Chapter 10 - Jack Spheer

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"What?!" Kara asks, looking at Keiran, surprised.

"I'm homeless.... to protect Krypto... the... the people who I took him from.... they... they are very powerful.... and.... they have been looking for me ever since....." Keiran explains.

"So you..... you stole their dog?" Kara asks, confused.

Keiran goes wide-eyed, realising she hasn't explained the full context of the situation, as right now she has come off as someone who just stole a powerful person's dog.

"No! I saved him." Keiran quickly clarifies, "The people.... they.... they were doing experiments on him..... they... they'd already killed over 200 other dogs..... I just.... I had to save him."

Kara looks at Keiran for a moment, just looking at the homeless woman to see if she can figure out if she is lying or not. Ultimately, Kara sees nothing in Keiran's face, or any signs from her heartbeat, to suggest she is lying, so she decides she believes her.

"Okay..." Kara nods, "So.... what... what do you plan to do? You can't just keep living on the streets forever, for both you, and Krypto's sake."

Upon hearing these words from Kara, Keiran gets a sad look on her face. Throughout Keiran and Krypto's homelessness over the last few years, she has never actually considered the possibility that being homeless is not good for Krypto. Keiran's thought has just always been to keep Krypto safe, and do whatever she can to protect him, by keeping him away from her brother and mother. Frankly, Keiran has never had any options other than to remain homeless with Krypto, doing anything else is dangerous, the last few years proved that.

Flashback to two and a half years ago.

Lena and Krypto have now made their way out of Metropolis and have taken several busses to arrive in Boston. Lena purposely didn't get a bus directly to Boston, as she knew that her brother and mother could have people following her, or somehow tracking her movements, so the best way to throw them off the trail was to get several different buses. Ultimately, this strategy meant that a usual 4-hour bus ride from Metropolis to Boston, lead to 60 hours on busses, with Lena and Krypto going all the way down to Washington DC, before then getting another bus to Pittsburgh, then one to Buffalo, before then finally getting one to Boston. This was already on top of the fact that Lena and Krypto couldn't just hop on any buss they wanted which was going to their destination, as not all of them allowed dogs onboard.

Lena and Krypto have now arrived in Boston however, and Lena is absolutely exhausted. Honestly, Lena has been so panicked over the last 2 and a half days that she hasn't even had a chance to form any sort of plan as to what she will do next, for both her and Krypto. All Lena knows is that currently she has a total of $345 to her name, to keep her and Krypto alive. While Lena was in DC, she attempted to access a few of her debit cards, but the accounts had all been either drained, or her access was denied. Lena knew that her brother and mother were the reason for it, trying to cut off her resources. All Lena knows thus far, is she has come to Boston because the only other person she can trust right now is Jack, and she needs his help, to get Krypto's powers under control.

As Lena and Krypto make their way across the city, towards Jack's small house, Lena really doesn't know the reception she will get from him. The last time Lena saw Jack was several months ago, just after graduation where she told him she was moving to Metropolis to help her brother with a project at Luthor Corp. This conversation of course resulted in their break up, and Lena hasn't talked to Jack since. Lena does kind of find it a bit funny, as Jack was right. Jack told her that she shouldn't go back to her family's business, as she would experience nothing but heartache, and he was so right on that count. Although admittedly, Lena also knows that Jack was wrong, because even though he was right about the heartache, Lena doesn't regret going back to her family, and working at Luthor Corp, as it led to her meeting Krypto, and now hopefully saving him. Lena rescuing Krypto just makes everything that she has gone through over the last few months worth it.

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