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When you get back to the RV the next morning, there's a loud commotion coming from inside.

"What's with all the noise?" you groan through a raging headache as you walk up the few steps into the camper.

"Y/N! You'll never believe what happened!" Bokuto shouts. "I don't even wanna hear Akaashi call me an idiot ever again!"

"Hm," you nod as you walk over, believing that whatever Bokuto's about to say is a pile of bullshit that Akaashi will deny in a heartbeat. You then slide into the small table beside Akaashi and open up a bottle of pain pills. "What's he going on about, 'Kaashi?"

"No, no, don't ask him!" Bokuto yells once again. You suppose that these meds must do wonders since he was falling asleep mere minutes ago when you had lent him to Kuroo at the vending machine. "He probably won't own up to it again, but check out his neck!"

Akaashi scoffs as you look over at him inquisitively. You slightly pull down the somewhat suspicious turtleneck he's got on and see that his entire neck is riddled with black and purple marks.


"'Kaashi slept in some random girl's room last night!" Bokuto shouts, but pouts more than anything else as he speaks.

"No way!" you gasp. "So that's why you disappeared!"

"It's not a big deal, Y/N," he grumbled. "At least I made the most out of the situation."

"Not a big deal?!" Bokuto rolls his eyes. "You never do that kinda stuff!"

Just then, Kuroo yawns and slides into the seat across from you.

"So where were you last night?" you ask him, remembering that he also is still wearing the same clothes as last night.

"You got memory loss?" he sighs as he takes a bite of a Pop-Tart. "I already told you that I woke up in the pool."

"Oh yeah, that's right," you nod. "Bokuto and I were there, too." You then look past him over towards Kenma sitting on the chair under the television. "How 'bout you, Ken?"

"Huh, me? I... uh..."

"Don't say you got laid, too," Kuroo groans as he takes another bite of his food.

"No!" Kenma defends. "I went to some girl's room and we played GTA..."

"No way," Kuroo scoffs. "You don't even like GTA!"

"What was I supposed to do when you assholes ditched me?!" he retorts.

"I dunno, not go to some random half-naked girl's room?!"

"Calm down," Hotaru sighs from her spot on the couch where her head is covered by a pillow. "If you're jealous just say so. If not, then move on! Who cares!"

"Man, I can't believe Akaashi's the only one who got laid," you sigh as you think about your night with Bokuto and how he totally cock blocked you.

"Yeah, none of us can believe it, Y/N," Kuroo groans.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" you and Akaashi both ask.

"Oh, nothing... Just, you know... You had the easiest shot but totally blew it."

"Excuse me?!"

Kuroo only rolls his eyes, not giving you clarification. (Not that you really need it. You know exactly what he's insinuating.) As for Bokuto, he's still fuming. So much so that smoke is about to come out of his ears. Bokuto pushes Kuroo over on the little bench and sighs, putting his head on his hand. You smile at the cute little gesture, thinking Bokuto looks quite adorable when he pouts.

{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now