Chapter 2

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When I woke up the next morning my neck felt sore including my back.
I shock my head to wave the sleep away, instead a harsh headache welcomed me with open arms, I got used to it but still.
Once I decided to move Jean's body away to get more space I also had to deal with Connie and Sasha's heavy body parts.

I managed to get up and went straight to the bathroom so I'd be able to get dressed and head to the training's area, I didn't even consider waking the rest up or checking up on who died during their angel sleep.

As I was making my way to the training area I heard her voice. "Rose hey! how was your sleep?" she asked with that smirky smile she always had, her smile was different, it was more of a smirk always.
"Ah yeah It was a bit uncomfortable to be honest.. Yours?"
I nodded as I continued walking slowly so she'd be able to follow me to the training field.

The whole squad was there now and we were about to start our training.

"Shree pair up with Yeager, Springer pair up with Arlert, Kirstein with Blouse, Ackerman pair up Kore" Captain Levi chose the pairs this time.

I didn't like pairing up with Eren, he brags a lot for no reason even though he ends up losing since I was ranked first in my squad. "Yeager careful." I teased.

"Yeah sure you mind trained girl." He used that nickname since he knew I've always hated it for a reason of my own.

I rolled my eyes while taking my uniform's Jacket off since me and heat aren't good friends. His gaze on me was sharp but slightly softened when he mocked me by making a scared face, okay he's too cheesy for his own good. I walked towards him and immediately punched him in the face harshly , I didn't wait for his reaction, I took a fist full of his long tied hair and shoved him roughly towards the ground, he fell on his knees.

I tried to use this position against him by stepping on his chest but the moment I raised my foot from the ground he took my leg in his hand throwing me on the ground, I groaned in frustration while rage started to take it's control and hunted me, I jumped quickly and swung my fist against his face hard, not wasting any time I got closer to him and started to wrap my hands around his slim neck tightly not risking anything since I could tell he has amazingly improved, while my hands were choking him I decided to switch my state, now his back was facing me yet I still didn't let go from his neck, he started squirming so I kicked his solid back with my leg very harshly hearing few moans and groans coming from him, that didn't stop me it quite encouraged me to keep choking him and kicking his back and legs until his knees gave up and got weak so he fell on his knees again, that only led my grip on his neck to loosen up. Not to mention I felt bad for him, I smirked at the thought of beating someone up until feeling guilty, that only made me feel powerful and quite sure of my strength especially because it was Eren he was so powerful he can literally transform into a titan.

"Shree allow him to breath will ya?" My captain's voice pulled me out of my thought. "Yes sir I got a bit distracted and carried away my apologies" I tried to be just as respectful and honest as I can ever be cause I really don't want to be running 50 laps or having a cleaning duty for god only knows how many months just because of beating Eren up, like yes he is my friend but I won't risk my laziness for his sake.

"Shree the fight was quite short yet he is wasted now.. I must admit that was impressive but please we don't want to kill ourselves in training instead of the battel field right?"
He sounded disappointed, the exact same disappointed tone I've always been spoken to, my gaze dropped, it became darker, angrier and sadder.

"I thought we were supposed to take training seriously though? It isn't my fault his skills are too dull for me?" I spoke back absolutely aware of what I said, It triggers me being treated like this and embarrasses me, I'm too tired of this reaction from everyone even if I did something great it would end up "too good" and I should learn how to stay in line and not overdose.
"Shree if you want a real challenge I'll give you one once I think you're capable enough" He responded coldly as usual.

I was slowly making my way towards the dining hall to eat breakfast with the rest.
"Hey Eren, are you alright?" I heard Armin ask him in concern, "Yeah don't worry man I'm good!" Eren replied trying to comfort him.

"Hey um can we talk for a second?" I decided to talk to him so my situation won't be as bad, since captain Levi is already mad about my behavior earlier and now I'll have to deal with the fear in my friend's eyes and I'd be left out as well.

" So you know I should've stopped when I saw you giving up but I got carried away, and then when the captain talked it out with me I blamed it on you and Eren I feel-" he interrupted my apology.
"Its training, I don't blame you, you were right I'm the one who gave up plus it wasn't that bad" he put his hand on my shoulder with a friendly smile.

I was eating with my friends while they were ranting about something happened today when I suddenly felt a sharp gaze on me from across the room.
Captain Levi it is.

I looked up at him as he slowly shifted back, removing his stare, he got up and walked over to me.

"Shree, my office after breakfast" He commanded.
"Yes sir." He walked away after hearing my response.

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