Chapter 11 - Dying Hair

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It is now Sunday for Kara and Keiran, and since Keiran's revelations the previous night to Kara, things have been a bit quiet between the two women. That's not to say things are quiet because there is any awkwardness or anything, there is not. The problem is that Kara recognises that Keiran clearly has a lot of trust issues with people, and from the sounds of things, rightfully so. So, due to this, Kara really doesn't want to push the homeless woman, and ask her any more questions, or force her into any further conversations which she is uncomfortable having. As for Keiran, she has just wanted to keep to herself a bit, after her conversation with Kara the previous day, accessing her current situation and working through things, trying to figure out if she can truly trust Kara completely. Keiran is aware that Kara does seem different than a lot of the other people she has trusted over the last few years, who have gone on to betray her. In fact, Krypto seems to absolutely love Kara, and she takes that as a good sign, as with all the other people he has always been hesitant with them, but with Kara, he liked her basically right away. So, Keiran has just kept to herself a bit, not really knowing what to talk to Kara about anymore, without having to open up further to the CEO, which she currently isn't comfortable with.

It is currently now about 11AM on the Sunday, and Kara and Keiran have spent their mornings still in this quietness with one another. There is no awkwardness or tension from the quietness however, both women are happy with the current situation, and are okay to sit in silence with each other, like they are long time friends who are comfortable just being in each other's presence, not needing to talk. Throughout the morning, Kara, at Keiran's approval, has once more taken Krypto out to do his business, and even took him for a nice long walk, testing out his new lead. Admittedly, Kara was a bit nervous to leave Keiran alone in her penthouse, scared that the homeless woman could perhaps leave while she was out. But at the same time, Kara knew that Keiran would not do this now, as she now has some idea as to just how much Krypto means to her, so she knows that she would never leave him. As for Keiran, during this morning she just spent her time relaxing, and continuing to try and recover from being stabbed. In fact, while Keiran was alone, she took the time to have a look at her own wound, just to make sure for herself that Kara really did a good job stitching her up, and admittedly she was happy with the work done on her. After that, Keiran spent the rest of the morning in her bed, watching some TV, and setting up her new phone that Kara got for her. Krypto did eventually join her when Kara returned from with him, laying on the bed with her.

Once Kara returned from the walk, after checking in on Keiran, and asking the woman if she needed anything, which the homeless woman of course responded that she didn't, Kara then decided to do some work in her home office, letting Keiran know where she would be. Kara doesn't usually work on Sundays, as even though she is a busy CEO, she does recognise that she needs some days off, and that usually means she keeps Sundays free no matter what. However, Kara didn't get any work done on Saturday, so because of that, she has decided she should do some work today. Kara never really does any heavy work on the weekends, as it's not like she can make business calls, or get in contact with her assistant or anything, as most of those people are not working over the weekend. So, working on the weekends usually just contains Kara doing some research for future or current El-Corp projects, working in her own private lab, doing some financial reports, working on boring spread sheets, or reading over extremely boring department reviews. Out of all those prospects, working in her home lab is the most entertaining thing that Kara does on the weekend, in regards to work, but she is not doing that today, as she doesn't think it would be a good idea to start working in her lab when Keiran may call out to her for something. So, this means that Kara has decided to just do her most boring work, which is also the work that can most easily be stopped at a moment's notice, and that is going over department reviews. Even though Kara has superspeed, and can read at an incredibly fast rate, she still finds the department reviews boring. Even though Kara has told her heads of department to be concise on several occasions, they always feel the need to stretch out the reviews, as if they need to meet a word count. This ultimately just makes Kara feel like she wastes her time reading these reviews, with some of them not even making much grammatical sense, and repeating words and phrases multiple times throughout. Then also, Kara does not like going over these department reviews, as usually it leads to her needing to fire someone. Kara usually finds that her heads of department are reluctant to fire anyone in their own department, and just leave it up to the CEO to make the decision. Sometimes this is simply because the heads of department don't see the wider picture, and don't understand how some things that the people under them have done are a fireable offence. But other times, Kara just knows that they are purposely avoiding firing the person, to avoid the whole awkwardness of having to fire someone, therefore making Kara do it, and frankly, Kara may be a ruthless CEO, but she does not enjoy firing people either.

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