55 1 4

sunday 2/21/2021

My back is against her door waiting for her to come out so I can explain. I've been waiting for her every since I got back to the house which was last night. I haven't slept, ate, used the bathroom— nothing. My dried up tears are all over my eyes. My eyes feel heavy from how puffy they are. I can only imagine how red they are. I've been trying many ways to get her to open the door but nothing.

I look down to the anklet I gave her as a promise but I broke that promise. Casey is very sensitive with promises and I broke her  even more. Casey keeps forgiving me but I keep acting like a total dick towards her.

Even worse I cheated on her on her birthday! She traveled from New Jersey to California so we can spend her birthday together.  Our relationship was finally getting better but I fucked it up.

I feel the door open from behind me and see Casey. I quickly lift myself up before falling on my back. "Casey-" I felt her bump my shoulder while she walks away from me with her suitcases following behind her. I quickly grab her wrist to make her stop but she pulled her hand back and kept walking as if I'm not here. "Casey!" I turn to see Louis coming out of the room Casey was staying at.

I felt anger build up, felt my blood boiling up from just thinking of what they could of been doing in that same room, that same bed. Before I can even think another thought, I punched him. I punched square in the face. Louis falls  back from the impact and holds his nose which is already oozing blood.

"Louis!" Casey comes back running to him. She tries to look around without moving his hand to she if she can find any other  injuries. "What the hell Alejandro! Why did you punch him for? He didn't do anything dumbass!"  Casey yells at me with angry filling up her eyes."C'mon Louis, let's get you cleaned up." She helps him up while shaking her head in disappointment at me.

Casey helps Louis by guiding him back to the room to clean up the blood and help him stop the nose  bleed. After, she closes the door just leaving me outside the hallway.

I quickly run to the room I'm staying at and pack all of belongings quickly. I'm leaving with her either she likes it or not. We belong together, but I don't act like it or show it. I ran all over the room just to make sure I have everything. I didn't care if it is organized or not. I know I'm leaving with her.

Grabbing my last minute things and throwing on a sweater, I rush out my room hoping she is still here. I skip some steps with my bags behind me, don't even care if I twist my ankle. My goal was trying to get my girl back. A whole wall of people stopped me from going further down the stairs. I look at them all confused.

"What are you guys think you are doing?" I asked looking at them weirdly. I know they know I cheated on Casey but that's our business, no one else.

"Were are not letting you get anywhere close with Cassandra." Louie stated with face that screams disgust at me. I look at everyone else to see they have the same face. I didn't care though. I only cared whatever Casey had to say.

"Cool, now can you let me go? This is our business, not all of you. I want to fix things with her, I love her." They all look at me as if I'm dumb

"If you really did love her then you wouldn't cheat." One of Casey friends say. She right, if I did truly love Casey I wouldn't cheat but I want to try and fix things and that means I need to get to her.

"You're right, but it was a mistake—"

"Did you realized it was a mistake when you saw Casey or realized it was a mistake when her lips touched yours?" Louie said. I know what he means. If only realized it was a mistake when Casey was there because she was there or because the whole time is was a mistake.

"The whole thing was a mistake." I stated while looking at all of her friends. They look at me as if I think they are crazy.

"If it was a mistake then you wouldn't kiss her that long, if it was a mistake you wouldn't smile like you did at the end." I hear loudly behind me. I turn around to see her with tears in her eyes still. I try to go up to her but she backs away with a hand out in front of her. "You know what you were doing but yet still kissed her. You know I would compare myself to her but yet you still did it. You know my pass, you know my troubles but yet you still went. It's because I'm a mess right? I told you and you said you would still stay but look at you. Look at that anklet you're holding, the promise you gave me. Couldn't even hold the promise for 5 months. You can keep that bracelet too."  I look down to my wrist. The same day I gave her the anklet is the same day I got this bracelet. "I don't want to do anything with you anymore" She looks at me with pure disgust.

Casey bumps my shoulder again put leaves the front door with her belongings after telling 'bye' to everyone. I don't go to chase after her this time. I just let her. I couldn't. What was going to be my explanation? Nothing good. Doesn't matter if I was 'drunk' or because it was a dare. There was no reason for me to cheat on her.

I knew her problems but still went to kiss her. I knew she didn't like Devenity but I still went for it. I knew she thinks she's a total mess up but I made it even worse.

I felt my eyes well up again with tears. God I'm such a fucking idiot. Nothing good happens when I come here. I think this modeling and acting job was bad luck for me. I think I will just stick with soccer. All the time I come back to LA nothing but bad happens.

I grab my stuff and leave through the front door. I help Casey putting her stuff in the trunk and I also put my stuff in.

"What are you doing Alejandro?" Casey says with anger laced in her voice. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and look at her.

"I 'm leaving too. I won't talk to you or touch you or seat next to you on the plane. I'm leaving too." I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable but doing all the things I said I won't do. I will keep my promise, this time I will.

I go around to the back of the car and sat on one side of the car while Casey sits in the passenger seat.

"Los Angeles International Airport correct?" Louis asks. My blood starts to boil to see them so close to each other. I want to bring Casey to my side but I couldn't anymore. I'm a total fuck up.

"Yes." She replies softly. The car starts going and the trip to the airport is about 3 hours.

We are already on the main highway and radio is softly being playing in the background. I kept looking out the window so I wouldn't have to see them so close together, but when I look again. I see Louie grabs Casey's hand and holds it also moving his thumb back and forward on her thumb giving her comfort. I wanted to rip their hands apart because Casey didn't.

I close my eyes trying to forgot while he have an hour and half to the airport.

Please forgive me soon

i'm sorry i haven't updated in awhile and i'm sorry this is short. i'm finally done with testing and i get to finally post this. i know i haven't been active a lot, i've been losing motivation but i will try my best to post. i think i don't have a schedule anymore. i will post when i feel like it. but i love you all, eat and drink something beautifuls sorry for any questing mistakes <33

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