thirty three

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"Four of us can still walk. We'll just have to split up and find a signal."

"Split up?" Bokuto shouts. "You mean someone's gonna leave? After what just happened to Kuroo?!"

"I'll go then," Akaashi shrugs. "I don't mind."

"No," you then interrupt. "'Kaashi, you shouldn't go alone. I'll go, too."

Bokuto stares at you as though you've just told him he can never play volleyball again. It's quite obvious without even asking that he's against you leaving.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine. I can't let Akaashi go alone," you tell him. "Besides, Kenma can take over for me while I'm gone, right?"

"So can I!" Hotaru smiles as she steps over to the couch.

"Great, then it's settled," Akaashi nods. "Y/N, I'm ready whenever you are."

"Sure, let me just change," you tell him before climbing up the loft to change out of your bloody clothes. All the while, you hear hushed arguing continue about the idea of sending people out to the dark. However, you want more than anything to go out. You know more than anyone else there how important it is to get the two of them to the hospital as soon as possible and you'd do anything to bring them there.

After throwing on a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants, you climb back downstairs. Akaashi passes you your phone as he tucks his own into his pocket. The two of you then give a few quick goodbyes before taking your leave.

You follow Akaashi down the steps, taking his hand as you step away from the camper to avoid the same fate as Kuroo. The two of you then begin to walk away from the RV and search for any signal or sign of life on the abandoned road you've found yourself on.

At some point, you let go of Akaashi's hand and use both of your hands to reach up and stretch with the hopes of locating a single bar on your phone. The second one pops up, you gasp and scurry to open your phone. However, before you can even type a single digit to place a call, the signal dies out.

"Shit," you mutter before turning around to Akaashi in the pitch-black night around you. However, he's not beside you.

"'Kaashi!" you call out. "Akaashi, where are you!?"

When there's still no answer, you begin to walk in whatever your legs carry you. You have absolutely no idea which direction you came from anymore. All you can do is call out to your friend and hope he can hear you. But as seconds turn to minutes, you begin to panic. You turn the flashlight on your phone and spin around the empty section of the road you find yourself standing on.

Suddenly, something grabs hold of your shoulder, forcing a shriek to erupt from your throat. But as you're hushed and pulled into a warm chest, you begin to relax.

"I'm sorry," Akaashi's voice attempts to soothe and calm you down. "I walked a bit further down the road than you, but I'm here now. Please don't freak out, it's just me."

You take a deep breath as you relax into his embrace. He really did scare the shit out of you. And after the night you've been having, it's nice that he's able to settle your nerves just a little.

But before you can get too relaxed, a bright light shines onto your side. The two of you look down the road and see a car's lights drawing near. Akaashi steps to the side of the road and nervously pulls you behind him to shield you from the car.

"If anything goes wrong, run," he says strictly. "You're going to run straight into the forest and not come back, do you understand?"

"I don't want to leave you," you mutter as you grip tightly onto his arms. "Don't make me."

"If you don't go, I'll have to push you away. Do as I say, Y/N!" he shouts back.

"Akaashi..." you mutter as you shut your eyes close as the car begins to slow down to a stop right in front of him. All you know right now is that you don't want to leave, you can't leave him behind. If Jun's somehow found you, you can't just let Akaashi get killed.

The car's window rolls down in slow motion. You stay quietly hidden behind him as your fingers grip tightly onto the back of his shirt. Why does this have to happen? Why do you have to get into even more trouble? Can't they just leave you the hell alone already?!

"Yo!" a girl's voice calls out from the car.

You slowly open your eyes and peek out from behind Akaashi to see Saeko glaring back at you. An audible breath of relief falls from your lips as you drop down onto your knees.

"What the hell are you two doin' out here?!" she asks. "What happened?"

Akaashi, half in shock that he's still alive, can only mutter a response. "Uh, the camper broke down... Kuroo messed up his knee..."

"Well you two look like shit, too. Get the hell in here," she sighs as she unlocks her car doors.

Akaashi helps you up and sits you in the passenger seat beside Saeko before taking a seat in the back. However, he probably should have sat in the back since you have absolutely no idea how to show her to the RV. Luckily, Akaashi's able to point her in the right direction.

When you arrive, Saeko stops the car and shifts in her seat to get a better view of the two of you. "What's our next move?" she asks worriedly.

Akaashi looks to you before giving his idea. "I think you should take Kuroo and Bokuto to the hospital, Saeko. The rest of us will stick together and walk. Y/N and I know the road isn't too awful to walk on now."

"But we have no idea where the hospital is. It could be an hour's walk. We could be going in the wrong direction. And there's no signal for us to use a GPS..."

"You don't have to worry about that," he shakes his head. "I saw a sign before when we got separated. The hospital is a five mile walk back in the direction we just came from."

"That shouldn't be too bad," Saeko nods. "Let's go load the two idiots into the car."

You agree. "Good idea. The quicker we start, the better."


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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now