The Start

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Chapter 15


I am frozen. I'm still on a high from everything I just did with Rider. I barely registered Asher getting up and walking over to me, or the glassiness of his eyes which should have told me he's drunk, or the fact no one else is in the entryway but the two of us.

"Got a good fuck in?" He practically spits at me, continuing his strides towards me. I try to pull myself together, the look in his eyes is... not anger, but jealousy? Is he jealous? The dim to none lighting in the entryway makes his prominent jawline impossibly sharper. I want to run my tongue along it. His black hair is sticking up in random angles looking like black silk that I want to run my fingers through. I snap out of my gawking remembering to respond.

"You know it. Rider always leaves me satisfied." I try to smirk but definitely fail as Asher starts to close the distance between us. I unconsciously keep taking steps back until I'm against the door. Why do I always find myself in this situation with him? He doesn't drop my stare as he keeps coming towards me. He stops with only a handful of inches between us. I can smell the whisky on his breath but his eyes look clear now, well, besides the obvious desire in them. For me. I think.

"Right. Of course. And tell me, is he the one you're thinking about when you're alone at night? Since he leaves you so satisfied?" His voice dropped so low to a rasp, the sound makes me clench my thighs together. He notices.

"That's what I thought." His stare comes back to me through his thick lashes. I take a shaky breath.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I hate you, why would I be thinking about you when I have someone to fuck one text away?" Well I didn't say that with as much confidence as I hoped.

Asher holds my stare for a couple tense seconds before he moves one step forward making my back hit the cold glass of the front door, and my soft chest now pressed against his hard chest. I know he can feel the way my nipples hardened at the proximity of him. He smirks.

His hands go to my hips and he flips me around putting my back to him. Then, pulling my hands up above my head onto the door, he closes the distance and leans his head down to my ear. Asher's hot breath hits the shell of my ear and chills run down my spine in the best way.

"Asher." I turn my head to the side, his name coming out on my quickening breath. I don't know what he's doing but my body doesn't seem to want to stop it.

"How much longer are we going to play this game Vienna?" He pressed his body to mine, breathing matching mine. "And I need a real answer. If you say it's because of what my father did I will slap your ass red, I swear to God." His threat shoots sparks straight in between my legs. I unconsciously rub my thighs again and swallow, Asher chuckles deeply. Leaning in to speak in my ear again.

"Now, if you want to be spanked like the bad girl you know you are, you could just say that."

I opened my mouth with a retort, but what left was a soft low moan and me pushing my hips back into him. Why does the thought of that make me wet? I'm speaking to Asher fucking Coleman, get it together.

"Fuck Vienna." Asher's body starts reacting to mine, I can feel it on my back as he still has me pressed to the door. Shit.

"You're going to have to do better than that, Coleman." I say before fully pushing off the door into him, causing him to groan and lose grip of my hands. I flip on him and press him to the wall. Asher's six four stature to my five eight makes it infuriatingly impossible to not talk to him without looking up. I pull his own move on him and press my body to his while going to talk to his ear. I pointedly ignore my own body's needs when I feel something hard against my stomach. "I had a great time tonight. Thanks for asking." I whisper before stalking off for my room.

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