Chapter 10:

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My story almost has 100 reads! Thx to everyone who is reading my book, I really appreciate it!

(Y/N) pov:

I was flying, away from Dragons Edge, away form Hiccup, from Fishlegs, Astrid, the twins, away from Snotlout, away from my problems. I was going to leave and dissapear never to be seen again.

That was the plan, to leave and forget about everything and everyone. But when I looked back and saw the fire on Dragons Edge slowly spreading, I felt guilt, and that guilt was spreading faster than the fire. I couldn't just leave them and let there island burn like mine.


As I flew closer to Dragons Edge I thought of a plan to stop the fire.

I landed on Dragons Edge, the others haven't noticed me in all the chaos. I flew higher and higher and higher until the island was almost out of sight. I breathed in and let out the biggest sonic blast I could, but this one wasn't blue, it was light pink and it didn't cause more damage to the island but rather stopped thd fire completely.

As I landed back on Dragons Edge I saw Hiccup and the gang stare in awe at the trees that were on fire just a second ago.

"How did you do that?" asked Astrid in awe.

"Tha-that was incredible!" exclaimed Fishlegs.

"I could've done that."said Snotlout bitterly trying to hide his expression
of shock.

"Awesome!" shouted the twins in unity.

"You saved us, we thaught you left." siad Hiccup gratefully as I morphed into my human form.

"I did, but you guys are my friends. I couldn't just leave you to die." I said. I mean I could've....

"Well thank you so much!" exclaimed Astrid hugging me.

Even though I didn't want to I hugged her back. For that second, I forgot about everything, my brother, my parents, the deal with the outcasts. I couldn't help but smile.

The next day

Hiccups pov:

I couldn't help but think about the fear I felt when I saw the fire spreading on Dragons Edge. I have grown attached to this place and it felt like my second home. The people I love are here, on Dragons Edge.

We went back to Berk to inform my farther about what has happened in the short time span of a week.

"From being a wild animal to a herione! Cheers to that!" exclaimed Gobber.

"I have to say son, that girl changed." said my dad.

I smiled at the thaught my dad was pleased.

"But don't forget, she is still a wild animal." he said shortly after.

(Y/N) pov:

I looked around the the great hall well Hiccup was talking to his farther, Stoick, on the other side of the room. I saw a  familiar symbol on one of the paintings

 I saw a  familiar symbol on one of the paintings

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The horror I felt when I relaised what it was. I looked at Stoick who was across the room. The man who killed my parents. My heart was racing and I stared at Stiock and Hiccup in disbelief.


I hope you liked this chapter! Please follow me if your enjoying the read! Only followers will get certain messages regarding the story.

Bye for now

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