Chapter 33 - The Interview

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Kara ends her phone call with Alex, and then heads back into the bedroom area of the hotel room and hears Lena end the phone call with Sam too. As Kara enters the bedroom Lena is sitting on the bed with a smile on her face, looking as beautiful as ever.

"Hey." Kara smiles.

Lena turns and looks at Kara, in her eyes.

"Hey, you." Lena smiles back, moving on the bed to come closer to Kara.

Kara approaches Lena with a smile, and then takes the brunette in for a kiss.

"I love you." Kara says, again, feeling so happy right now.

Lena lets out a happy giggle.

"I love you too, darling." Lena replies.

"I love you." Kara repeats.

"You just said that!" Lena says, playfully tapping one of Kara's arms with her hand.

"I know, but I'm never going to get tired of saying it to you." Kara replies.

Lena didn't think it was possible, but upon hearing those words from Kara, she smiles even more than she already was. Lena honestly feels pretty overwhelmed right now, as she never thought any of this would be in the cards for her. But right now, Lena feels that she is so close to having everything, all she needs is for Lillian and Lex to be dealt with, so she can finally be free. Then after that, Lena knows her life is in her own hands, and Lena very much hopes that that future life involves Kara for a very long time.

"You make me so happy." Lena says.

"You make me very happy too." Kara says back, taking Lena in for a brief peck on the lips.

Kara and Lena kiss for a few minutes, however their kiss doesn't turn into anything hot and heavy, it is a kiss of love and tenderness, not one of pure sexual lust, like most of what they did the previous night.

"So......" Lena eventually says, after they part from their kiss, "what do we do now?"

Kara offers Lena a sad smile. All Kara wants right now is to hold Lena's hand and take her on all sorts of dates, romancing her, and just enjoying spending so much time with the former homeless woman, getting to know her even better than she already does. Or alternatively, Kara would like to just take Lena back to her penthouse and have her stay with her, even if it's not so they could have regular sex. However, Kara knows that right now, none of that is possible, not while Lex and Lillian are out there. Of course, the two ladies could go about their business, like Kara wants them to, but the superhero does not want to put her girlfriend in danger, and she never will. It is on that thought that Kara makes a realisation, she doesn't actually know if they are girlfriends or not.

"Uhhmmm.... before I answer that..... are we.... girlfriends?" Kara asks, awkwardly.

Lena lets out a small laugh.

"I think we are much more than that." Lena replies, with a smile, taking Kara in for another brief kiss, "But for now, girlfriends will do."

Kara happily kisses Lena back. Kara has honestly never felt like she does right now, upon someone confirming to her that they are actually a couple, that they are girlfriends. It feels absolutely amazing.

"Good." Kara nods, "I didn't want to presume.... I needed to be sure."

"Okay." Lena smiles, nodding her head as well, "So, back to my original question. What do we do now?"

Kara looks at Lena, in her beautiful green eyes, and then sighs.

"A part of me just.... wants to tell Lex and Lillian to go fuck themselves, and to try and take you away, and go out in the light of day and yell from the rooftops that Lena Luthor is my girlfriend, and the love of my life, but...... I can't put you in that sort of danger. If anything happened to you.... or happened to any of the people I care about because of that.... I would never forgive myself for it." Kara explains, "So.... the truth is..... I don't know Lena.... I don't have an answer for you on that.... I really wish I did.... You have no idea how annoying it is for me to not be able to figure out an answer to a situation, this one particularly."

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