Chapter 13:

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(Y/N) pov:

"These are the stables?" I asked.

The place looked more like a prison.

"Yeah, I asked Alvin if the dragons could get actual stables but he declined. He said we shouldn't put too much taught into dragons, there just animals." Liam told me.

He's words hurt but what should I expect from vikings? Them to make a 5 star hotel for dragons? I wish.

"I'm supposed to be training them?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's what he said, isn't it?" he asked and I nodded in response.

I've only ever had a dragon bow down to me. I never had a dragon as a friend, only my brother but that was years ago.

"So I'm supposed basically befriend them?" I asked again.

" don't spend allot of time around anyone do you?" he asked.

"How can you tell?" I asked.

"Your slouching and your eyes are narrowed. That means your aware of the people around you, but your eyes wouldn't be narrow if you were used to it." he explained.

Observant. Also kind of a creep but it's fine...

"Which one is yours?" I ask.

"We don't choose a particular dragon and say 'this is my dragon'. We just use them when we need them." he answered.

"Oh" I said trying to hide disappointment.

Hiccups pov:

Dragons Edge

This afternoon I was looking for (Y/N) to see if she wanted to fly with me and Toohtless. I couldn't find her anywhere, I flew around the island looking for her.

I was in the sky when I saw her, I was about fly to her but then I saw Alvin and a blonde boy with her. My mind tried to define what was going on.

I flew a bit closer to them but remained out of view.

"Thanks for rescuing me." said the blonde boy. I think he saw me at the corner of his eye but I guess not.

"But remember lass, don't forget our deal. " Alvin told (Y/N).

(Y/N) pov:

I saw Hiccup flying above us behind a tall tree. We all noticed him and decided to play along with what Liam said.

After Alvin left Hiccup 'revealed' himself.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"Alvin kidnapped Liam from his island." I quickly lied.

"Okay.... Welcome Liam." Hiccup said shaking Liams hand.

"Nice to meet you." Liam said in response.

"Let me show you around." Hiccup said.

" no no. It's fine. I'm not going to be here for long. I'm just gonna camp in the woods." he replied.

"Suit yourself." siad Hiccup as he saddled on Toohtless he smiled at Liam.

Underground burrows

"Here is my plan to destroy the dragon riders and Berk." I said pointing my hand at an open book.

Liam quickly read through it.

"Solid plan" he said as he leaned on the wall.

I heard movement coming from one of the tunnels.

"It's back." I sighed mentioning the Whispering Death.

The Whispering Death poked it's head in my little underground cave. I morphed into my dragon for and started growling at it.

"Stop for a second." Liam told and I stopped growling but still stared fiercely at the dragon.

Liam walked closer to it and raised it's hand. He placed he's hand against the Whispering Deaths head.

Suprisingly the dragon didn't growl or attack but instead it look softened and it let out a purr.

I looked at the two then looked at Liam. A bond between a human and a dragon. Doesn't sound that dumb now that I think of it.

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