a thing people do 'round here. They go out and hunt for gullible visitors they can lure out here, throw a huge party to drink, smoke, and fuck, and then rob the new guys. You aren't the first."

"Okay, so how's that gonna help us?" Kenma asks. "How are we gonna get our wallets and phones back?"

"We just wanna get the hell out of here," Bokuto sighs.

Jun shrugs. "It's probably too late to cancel your credit cards. Those shits are probably already drained by now."

"Wha the hell!" you shout. "That was everything I had!"

"Ooo," he sucks in through his teeth. "That's rough, girly."

"You ass!" you yell again as you stand up. "You know my name by now, cut the stupid shit act and use it!"

"Really? I'd rather listen to you say mine," he smirks as he takes yet another bite of his chip.

"What did you say?!"

As you begin to stomp across the small space towards the man you currently wish you could kill, you hear Bokuto from the kitchen telling you to calm down and not to let the jerk get to you, but it's all background noise as steam begins to simmer out from your ears.

Roughly, your hand slams down on the back of the chair, just beside Jun's head. You lean your head close to him, making sure he keeps his annoying four eyes trained on you. He smirks, making you sick to your stomach, but you're not going to let that get to you.

"Look you piece of shit, you're going to help me and my friends get our stuff back so I can get the hell out of this shithole!" you shout in his face.

"Why should I?" he smirks wider, knowing that he's only frustrating you more.

"Because we won't leave here without our stuff and if we stay you're going to be stuck with us forever," you grin back.

"Oh, by the way, Hotaru. Did you hear back from Saeko?" Bokuto asks to disrupt the tension you've put between yourself and Jun.

"She said she can't get here 'til Sunday 'cause of work and how long the drive is, but she'll be here as soon as she can!"

"See, bud?" you hum. "We've got all week."

"Man, you're one annoying girl, you know that?" Jun groans. "What if I pay you idiots to go away?"

"How much," Kuroo scoffs, knowing that no amount could make up for everything they've just lost. "Is it enough to make up for what was stolen from us?"

"Fine!" Jun shouts before mumbling to himself. "You jerks. I'll help but you're really going to be in my debt now, sweetheart."

You pull your hand away and stand up, looking down at him with disgust. "Perv," you spit before Bokuto grabs your shoulder and pulls you away.

Finally having enough space to eat again, Jun reaches into his bag of chips and begins devouring them once more. "They throw parties on Thursday nights, too. Thursdays and Saturdays, always at the Jade," he nods. "You'll definitely run into whoever you met then... Oh, and one more thing. You should move your RV so it doesn't look like you're still here, though."

"So? What do we do guys?" Kuroo asks. "We gonna trust this loser?"

"Loser?..." Jun huffs to himself as he takes another chip and eats it.

"Yeah, I guess so," Bokuto shrugs as he looks over at you.

"Sure," you reply as your eyes catch onto his.

Kenma shrugs. "If he's not, we'll just kick his ass, too."

"I like that plan," Hotaru smiles.

"Works for me," Akaashi agrees.

"Alright, nerd. You got yourself a deal," Kuroo tells Jun. "Where should we move the van?"

A/N: omg sorry I couldn't NOT put in a death note reference. in my head, jun looks so similar to light and the chips just... ugh...

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now