The Reunions

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I messed up the count and this is the actual chapter 39, last chapter was 38

Chapter 39🔥🔥🔥


I almost don't trust myself. There's no way I'm on a jet right now on my way home. I think Lillian can see how out of sorts I am because she has given me my space and has been checking on Vona more often than not. I should probably also be checking up on her, though I know Vona would hate that. She's not even awake so how would she know? Vona was taken in an emergency flight back to our local hospital for emergency surgery. It hasn't even comprehended to me that she lost a leg. That Lillian cut off her leg. Is Lillian alright? That has to be scarring to chop off your best friend's leg, even if it saves their life. I wonder how Vona will react when she wakes up. I hope she will know it was the only way, we were too weak to move that pillar and the damage was already done.

And then there's the memories. There's that room of words I passed by as we escaped the crumbling building. Who was that hanging? Was it Rider? There's no way. Rider was done with me when he left me in that burning building.

"If I can't have you, no one can." He said as he threw a single lit match onto the floor flooded with gasoline around the room. I didn't know fear until that moment he dropped the match and everything went aflame. I never thought I'd see my friends again. I never thought I'd see Asher again, or get to tell him how I really feel.

Those hours, days, was it a week? I don't know, being tortured for information I didn't have was rough. I know these scars won't go away. They'll pink up then eventually fade to a whitish-tan, but they will be there. I'll still see them every day for the rest of my life to remind me of what happened. Of what I know.

"Do you have any idea what the truth is?" Marchello threw the knife at me this time, it cut my face and landed into the wall next to my head. "Do you even know what really happened to your parents?"

I bring my hand up to my face to touch the scab there. I don't know left from right anymore. The bathroom door snaps shut and I jerk in my seat. God, pull yourself together Vienna. I turn to see Lillian coming over to me with sympathy in her eyes. I think she saw me flinch. I refuse to let this break my character. I give her a tight smile back.

"So... what'd you guys do while I was gone?" I say trying to lighten the mood. It doesn't work.

"Vienna, we spent all our time plotting and waiting to save you. You were, and are, our priority always. Family first." She puts her hand on my leg. My scar covered leg. My leg with red lines going up and down and left and right.

I take a deep breath and she removes her hand.

"Vienna, we can talk about it whenever. If ever. You don't need to relive it." Lillian tries to comfort me. But the information, I need to tell the information.

"I will talk about it." I rub my hand down my thighs as a habit, but then I stop when I feel the bumpy uneven skin. "Just not right now."

"Of course." The beat of silence is tense. Lillian is staring at me, at what they did. I can tell she's holding back her rage.

"How is Vona?" I ask to distract her as I fold my arms across myself.

"She's stable. They have her prepped for surgery, they should be landing in about an hour."

"And... How are you? You know, after all that." How are you going to sleep at night? She doesn't say anything for a moment, then swallows.

"I know the reasons why it had to be done, and that's enough for me." She says quietly.

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