Chapter 7

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Let's continue though

Hiccups pov:

I was in the fields, laying next to Toothless.

"I don't know bud. How can we be friends with her?" I asked him.

Toothelss moaned and rested his head on a rock

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Toothelss moaned and rested his head on a rock.

As I was about to say something I saw a dragon approaching us, (Y/N)
She was in her dragon form for onc, wasn't growling at me. She had a pleasent look on her face.

She stood there purring and came and sat next to me

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She stood there purring and came and sat next to me. She didn't look at me, she didn't talk to me, she just stood there. Not doing anything.

(Y/N) pov:

Say something! I can't just sit here like some creep!

"Hey." said Hiccup uneasily.

I could just kill him now but if I do that everyone will know it's me. I have to first gain everyone's trust.

I morphed into my human form and asked, "Wanna go for a ride?" I asked him.

He nodded and saddled on Toothless. I morphed back into my dragon form but then remembered something as I attempted to fly.

"Stupid wings." I said as I morphed into my human form and cursed under my breath.

"You can ride on Toothless with me?" Hiccup suggested.

"Yeah, okay."  I said.


We were flying high in the sky just below th clouds, I looked down and saw the endless ocean. I decided to have some fun.

Well we were still flying I stood up on Toothless and dived down.

I was still falling but now I spreaded my arms across as if they were wings.

"What are you doing?!" I heard Hiccup shout.

"Having a little fun!" I shouted back.

I saw a rock a few hundred feet below me and morphed into my dragon form, I was still unable to fly so I spreaded my wings. The wind kept wings up and slowed down my fall. I landed gently on the rock with Hiccup and Toothless landing after me.

I morphed back into my human form.

"You could've gotten hurt!" Hiccup said worried.

I couldn't help myself and laughed seeing how terrified Hiccup looked.
Toothless also snickered and grinned.

I was still laughing when Hiccup said.

"C'mon let's go." he said looking humiliated.

"Oh, I'm sorry for laughing." I said trying to straighten my face.

Toothless put no effort in trying to hide his laugh.

"Don't be like that Toothless!" I said smiling.

"Well, guess no salmon for you bud." said Hiccup to Toothless.

Toothless turned around with his back facing Hiccup.

Hiccup as well started laughing looking at how Toothless was pouting.
We were all laughing until we saw a ship.

"Look what we got here boys! A night fury." siad a Dragon Hunter.

I morphed into my dragon form attempt to fly away. My wing was still paining but I tried to ignore the pain and flew up anyways. Hiccup flying up after. The men started to shoot arrows and we tried to fly higher out of the arrows reach. Hiccup and Toothless were of course flying higher than me due to my wing. As I was flying I heard an arrow shoot and it hit my injured wing. I couldn't fly no matter how much I tried and started falling.

Hiccups pov:

My eyes flashed in terror seeing (Y/N) falling. I tried to dive down and catch her but you can't catch a dragon. I looked closer at her and realized she fell unconscious. She morphed into a human while she was flying.

"We got a catch!" shouted the Dragon Hunter.

I caught her right before she hit the water and laid her down on the rock. I would first have to fight off the dragon hunters but I couldn't do it alone. I gestured for Toothless to sonic blast and he did, facing up in the sky. Hopefully the others would see it. And surely they did.

A few minutes later we were all fighting the dragon hunters. When the retreated we went back to Dragons Edge with (Y/N").

I've relished that already 54 people have read my book! Thank you so much! Maybe 70 reads when I publish chapter 10? I just need a new goal here.

But thx for the support, bye for now!

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