The Hospital

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Chapter 41🔥🔥🔥


I pick up the phone as I run to Lavender's room.


"Hi, is this Vienna Moon I am speaking to?"

"Yes! Yes, this is she." I sound out of breath as I stop in front of Lavender's door.

"I wanted to update you that our patient Vonnetta Yoshida is now awake and visitors can come see her." The nurse updates me but I can barely hear her over the pounding beat in my ears. She's okay. She's awake. She's okay.

"Thank you, we are leaving now and will be there shortly." I hang up the phone and open the door. Lavender is still sleeping where I left her, and I feel bad to wake her up after she finally calmed down but this is too important. I walk over and lightly shake her shoulder.

"Lav, Lav wake up. We have to go." I say softly not wanting to startle her. She rolls over and takes a deep breath. Her eyes are still puffy from crying, but she looks better than she did earlier.

"What's going on?" She rubs her eyes as she sits up, her black inky hair a knotty mess in the back from sleep.

"Vona is awake." Is all I say and she's up changing into better clothes to leave in.

"I'll text the chat, go get Lillian." She says to me and I leave her to find Lillian.

I haven't even thought to check on Lillian. How worse of a friend could I be. I assumed since she has Kai she would have the comfort she needs, but I was there. I know what she witnessed and went through. Fuck.

When I approach her door at the end of the hallway I pause to listen if she's awake. I don't hear anything so I knock pretty loudly, not even sure if she's in there. I open the door slowly and find Lillian sitting by the bay window in her room that overlooks the garden in the back. Her hair is in a protective silk cap and she's wearing baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Kai's clothes, I'm guessing. Her knees are tucked up to her chest and she's just staring out the window, not really acknowledging me walking in.

"Lillian?" I approach slowly, not really sure what her mood is. Her head snaps to me, signaling she didn't hear me come in.

"Oh, hey." She lets her legs drop and turns to me. "Sorry, I didn't hear you come in." She rubs the back of her neck a little embarrassed.

"All good. It's been a long day. How are you doing?" I walk over and sit next to her. She looks at me puzzled.

"How am I doing? I'm not the one who was tortured for days. I haven't even checked up on you after all this shit. I'm sorry." She shakes her head like she can't believe herself.

"No. Don't do that. You went through some serious shit too, there's no competition when it comes to trauma. I wanted to check up on you after... you know. What happened." I don't want to say it just in case it's still too soon.

"I, uh, am trying not to think about it. But I also can't close my eyes without seeing the ax go through her leg, so I haven't slept much." She lets out a breathy laugh. "I just need some time to forget I am the one that did it." She starts picking at her nails, not looking at me.

"Vona is awake." I spit it out because we have to go, but I don't want to rush her. She snaps her attention to me.

"What? Shit. Shit." She puts her head in her hands. I put my hand on her back.

"Are you okay?"

"She's going to hate me. She will never forgive me for this. I cut off her fucking leg. I saw the ax, and I knew we wouldn't be able to move that pillar, so I just did what I knew would work. But now she only has one leg. Fuck!" Lillian rocks back and forth panicking.

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