thirty nine

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

Your heart races as you gently pull away from his lips, you can't believe you finally kissed him. He was sweet and soft, just like you imagined he'd be. You can't help but grin as you take his cheeks in your hands.

"I love you so much," you whisper in a hum. "You really worried me beyond belief these last few days, you know."

"I know, I really am sorry," he sighs defeatedly. "I promise I am going to try not to do anything so stupid ever again."

You smile softly, knowing that he really does mean what he says. When you kiss him for the second time, you hum against his lips. "It doesn't matter anymore," you mutter. "You're here now and that's what matters to me."

"Yeah, as long as I don't explode from a full bladder," he chuckles.

"Ah, sorry," you apologize as you pull away, forgetting how much time you've just spent away from your group who's probably thinking that the two of you got lost.

You show Bokuto the way to the bathroom, and as you wait all you do is smile. You're beyond happy that you finally got to express what you've been thinking. You can't believe he actually admitted that he loves you, too. It's like some kind of whirlwind that tries to knock you off your feet and make you feel lightheaded, and all you can do in return is smile like an idiot.

When you finally get back to the group by the camper, you notice Akaashi staring between the two of you as though he's already figured out what's happened without having to ask any questions. But as his eyes glare into yours to try to read your mind, Hotaru stands up and interrupts the awkward eye contact.

"Hey, Y/N, think you could help me gather some wood? Saeko went out and grabbed a firepit while you and Bo were off getting lost for the past half hour," she teases, obviously knowing that something might have been going on, just like Akaashi figured out.

You agree to help her out, but first sit Bokuto down in a chair beside his best friend safely before Hotaru grabs your hand and walks off with you deep into the woods.

"So what was that all about?" she whispers as she picks up a few large branches that had fallen onto the ground. "That bathroom break took forever with Bokuto. I doubt he'd ask you to wait for him if he was planning on going number two."

"It wasn't like that at all," you smile as you dreamily lean your back up against the side of a tree. "He told me that he's in love with me."

"What?!" Hotaru gasps, almost dropping the wood she's collected. "Wha- What did you say back?!"

"I told him that I love him, too," you admit.

"No way!" she beams, almost thinking about hugging you before realizing that her arms are full. "I'm so happy for you two! I knew you'd make something good happen on this cursed trip! And finally you both admitted what everyone else knew all along!"

You smile, ignoring her last comment for the sake of not arguing. "Thanks, it felt so good to talk to him about it properly this time. It was getting super frustrating."

"No shit!" she giggles. "I can't even begin to imagine how long you two were bottling all that up for! Since back in college at least!"

You reluctantly admit to her that she's completely right and that you're glad you finally came to terms with your emotions.

When the two of you arrive with arms of sticks and wood back at the campsite, the others are staring you down with open mouths and catching flies. Knowing why, you ignore them until you place the wood into the fire pit and stand up.

"What?" you huff. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No," Kenma shakes his head slowly, a bit too speechless to say anything else.

"What is it then?" you roll your eyes. "Just spit it out, you jerks!"

Kuroo smirks and steals your attention. "We just realized you two are less stupid than we thou-"

"Shut up," Akaashi nudges him. "It's nothing, Y/N. We're just happy for you two."

"Alright, I get it," you sigh as you sit beside Bokuto. "He can't keep a secret for longer than five minutes, after all."

Bokuto smiles sheepishly, but it's not like it's really a big deal. They were going to find out eventually and you did tell Hotaru, too.

Hotaru saves you from the conversation that's about to ensue as she loudly huffs and throws down the firewood as though her arms were about to break off from the weight.

"Hey, Saeko, think you can start the fire?"

You're so grateful for Hotaru and quietly pray thanks to her. You quite literally wouldn't even be here without her, she must be some sort of goddess.

Once Saeko starts the fire, your group sits around in the chairs previously from the camper and relax against the warmth it gives. Loud laughing and chatting are heard long after the sun sets. But after awhile, Bokuto wordlessly gets up and hobbles into the camper alone. You noticed he looked a bit somewhat in pain, but the second you hear pained noises as though he's bumping into everything along the way to his bunk, you think you should probably go and check on him.

The instant you look over at Hotaru, she rolls her eyes at Bokuto's clumsiness.

"I'm gonna go inside," you tell her.

"Yeah," she giggles, "that's a good idea. Make sure he doesn't kill himself. I don't want to go back to another hospital."

You smile at her comment. "I'll be right back."

"Yeah, right," she and Kuroo both scoff at the same time.

You shake your head, though your smile only grows as you walk towards the camper door. If this night has taught you anything, it's how thankful you are for your friends, and how lucky you are for this experience of getting together despite how you all unfortunately parted ways after school.

 If this night has taught you anything, it's how thankful you are for your friends, and how lucky you are for this experience of getting together despite how you all unfortunately parted ways after school

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now