Chapter One

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I hope you like the story!

Hiccups pov:

It was nighttime and I was in the woods looking for my prosthetic leg that Toothless threw into the woods, without my peg leg I can't fly him. As I was searching I heard a rustle in the bushes, I thought it was a terrible terror but as I walked closer I realized it was a much bigger dragon,a lightfury. But it looked odd, Toothless was intrigued and stepped closer,this startelling the dragon.

The odd lightfury stepped out of the bush,scared. I slowly approached her trying to show that she can trust me. It was starting to work until she saw my sword and backed away. I dropped my sword near her, thinking she would kick it away, but instead, what happened next was intriguing.

She turned into a human girl about my age, 18. I was shocked but Toothless just walked closer to her.

(Y/N) pov:

This human boy with funny hair and nightfury approached me. The boy dropped his sword beside me, ha, wrong move.

I lifted the sword swiftly and pointed it at the boy. The nightfury growled at me and grabbed the sword. He gave it back to the boy. The nightfury was still growling at me. I turned back into my dragon form and growled back. The boy backing away,calling his nightfury to back up too. They didn't do anything but look at me.

I decided th back away as well, when I turned around I saw a small metal item (peg leg) that I was playing with earlier. I picked it up and turned around to see the boy and his nightfury right behind me. I dropped the metal thing and held it under my claw. The boy reached out his hand, about to touch my forehead. I immediately turned back into my human dorm and grabbed his hand before he could touch me. His hand still held up I let go.

Hiccups pov:

The girls hasn't said a word but rather stared at me with both anger and curious look in her face. I wasn't sure what to do,I would fly away right now but she was still holding my peg leg.

"Can I have that back?" I asked.

She shifted and turned back into a dragon. She handed it to me by using her claw to roll it. I picked it up. Toothless who has grown more curiosity, touched her head with his claw, the dragon girl hit him on his head with her claw and turned around. As she was walking away she looked back at me with her eyes narrowed as if saying something was wrong, as I looked behind me, an arrow was heading straight for me. I didn't have time to react but dragon girl did. She jumped over Toothless and used her wing to cover me.

(Y/N) pov

I'm not certain why I tried to save him. My wing blocking him away from the arrow. The arrow shot my wing and I let out a roar of pain, I cowered back behind a tree. Watching the boy fight the dragon hunters that was after him and his dragon.

He quickly jumped onto his dragon flying into the sky. I thaught I was done for seeing the dragon hunters attention switch to me.

But the boy flew down.

"Toothless! Now!" I heard him shout before the nightfury sonic blasted at the dragon hunters.

The dragon hunters ran and left. I tried to fly away bakc to my cave but I couldn't, my wing was too badly injured. It would take a few days to heal but I couldn't lay in the woods out in the open now that dragon hunters now where I stay. I didn't know what to do.

"Do you want a ride?" asked the boy flying above me.

I didn't, I really didn't but it's too dangerous to be down on the forest floor. I turned into my human form and looked at him. He flew down and landed mxt to me,hes dragon gave a gummy smile towards me.

The not reached out his hand to help me in but I pushed it away getting on by myself. I wasn't going to accept help from him even though he was taking home.

I thaught he was taking me home until we landed on a different island with a few buildings (dragons edge). No one was around.

"You can say something, you know?" said the boy to me

I attempted to open my mouth but no words came out. I haven't spoken in a long time.

"Fine." I managed to say at last.

"What's your name?" he asked.

I refused to give him my name and rather turned into my dragon firm attempting to fly once again. It didn't work, so much for my get away.

"I'm Hiccup." he siad.

Still in my dragon form I examined him. He had green eyes and brown hair and a small scar on his chin.

I turned into my human form once again and said, "I'm"(y/n). What's it to you? "

Then I realized something, I'm the only one of my kind and this is probably wierd to him. I looked at his confused face then I looked at my arm and saw a bloody scar and cursed under my breath.

" Let me help you. "said Hiccup.

I wasn't sure but nodded anyway. He led me to a wooden hut which I assumed is his. He wiped the blood off my arm which hurt and in fright I turned into my dragon form and growled at him, startling Toothless. I wanted to fly away but I couldn't so I went bakc to my human form and let Hiccup continue.

When my arm was bandaged I turned into a dragon and walked out with Toothless trailing behind me. I growled at him as if saying 'back off'. He stopped and I resumed walking to a pine forest. I saw a little cave with a lake next to it with flower and entered. I rested my head on a rock and the next thing I knew I was sound asleep.

I hope you liked chapter one I apologize if it's a bit short for your liking.

Chapter 2 will come out soon!

Lightfury in The Woods 1Where stories live. Discover now