Chapter 36

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It was weird, but all I could see were white light rays coming from every corner, they were penetrating, yet somehow, it didn't hurt my eyes, and I even felt like I could dance around.

Everything was just white, perhaps, was I in heaven? Is this the heaven that no one knows about?

I tried to pull my feet and bring myself somewhere, but with the one step I took, Dokyeom suddenly came right before my sight.

And strange enough, I could feel both the corners of my lips lifting, and in some way, he looked so attractive wearing a light brown trousers under a white plain shirt.

He took a couple of steps closer to where I was. I should be flustered or something, but it felt so natural that I was even thinking that I expected something like this would come.

My eyes strayed and that's when I saw how the place changed, we were now in a field of grass and the blue sky was extremely beautiful with the white fluffy clouds scattering.

"Hiah.", It was Dokyeom's voice who called for my name. And with that sweet voice of his, he instantly became the only one I could see.

"I'll take care of you..", he said, and his eyes looked so precious. "..not because grandpa asked me to, but because.."

All of a sudden, I could hear loud ringings. I looked at the sky but it was still peaceful, I looked around me yet  there was nothing in that field but the both of us. We were in the middle of nowhere, yet I could hear loud familiar ringings just beside my ears.

"..I like you.."

The very moment I heard those three words, I immediately diverted my eyes back to him, however, there was nothing anymore, he wasn't infront of me any longer, and everything was pitch black.

I instinctively brought up my right hand and reached for my alarm clock to turn it off. Those ringings from the alarm clock seriously just makes me want to be swallowed by the land.

I reached for my face and brushed all the hair that was  scattering on it.

'..I like you..'

I could hear a voice in my head and it somehow sounded like someone I meet almost everyday.

'.. I'll take care of you..'

'.. because I like you..'

My eyes instantly shot open as I realized where it all came from. In the field — Dokyeom — him talking — and the sudden ringings.

What the hell was that dream all about?!

I found myself immediately sitting up by how every bit of those happenings in my dream coming inside my head, and the worst part is, they wouldn't stop.

I heard people tend to forget most of their dreams, but why am I remembering almost everything?

That dream contained a scenario that a more than friends people would do, but I don't even like him, why am I suddenly dreaming about romance with him?

I grabbed my forehead and tightly held it. "And there's no way he likes me, Me!? Yeah.", I nodded to myself and smiled to convince myself that what I'm assuming is right. "There's just no way."

"Knock knock..", I instantly threw away my hand and looked up to see Lily standing by the door with her disgusted look. "Are you going insane? I think you are."

I briefly looked away, screwing up my face. Great, not only did I dream something weird, my captious younger sister saw how I got overly dramatic by that weird dream.

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