Chapter 11

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Foxy's POV:

Freddy left the room and I looked at Bonnie. "Ye'know I forgive you, right?" I asked him kinda shocking him. "S-so you herd?" He asked back. "Of course I did. You guys aren't very quiet." I replied. He looked down and took a moment before responding. "I just feel like you shouldn't forgive me at all. I feel like a total asshole." "Sweetheart..." "I dont mean like... Letting the others hurt you. I mean when I yelled at you and Freddy. When I said fuck you and get your fucking boyfriend out of here and making you both cry and then yell at eachother. That's my fault." He looked down and sighed. "Freddy told me you never ment it. And I believe him. You never did. You'd never mean to or say something like that towards us. And I dont blame you. You did what you could to stop that argument." I said. He sighed and looked back up and me. "Really?" He asked politely. "Yea. Of course. Plus I kinda already forgave you when you gave me that kiss." I said with a flirty voice making him giggle. "Well, it was technically an apology, But... You also deserved it." Bonnie flirted back making me laugh. "Alright, let's go find Freddy." I said standing up. He stood up to but his next move was to hold my hand. His soft paw was gripped around my hand. "You dont mind right?" He asked. "Of course not." I politely responded. He smiled and we both started towards the hallway

Freddy's POV:

I made my way into the cafe area and everybody was there. "Fuckin finally." Kai said in relief seeing me. Then his face frowned. "Where is Foxy and Bonnie?" He asked. "They're finishing up and then making They're way over here." I answered. "Finishing up sucking eachothers dicks." Hayden joked. I rolled my eyes and didn't respond. "Shut the fuck up, Hayden." Mira said to him. "Just leave them alone asshole." BonBon joined in. "Hey, no arguing!" Kai ordered. "Then maybe get this dumbass to stop being such a dick. We're all in a living hell right now and this fucker thinks that now is the time to push around some gays.-" "I said that's enough." Kai demanded Mira. The room fell silent as Hayden gave Mira a smirk and quiet chuckle. "We need to figure out what the hell is going on here. Alright. Arguing won't solve anything." Kai announced, looking at Mira, "Figuring out what's going on is our main objective." Kai finished. He looked over at Springtrap and ordered him over. Springtrap walked over to him and laid down a map of the whole amusement park. "Kai and I discussed this earlier and figured out a plan." Springtrap said. Everybody got closer including me. Before Springtrap could continue though, Foxy and Bonnie walked into the room. Hand in hand. "Finally your both here." Kai said to them two. Most of everybody turned around to see them. "Sorry. We just had to talk for a minute." Foxy apologized. "Whats going on?" Bonnie asked as they got closer. "We need a plan to figure out what the hell is going on right now. There's been gunshots going off for more than an hour and the police still haven't arrived. Something really bad is going on outside of here." Kai began to say. "Maybe the highways been blocked or something. If people would've drove by and heard shots and saw the whole place pitch black, then someone would've gotten the police." Glam pointed out. "Thats what I'm thinking. But we can't be sure." Springtrap said. He turned the map around to us and pointed at the ferris wheel. "The ferris wheel is one of the tallest rides in this park. If we can get ontop of that, we can see the whole park and the highway. We just have to figure out how to get on top of it." Springtrap explained. "There is a way up it." Foxy said. Everyone turned to him. "There should be a ladder on the supports. If we climb those, then we can make it to the top. That'll give us the best view of the place." Foxy explained. "How do you know this?" Monty asked. "I've been here a couple times after dark. The ferris wheel was the first thing I went to. We can see most of the exits from up there. It may be hella dark but we could see if there's any lights near the exits. Like car head lights or police lights." "Alright then. Foxy and I will go to the ferris wheel and see what we can find." Springtrap announced. My heart jumped. "I'll go with too. It'll be easier to climb if there's more of us to help eachother out." Golden added. "Alright. Then we got a team. We'll go in ten minutes. So-" "Maybe I could go too. Just for a lookout. What if someone is waiting for you to get down from the ferris wheel?" Bonnie quickly added, interuping Springtrap. "There will be too many of us then. You need to stay here. We can't Risk someone finding us and all of us splitting up." Springtrap told Bonnie. I knew why Bonnie asked to go with them but I also agreed with Springtraps decision. But then I was also terrified of Foxy leaving. But I thought of it and made a decision. "Too many people out is a bad idea. You should stay here Bonnie." I said looking at him. He sighed and agreed looking back at me. "Alright. Just be safe. Please." He begged them. "Alright. That settles it. We'll leave soon. Foxys also got a gun so we should be safe no matter what." Springtrap said looking towards Foxy and then back at the others. "But what if he dies with it?" Kai asked making me jump in fear. "I've been through enough shit already. If I get shot it won't kill me." Foxy explained. "I mean what if you die?" Kai argued again. "Then it's game over unless they can shoot. Foxy said pointing at Springtrap and Golden. The conversation made