Chapter 25

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It was already the second and last day of our school's program which was a sport's day. I can't really say that I'm exhausted because I don't even join any sports, all I did was just walk around the campus and cheer those who played, justice to those students who worked themselves to win those victories.

Half an hour from now, the program will start again, and like yesterday, it's going to open with the basketball teams playing first. I'm excited to see Joshua play again, but I know I have to restrain myself a little, most especially because I'm with Alliza. I know there's also a line and a boundary for friends, and she wouldn't like it if I cross it, so for me to be able to do that, I definitely have to prevent myself from being overly dramatic about cheering.

"Oh right, guys, I actually have something to say.", I placed my attention to Alliza when she started, and Lea did too. We were currently sitting in one of the tables inside the cafeteria and we were just practically chatting there. "My birthday is coming this October twenty six, next week on monday.."

My eyes slightly widened. "Really? It's really near then.", Alliza instantly had a wide smile. If she hadn't told me, I seriously wouldn't know.

"And the day of your birthday is on the week when we'll have a break.", Lea included. And she's right, the school decided to give us a one week break after this sport's day, and it just made everything more better. My longing for winter and summer break can finally be aided for a while.

"Yess.", She excitedly nodded her head. "I'm planning on going to a resort for an overnight, and I'm planning on inviting you guys."

I just remained wordless as I was quite taken aback, it's so sudden that she's asking me for an overnight birthday party, and for a fact, it's not an often question for me. I only have a few friends and the character of 'life of the party' certainly doesn't suit me. I rather just be there in a corner asking myself countless times why did I even have to come and end up draining my social battery.

Alliza looked at Lea and after a second, to me, shifting her eyes every second at the both of us, probably waiting for our answers. "So... is it a yes? or are you both busy with something by any chance?"

I shook my head at her last question. "Uhm.. alright, count me in. It's your birthday after all, that's the least we could do.", Her face immediately brightened when I reassured her a smile. It's not that bad sacrificing my alone time for her, it's going to be her special day, and declining her invitation would not be a choice.

"I'm gonna have to ask my parents about it first, they're unwilling whenever I go somewhere far without them.", Lea commented.

"Her parents are protective of her since she's an only child.", I added.

Alliza's lips parted a little as she gave an understanding nod. "Alright, you can just tell me if your parents already has a decision."

Lea nodded with a pursed smile, telling Alliza that she'll definitely inform her once she got her parents' agreement.

"Hiah, Alliza.", We looked back to know who called our names and we saw that one of our classmate is there, looking like he was in a hurry. "Monika is calling for everyone for a short meeting.", Me and Alliza exchanged glances before looking back at our classmate who gave us the information. Monika was our class president who he was pertaining to as the one who is calling for everyone.

We both nodded. "Alright."

We stood up, but before we could go and follow our classmate to our classroom, we first bid goodbye to Lea and told her to wait for us in a bit.

When we arrived inside, we were welcomed with the cheerleaders that were our classmates including Monika who was the leader, she looked dismayed as she was getting everyone's attention.

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