Chapter 20 - Hair Dye Removal

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Kara wakes up the following morning, and at first, she doesn't really know where she is, as she opens her eyes and sees that she is not in her bedroom. However, Kara then feels someone move against her chest, and that is when she looks over and sees that she is in bed with Lena, who has snuggled up to her chest. Everything then comes back to Kara from the previous day, and even though there was some bad stuff in it, including Lena finally breaking down and crying over Jack Spheer's death, Kara can't help but smile. Kara feels so happy that she has Lena back, and was able to find and save her. But Kara is even more happy at their current situation, with Lena being so comfortable just being snuggled to her chest as she sleeps. Kara feels so close to Lena, and it makes her heart race thinking about their current situation. Kara knows that it is rare for someone to have this effect on her, so she begins to think that maybe, just maybe, Lena might be her soulmate in a romantic sense after all.

Kara spends the next few minutes just lying there, watching Lena, with a smile on her face. Kara doesn't want to move because she is scared that if she does, she'll wake Lena, and not only end this moment, which Kara doesn't want to end, but cause Lena to come out of some much-needed sleep. Kara knows that Lena has been through a lot over the last few days, and after running away from her didn't get much sleep, seeing as she was able to drive all the way to close to Jump City in around 24 hours.

"Hgmhmm..." Lena eventually mumbles, waking up.

Kara watches on, now even more unsure what to do. Kara isn't sure if Lena will be comfortable with her still being here, even though she was the one who asked her to stay last night. Although Kara is unsure if Lena said that while conscious or sleeping. Either way, it has caused Kara to just freeze, and her heart rate to sky rocket. Kara doesn't want to do anything to scare Lena off, and have the girl retreat in on herself again. Kara's aware that Lena is definitely a flight risk.

"Hgmhmmm." "Lena mumbles, again.

"L..ena?" Kara says, softly.

Lena continues to wake up, moving her body about, and basically moving her head further into Kara's chest. Eventually, Kara feels Lena suddenly flinch, as if she has just woken up and realised that she is snuggled into someone's chest.

"It's okay Lena." Kara says, soothingly.

Lena then slowly, and carefully, backs away from Kara, and looks up at her, a small smile on her face. Kara feels a small amount of hurt as Lena backs away, even if it is understandable.

"Hey." Kara smiles, "Did you sleep okay?"

"Ye....yeah." Lena replies, swallowing, "Thank you for..... staying with me..."

"Of course." Kara smiles, caringly.

Lena nods her head in response, not really knowing what else to say. Lena can feel her own heartbeat beating very fast, having been surprised by waking up snuggled against Kara, although it definitely can't be considered a bad surprise. Lena just feels bad that she essentially forced Kara to stay with her, just because she was sad and upset. Lena thinks that Kara doesn't deserve that.

"Hey." Kara says, noticing Lena getting a look on her face as if she is about to retreat in on herself. "It's okay. You don't have to think on any of those bad thoughts. I'm here, and I want to do whatever it takes to make you feel better."

Lena looks up at Kara again, and sees the CEO just giving her a thousand-watt smile. Lena can literally feel the comfort and care emitting off of Kara.

"Okay." Lena nods, taking a breath in.

"Good." Kara smiles, "Now, how about we start off with some breakfast?"

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