The Decision

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Chapter 42


I follow Vienna down the hallway and try to fix my hair at the same time. They'll know what we were doing, but we don't need to look the part too. I see Vienna's mass of hair all disheveled and just shake my head. We're too obvious and that was too hot. Though, I do wish she would talk to me about what's going on in her head.

Am I really complaining that I got to fuck my girlfriend instead of talk about our feelings?

I pick my dick up off the floor and start walking to go find Geo.

I stop. Did I really just think that?

He's gone. Not coming back. There's no do overs in the real world. He's not coming back just like how Vona will never live the same again, and Vienna will never look the same again. Not that she's any less beautiful than she was before the scars. I miss my best friend more than I let myself think. If I think about him too much, I can't take the pain.

I put my hand on my chest as a tightening feeling overwhelms me.

The holidays are coming up and none of us have mentioned it yet. This year for our annual snowball fight we'll have even teams. There will be no need for the ultimate rock, paper, scissors competition to see who gets the extra player. That hurts more than I think it should.

"You okay?" Vienna's angelic voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I just got lost for a second. I think I see Tyler over there." I point randomly down the hallway. Didn't I just say I wanted to be more open about feelings? I shake my head again and take Vienna's hand. As we make our way to the others I pull on Vienna's hand to make her stop. "What are you thinking right now? About all this." I motion towards the hallway that leads to Vona.

"I really don't know what to think. All I know is we will do whatever she needs. Whatever needs to happen to get her back to normal... the new normal." She takes a deep breath. I can see the worry and pain in her golden eyes. It hurts me knowing there's nothing I can do to fix this. "Together. We'll all get through this together." She seems content with that and turns to continue down the hallway.

As I suspected, the rest are waiting outside of Vona's room. She didn't react very well when the doctor mentioned rehab. I understand that feeling of thinking you're weak, that you shouldn't need help. I hope Analia, or even Vienna, can convince her to get help. This is something none of us have been through before.

"Alright, everyone ready to go in?" Vienna says as we approach. Tony gives Vienna a look.

"I'm sure you're ready now. Got all that stress out?" Tony says and Nate laughs next to him. Vienna punches his arm.

"Shut up, let's go in." She doesn't let go of my hand as we go back in the room. Analia is on the bed with her arm around Vona when we walk in the room after knocking. Everyone shuffles in closing the door before anything is said. This may be a public hospital, but we are also a room of trained assassins so precautions are our nature.

"So." Analia starts, "We have discussed what the future looks like, and Vona and I have decided we will be going to Europe to enroll Vona in one of the best amputee rehab facilities in the world." Analia says this with a slight smile and turns to Vona when she's done.

"Yes. We agreed, and we'll be gone for a year." Vona says with an emotion I can't read. Vienna let's go of my hand and walks over to the bed with Lillian right behind.

"This is good Vona. You are going to be okay." Vienna puts her hand on her arm.

"Well god damn, let's get to it. You got some French to learn!" Tony claps his hands and says. Tyler and Kai start laughing under their breath and I put my head in my hand.

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