The Week Before

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IM BACK BITCHESSSS and so excited for these next couple chapters omfg. I missed writing but you guys HAD ME GOING WITH THE COMMENTS LMAO. 

Also, 11k reads???? are you kidding?? ily. please keep commenting and voting this shits about to get good. 

Chapter 19 🔥🔥


He flipped me around and pushed me face down into the bed, now I'm on my knees with my head on the mattress. He lifts my dress up enough to see my red lace underthings. I clench my thighs together when he lets out a deep groan. He grabs my legs and spreads them apart.

"Close your legs again and you'll see what happens." I look over my shoulder at fierce green eyes and messy black hair. My eyes shudder at the sight of Asher with his dress shirt unbuttoned and his hands reaching for me.

Another deep voice makes me whip my head around. "Look at me, Vienna." My stomach bottoms out when I see Rider kneeling in front of me. "You fucked him, didn't you?" Motioning to Asher behind me. Where did he come from?

My mouth opens but I have no response. He grabs my chin and pulls my face towards him bringing me up onto my hands. "Let's see who can hit deeper, yeah?" Mischief shines in his sky blue eyes.

"We finally agree on something." Asher says, as he rips away the barrier between me and his hard dick.

Rider puts his thumb in my mouth opening my jaw wider as Asher grabs my hips and pulls me up to him. I start shaking at the anticipation, I tilt my head back and cry out when Asher buries himself in me with one thrust. Rider takes that as his opportunity to...

I jolt awake to my blaring alarm. I scramble to find my phone somewhere in my sheets. I pointedly ignore the wetness between my thighs as I move out of bed realizing my phone is on my desk. I'm still trying to calm my breathing and convince my brain it was just a dream when Lavender walks in. She goes straight to my bed and drops on her back with a dramatic sigh. I can tell she just woke up because her dark straight hair is a bird's nest and she's still in sleepwear.

"Well, good morning to you too." I say as a greeting.

"I'm so fucked." She says sitting up on her elbows. I just raise my eyebrows and sit down in my desk chair, waiting for her to continue.

"Geo is going to be the end of me. After we left Versace yesterday, he took me out to get ice cream. Then licked it off my body as he fucked me in his Lambo, while watching the sunset."

"How romantic." I say as I lean back in my chair sarcastically fanning myself.

"Shut up. You know what I mean. He got me my favorite ice cream, and paid for the extra cone." She huffs again and drops back down to the pillows.

"That's cute, are you guys exclusive?" They have been getting very close lately so I wouldn't be surprised. She huffs a laugh.

"I don't know. I didn't want a relationship, but thinking about anyone else touching him makes me sick." She spoke with more honesty than I let myself even think in my own head.

"Well, why don't you just talk to him about it then?"

"Why don't you just tell Asher you want to fuck him?" She shoots back with no mercy in her stare.

"It is not like that." I roll my eyes.

"You think we don't know you guys did something in the bathroom at La Princesse the other night?" She raises an eyebrow at me. "It was so painfully obvious. I just felt bad Rider had to see the aftermath." She laughs and I shift uncomfortably just thinking about that walk down to the doors with Rider.

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