me uncomfortable and it made my heart ache. "Can we not talk about that? Please." I asked politely, "What happens if we find out the police is here?" "Then they will be by and exit. It'll be risky running for it though so our best bet would be to stay here and wait for our rescue." Springtrap said. "Why can't we just go to the exit?" Chichi asked. "Those guys could see it and block the streets. Too many of us running out for it, could get some of us killed. Especially because we got wounded." Springtrap said looking towards me and Glam. "I can run. I'll be fine." Glam said. "You can't even walk." Monty argued. "I can. Just give me some more time to rest then I can run." Glam argued back. "I agree with Springtraps plan. Maybe it's for the best." Monty announced. "Sounds like a plan." Chica joined in. "I agree." Krista added. Roxanne agreed, Mira agreed, BonBon agreed, Golden agreed, Kai agreed and Hayden agreed. "Are we sure we'll be safe here? Like they won't try and find us?" I asked. "I'm sure of it." Springtrap said. I sighed, "Whatever you think is the safest. Then I agree." "Cool. Then we'll leave soon." Springtrap said grabbing the map. Everyone split off and Bonnie walked up next to me. "I hope Foxy will be safe." Bonnie said. "Foxy's smart. He'll be ok." I told Bonnie. Bonnie's hand slipped into mine and he gave me a soft but quick peck on the check. "Foxys right. You are so positive about everything." He said to me, making me giggle. "Hey, Freddy?" A voice said. I turned towards it and saw Mira. "Could I talk to you for a minute?" She asked. "Yea. Sure." I responded. Bonnie released my hand and gave me a soft smile before I turned and walked away towards Mira. I stopped infront of her and she took a deep breath. "This is my huge apology for all of the bullshit I've put you and Foxy through for the past few months. I am so so so so so incredibly sorry for pushing you and Foxy around and-" "Mira its ok. You don't have to apologize." I interrupted her politely, "That's in the past now. It's ok. And you tried to defend us when Hayden pushing Foxy around. That was very nice of you. It ment alot." "But you deserve an apology.-" "No, it's fine I swear." I said to her. She sighed and looked aside towards Springtrap. "As much as I want everyone out of here. I want you out first. For my apology, I am willing to do anything for you, Foxy and Bonnie, to get you all out of here and safe." She announced to me. "Mira you don't have to-" "I want to, Freddy. You deserve better than this shit and how I treated you. I was a peice of shit." "Its alright now. You don't have to worry." I said. She looked down and took a deep breath. "Just know if you need anything, I'll be there for you, ok?" She said. I nodded and she nodded back. "Alright. I'll... talk to you later then." She said backing up and then turning around. That was... odd. "Hey Freddy!" I heard a voice say catching my attention behind me. I turned around to see Golden. "Oh, Hey Golden." I greeted him back. He walked up to me and smiled. "Hey. I um... Think Springtrap really likes me." He said confusing me at first. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I think he likes me. He really enjoys talking to me. And for him looking like he could kick my ass, he's very nice to me." Golden explained, making me finally catch on. "I mean... He is single." I said making him slightly jump. "N-n-no I mean like... As a friend. Ye'know." He explained again. "Oh... Yea. I mean maybe he does like you." I responded. We looked over at Springtrap who was talking with Foxy. They didn't notice us. "Do you... Think he looks cute?" Golden asked me. "Um..." I started, examining Springtrap. He was wearing a pair of navy blue ripped jeans with a leather jacket and a gray like hoodie underneath. His fur was a dark green and near his eye had two long dark scars. He looked like a badass. Like someone who would kick my ass. But he sounds and seems very sweet. If your on his good side. "Yea. He looks cute. And for a guy who could kick your ass in a heartbeat, he seems very sweet to you." I said making him smile. "Hes different than anyone else I've ever met before. And I dont really talk to people." "Do you like him?" "Um... I dont know... Kinda. He seems sweet but then I don't know. It's too early to catch feeling so quickly." Golden said. I huffed. "Well, love at first sight is a thing. Maybe thats it." I told Golden. He smiled and looked at me. "You might be right. But again, I don't know." I chuckled and gave him a soft shoulder punch. "You'll figure it out soon." I told him. "Hey Goldie?" Springtrap called him. His attention immediately went to him. "Y-yea? What's up?" Golden asked walking over to him. I smiled at the nick name Springtrap gave him and I turned around and walked away. I was gonna head over to Chica and Chichi but I saw BonBon leaning up against a wall all alone. I decided to go say hi. I made my way over towards him and he noticed me. "Oh, hey Freddy." He said as I stopped right next to him. "Hey. Whatcha doing by yourself?" I asked, leaning up against the wall next to him. "Just thinking." He answered. I looked around the room and my eyes stopped on the other band all talking with eachother. "You should talk with someone. Being alone makes things more stressful. Especially in this situation." I told him. His attention turned to me and he sighed. "Well..." He started. "Go talk to the other band over there. Glam, Monty, Roxanne and Krista, will love to get to know you. They're very nice people." I told him before he could start his sentence. He looked