Chapter 19

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Roxanne's POV:

We passed though the dark area from under the rollercoaster and slowly made our way through. Glam was holding Montys hand as they slowly followed us, Glam should not be walking but he insists, Krista was holding my hand and Springtrap was next to me. A small light shined from the distance, telling us that was the end of the the area onto the street. "There. That's the exit. It should lead straight out of here and to the stage." I told them. They kept note of it and we moved forward towards it. "Glam? How are you feeling?" Monty asked Glam. "I-Im ok. It kinda hurts." He answered with a cracked voice. "I could try carrying you again. I won't drop you this time." "N-no. No. Im ok." Glam insured. Monty didn't respond after that. We made it to the end and walked up onto the street. I looked towards the left down the street and saw the main stage area. My heart jumped. "Its this way. I told you. Let's hurry so we can get Glam safe." I told them. We immediately started heading that way. Springtrap and I kept looking around our surroundings to make sure no one was following us. "M-monty?" Glam studdard softly. I turned around to look at them both and Glam looked like a ghost and was starting to slow down in his tracks. "Yea?" Monty asked turning back to him and feeling him slow down. "I-I dont feel so..." Glam stopped and then calapsed. Monty luckly caught him and started panicking. "Glam? Glam! Glam!" He panicked. Holding him in his arms on the ground. We all quickly rushed over and crouched around them. Glams eyes were shut and he was motionless. "Glam? Glammy? Please talk to me." Monty started begging with a hurt voice. "Did he get shot back there or anything?" Krista panicked. "N-n-no I don't think so." Monty replied. "Hes still breathing. He passed out from blood loss." Springtrap told us. We went silent and heard Glam heavily breathing like he had held his breath underwater for to long. "Oh god Glam..." Monty cried. "We have to get in that truck." I announced. "Yea. We have to move. Now." Springtrap agreed. Monty then scooped Glam up and tried lifting him in his arms. He groaned in pain from the bullet wound but managed. "If you can't hold him then let me hold him." Springtrap told Monty. "No. I got him. He's ok. He'll be ok." Monty said worried. "Let's hurry." I announced as we quickly ran towards the stage.

BonBons POV:

The stage was in our sight and we were getting close to the back. Most of us were injured but we were all fine. Well most of us. Chica suddenly started coughing up a storm and begged to sit down for a minute. "We're almost there Chica. Don't worry. As soon as we get to that truck, you can rest." I told her. She coughed again and Mira converted her. "I swear if the back of that truck is locked, then we're fucked." Chichi told me. "Theres no way. It has to be unlocked." I said, being positive. We walked back behind the stage and luckly, there it was. "Check the back, now." Kai ordered. Him and Hayden quickly rushed over to it and checked it out as the rest of us slowly approached. "It open. Throw some boxes out." Kai ordered Hayden as we slowly made it to the back. Things slammed and shattered behind the truck as the through boxed of shit out of the truck. "Hurry up and get the injured in." Kai told us. Kai and Hayden leaned Chica a hand and helped her up first. Chichi then climbed in but before anything else could happen, we heard someone shout to us. I turned around to see Roxannes group quickly running over towards us. I shouted back to then as they quickly approached us. "Glam passed out." Springtrap said as they ran up to us. "Wait what?" I asked. "He calapsed on the street and passed out." Roxanne finished for him. "Shit. Get him in. Hurry. We have to find those keys fast." Kai ordered. Monty immediately ran up and got in the truck with Glam still in his arms. "Did you find Chica and Chichi?" Roxanne asked me. "Yea, but they are both injured in the truck." I told her. "Well atleast they are alive." Roxanne said. "Hell yea! Ain't nothing killin us." Chichi said from the inside of the truck. "Kai, I need you to pull this arrow out and then I need to lay down." Hayden said."Ok. You guys find the keys." Kai said grabbing the top of the truck door and pulling it down, closing it. "Where Foxy and the others?" Krista asked. "We're here!" We heard a voice shout. Then behind Roxanne and Krista came Foxy, Freddy, Golden and Bonnie, rushing over to us. "Thank god your guy's are alright." Roxanne said. Springtrap ran up and to Golden immediately. "We're you hurt at all?" He asked quickly. "No. We bumped into some asshole at the arcade but we made it out fine." Golden told him. Springtrap was relieved. "We need to fine the body with the keys, now. Freddy what does it look like?" Roxanne asked Freddy. "All Grey and with a gray hat on. It had dark red straps on it too. Do we have flashlights?" Freddy asked us. "I have two. One is Chichis and the other on is Chicas. And I got one myself." I told them holding them out. "I have one too." Mira added, next to me. "Then we split. Search everywhere. Krista and Roxanne together, Springtrap and Golden together, BonBon and Mira together and Freddy with me." Bonnie announced. "What about me?" Foxy asked confused. "Your waiting in the truck." Freddy said turning to him. "What-" "Your literally almost blind and your hurting. If something happens out here in the open, you won't get out of it. And I'm not losing you." "But-" "Foxy please. Just wait in the truck." Freddy begged with Foxy, holding his hand with both of his. "Ok. Ok." Freddy kissed him and then let go and grabbed a flashlight from my hands. "Lets hurry." Freddy said grabbing Bonnie's hand and pulling him. Roxanne and Krista grabbed one and then Springtrap grabbed one. "C'mon." Mira told me as she started to move. Foxy walked over to the truck and was about to climb in. He looked upset but I didn't mind it. I rushed off with Mira and we begain looking.

Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The Rockstar Massacre Of 1987Where stories live. Discover now