Chapter 6

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(Y/N) pov:

It's night time,after the whole deal. I was still on dragons edge and I whish I wasn't. My wing was still hurt and I couldn't fly, so I found a cave in the woods on the island. I'll stay there until my wing is healed and I've carried out my deal. Do destroy Hiccup and the other riders.

I was resting in the cave, a lake surrounded it. No one found my cave yet, except the one person I was trying to avoid.....

"Hey there." said Hiccup as he poked his head in MY cave. I have now claimed it.

He wasn't the only one there, he was also with Toothless who playfully roared at me.

I was in my dragon form and was not in the mood for any human or dragon interactions. I just moaned and rolled over to lay farther away form Hiccup. Didn't work.

"What's up?" he asked walking in to the cave.

I growled at him my eyes narrowing.

"Okay, not much of a talker, totally get it

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"Okay, not much of a talker, totally get it." he said in response.

I turned into my human form.

"No you don't, otherwise you would shut up." I replied spitefully.

I saw that Hiccup looked offended and I WISH I didn't care but I did!

"Im sorry." I apologized and sat down.

"Don't worry about it. C'mon bud, let's go." he said, motioning for Toothless to follow him. Toothless shook his head as if saying 'no'
and sat next to me.

"Guess he still likes even after what happened at outcast Island." I said smiling.

"What happened on outcast Island though? You didn't say much." he said as he sat down next to me.

"Well..... I... You see.... He.... I had to......" I wanted to tell him but I remembered, 'you always have to look out for number one'.

And why am I even talking to him?!

"What happened?" he asked again.

"They shot me with a few arrows and locked me up, they bribed me saying that it's been a day, Hiccup isn't going to come and save you. I'll let you go if you get close to him and destroy him." I said, and then realized I said that. Why did I say that? I don't know.

I didn't tell him everything though, like how I'm backstabbing him and will eventually literally stab him in the back.

" Oh-I'm sorry if you thaught I wasn't coming. "he said apologetically.

There's that guilt coming back.

" Don't worry about it. " I said.

A few minutes later Hiccup and Toothless left, good. I saw a ship near the island when I was looking for a cave and it's an outsiders ship. I headed to it walking because if my freaking wing that was really starting to irratate me.

" Took you long enough." said Savage.

I was in my dragon form and growled at him.

"Alvin is eating for you in the boat." he said ignoring my growling.

I headed onto the boat and saw Alvin.

"There's the lass who's going to help us." said Alvin to the other people on the ship.

I morphed into my human form,"What now?" I asked waring for my demands.

"I need yuo to get close to Hiccup and the blonde girl." he said.

"Which one?" I asked.

"There's more than one?" Alvin asked Savage who shrugged.

"The one who actually looks like a girl." he said again.

"What do I do after that?" I then asked.

"Then you report to Savage, hell be in charge of you." said Alvin.

"Got it." I said in response.

Both myself and Savage walked off the ship.

"You here that little girl? I'm in charge of you." he said grinning.

"Let's make one thing clear." I began to say as a walked closer to him.
"Alvin is not my boss, he's yours. And I am the one making everything happen so I don't answer to you." I said backing up against a tree.
"You answer to me. Got it?" I finished.

He gulped and nodded then headed back to the ship and they left.

Now off to find Hiccup and be nice to him. I'm am not thrilled about this.

Hope you liked this chapter, please comment if you did!


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