Chapter 17 - Lena's Jail Time

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Kara wakes up the following day, and just for a moment, for a very brief one, she forgot about everything that has transpired. Kara forgot about the big hole in her heart now that Lena is gone. But Kara eventually remembers everything, and it hurts, a lot. Kara knows it's stupid, or at least other people may think it is stupid, because she didn't get to know much about Keiran, or Lena Luthor as her real name is. But Kara doesn't care about what other people think, all she knows is what she feels, and felt towards Lena. Kara isn't sure if it was friendship, or perhaps something more, but unless she does something, she will never find out. All Kara knows, is she feels that those few days that Keiran was with her, everything just felt like it was in place. Kara felt at peace. Kara didn't feel the need to be constantly working, or worrying about this, that, and the other. Kara was happy, and finally found someone who she could relax and be herself with. If Kara weren't a scientist, she would have said that maybe she found her soulmate in Lena. A soulmate, another part of you, that when the two parts come together, you feel complete like you have never felt before. Although, Kara thinks that maybe science does have something to do with it, maybe soulmates are not ridiculous after all, as soulmates are two individuals who share a deep natural affinity with each other, on a quantum realm. The theory of quantum entanglement would suggest that two particles, miles, or light-years apart, can be linked by their quantum state. So, Kara likes to think that maybe, she and Lena are those particles for one another, and will be linked together, no matter how far Lena goes from her. But this does not mean things have to be romantic, if soulmates exist, Kara believes that there could be soulmates who are perfect for one another, and complete each other, but not in a romantic sense, in a purely platonic friend way. Kara just really really hopes that one day she will be able to find out which one she and Lena are, if soulmates are even a thing of course.

Kara sighs as she sits up in bed, looking around her room and seeing that Krypto is lying next to her on the bed. If Kara were in a normal headspace, she would not allow Krypto onto the bed while she is sleeping, as she thinks it sets a bad precedent. However, Kara is not in her normal headspace right now, so she needs something to hold on to, a presence that is there with her, as if she doesn't have that, she thinks she may fall apart. Kara knows that sounds extreme, the idea of her falling apart just because some homeless woman she barely knows left her, after shooting her no less, but once more, Kara can't help it. Kara has never felt this emotional before, other than about someone's death, and she really doesn't understand it. Kara is just glad that she has spent the last few years, since becoming a CEO, controlling and mastering her own emotions, to hide them from people who may potentially take advantage of them, as it will come in handy now. Obviously, that isn't the healthiest thing to do, as it is like filling up a balloon with all those emotions, and unless you let some out, the balloon will eventually pop.

"Hello, boy." Kara says, sadly.

Krypto tilts his head up at Kara, and wags his tail slightly. Kara can't help but grow a smile on her face as a response to this. Kara thinks that dogs are truly magical in this way, being able to cheer people up, even in the worst of times, or perhaps it's just Krypto.

Kara reaches over and strokes Krypto for a few moments, using it as a form of meditation to relax herself from the stresses of the last few days. Eventually, after a few minutes, Kara gets up from her bed and decides to go straight into the shower. Kara has decided that she is sick and tired of being sad, and not being pro-active. Yesterday she and Alex came up with a plan, a long term one that could help Lena, by finding out as much about Lillian and Lex Luthor as possible, and hopefully finding something that would expose them for who they are, and set Lena free. So, Kara now has a determination to do that, for Lena, as that is the only way to get her back, and to put an end to the threats to her and Krypto's lives.

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