Chapter 24 - Soulmates?

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It is now 11:30AM, and for the last hour or so, Sam and Lena have been casually chatting with one another, while they wait for Alex and Kara's return. The two friends still have so much to talk about, as after all, it is been many years since they last saw one another. Honestly, Sam and Lena could spend an entire week together and still have more things to talk about. While Sam and Lena have been talking, Ruby has continued to play with Krypto on the floor, until eventually she fell asleep, cuddled up to Krypto, resting her head on the dog's body. Krypto, for his part, didn't mind at all, and just happily laid there, as if he was guarding the young girl. Lena is so proud of how incredible her dog is, for acting like that. Lena is aware that there are some dogs that really don't like kids, and for understandable reasons. Kids tend to yell, have no personal boundaries, and have sticky hands, all of which are things dogs, and animals in general, don't like. Obviously, Ruby isn't really like that, from what Lena has seen of her goddaughter thus far. The only thing Lena has seen that could bother Krypto, is how obsessed she is with the dog, not wanting to give him any space, and always touching him. But Krypto has not been bothered by it at all, which makes Lena so very happy.

The door to Kara's penthouse opens, which causes Lena and Sam to turn around, looking in the door's direction. Kara, and then Alex, walk through, with smiles on their faces. Lena smiles happily at Kara, but then turns around again when she hears a little whine from Krypto. That is when Lena sees that Krypto has turned his head slightly, to look towards the door, and has clearly noticed Kara returning, but he has also realised that Ruby is still asleep on him, so he can't get up, as it could wake the young girl.

"Oh, you are a good boy, aren't you?" Lena smiles, as she crouches down to stroke Krypto's head.

Lena spends a few moments admiring Krypto and Ruby laying together, before she then turns to look at Sam, who is now engaged in a conversation with Alex.

"Sam?" Lena says, softly.

"Yes?" Sam asks, with a smile, turning to look at Lena.

"Is it okay if I pick Ruby up?" Lena asks, still softly, "I think Krypto wants to get up, but he won't while Ruby is laying there."

Sam smiles even wider upon hearing Lena say that.

"Yes, go ahead." Sam says to Lena, before then looking at Krypto, who has now turned his head to face her. "You are a good boy, being so gentle with my baby, aren't you?"

Krypto wags his tail a bit after Sam says that to him.

Lena then carefully leans down and takes the sleeping Ruby in her arms, resting the young girl's head on her shoulder, before then standing up. As Lena does this, she feels Ruby begin to wake up, and it frightens her, scared what Ruby's response may be, waking up in her arms, mostly a stranger. But, thankfully, for Lena, Ruby doesn't wake all the way up, instead, she opens her eyes briefly, smacks her lips a few times, before then burying her head further into Lena's shoulder. Once Ruby does this, Lena can feel her heart feel amazing. Lena finds it truly, and simply, incredible that this young girl is already comfortable with her, and happy to sleep in her arms, and bury her head further into her shoulder. Sam also notices this, and a few tears come to her eyes.

Kara walks over to Lena, smiling at her. Although Lena can't work out if the smile is directed at her, or Ruby, or just the obviously cute moment between the two of them.

"Hey." Kara says, softly.

"Hi." Lena says back.

"I'm sorry I had to leave. I thought about waking you. But I decided it would be better to let you sleep." Kara explains.

"It's okay." Lena smiles, softly, "Sam told me about the incident at El-Corp."

Kara nods her head, with a small smile tugging at her lips. Admittedly, Kara does feel a bit nervous, as she and Lena haven't actually talked about her being Supergirl, so Kara is unsure what Lena's reaction is going to be, now that she has had a night to process it. Obviously, Kara knows that Lena did comfort her, after finding out, when she basically had a break down, so she's taking that as a good sign. However, Kara knows that her nerves won't be settled until she and Lena can have a proper talk about it.

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