over at them all sitting at a table. They were all chatting away, laughing and giggling. "I dont know. I was kinda a dick to them before this whole thing started." BonBon said. "Well they probably think your awesome now for standing up for me whenever Hayden was being rude." I said. BonBon looked at the ground with a sigh. "I guess I could go say hi." He finally said looking back up at me. I gave him a soft smile. "Go ahead. I bet they'd love to get to know you." I said. He sighed and pushed himself off the wall so he was standing up straight. "Here goes nothing." He told himself out loud as he made his way over towards them. As I watched him walk over towards them I saw Foxy out of the corner of my eye. He was walking over towards me. "Hey Fred." He greeted me. "Hey love." I greeted back. He gave me a soft smile as he leaned up against the wall next to me. "I heard arguing coming over here." Foxy said. "Hayden was being a dick again. Luckly Mira and BonBon shut him up though. And Kai kinda helped. Which is very nice." I told him. "Well I'm happy someone did. Cause if me and Bonnie went in there and herd him pushing you around, then we would've joined in. And that would've made shit way worse." Foxy said with a laugh. "You can say that again. Bonnie would've punched him again." I said remembering what Golden said. "He punched him?" Foxy asked confused. "Yea. After he separated us, Golden told me that Hayden got in Bonnie's face so he punched him right in the face." I explained. "Wow... Thats pretty hot." Foxy said making me laugh. "That just shows how much he cares. Thats... Very cool of him." Foxy said looking towards a direction. I looked to see what he was looking at and I saw Bonnie talking with Chichi and Chica. "I just wish we weren't in this hell whole." I said. "Yea that makes all of us. I wish we could've asked out Bonnie together like we planned. Instead of me just blabbering it out. I bet I weirded him the fuck out too." Foxy chuckled nervously. "Well, I asked if it weirded him out and he just kissed me so I don't think it did." I said. "Hm. He didn't really say much towards me either. Just a kiss." Foxy said to me. "Are you both talking about me?" A voice asked walking over towards us. I looked over Foxy and saw Bonnie walking over. "Of course we are. We're talking about you being all cute and whatnot." Foxy said making him giggle. "You both don't mind if I stay with you right?" Bonnie asked politely. "Of course love. Why wouldn't you?" I answered. "Hm. I don't know. I just thought you both were talking with just eachother." Bonnie said leaning up against the wall next to Foxy. "So what's your guy's plan after we get out of here?" Bonnie asked, "Like... Do you know what you think will happen when we leave?" Bonnie asked as we all sat down on the floor. "Well, we were gonna get our paychecks tonight and our plan- well mainly my plan, was to get Foxy an apartment and then if he was ok with it, then I could move in. So maybe that'll still be our main plan." I explained. "And I would love it if you moved in with me. It'll make me a hundred times happier and I'll have someone to cuddle with." Foxy said making me blush. "Well, who says you still can't get an apartment?" Bonnie asked making Foxy and I confused. "What do you mean?" Foxy asked Bonnie. "I could chip in. Ye'know, pay for the rest." Bonnie said making my heart jump. "B-Bonnie you don't have to do that." Foxy said. "But I want to. It would be my pleasure. And I know it will make you both happy." Bonnie insisted. "Bonnie... I dont know what to say..." Foxy started. "You dont have too. What apartment are you guys getting?" Bonnie asked. "Some apartment not too far from the highschool. It's cheep but really nice and big inside." "How much does it cost?" "Like, a thousand and four hundred dollars." I answered. "Wow. How much have you two spent for it? Saved I mean." "I... I couldn't save much. I live in a motel and I'm not supposed to live there longer than a couple days so I have to pay extra. So that's like my whole paycheck every week. And I've had to stay in it for three weeks." Foxy was explaining. "So I put all of my savings into it. Every dime I had. Because Foxy deserves better than what he has now." I finished. "You never had too.-" "But I wanted too. You were my friend and I loved you and I didn't want to just watch you suffer. I wanted you to be happy." Bonnie scooted closer to Foxy and layed his head on his shoulder. "Im so sorry you both have had to go through this." Bonnie apologized. "Its fine. Dont be sorry." Foxy said. "I just wish I wasn't such a dick. Maybe I would've been able to help." "Even if none of this happened, I wouldn't want you to spend any money on me. It already hurts me to know that Freddy's already spent every dime on me." Foxy said. "But I wanted too. And I really wanted to move out of my parents house, especially because they are homophobic. But I was afraid if I tried to ask you out and you said no then you would feel weird with me living with you. But I still took my shoot anyways." I added. "Well even in the one thousand different alternate universes if I would've said no, I would've still let you live with me. Plus within those thousand alternate universe's, I would've just kissed you right back anyways." I rolled my eyes and blushed. "Someone's outside!" I voice shouted running down the dark hallway towards us. "What?" Kai asked as Mira appeared. "Three guys are outside. Two of them have guns." Mira panicked running quickly to the window and peeking out. Bonnie shot up and stood up with Foxy. "Shit, what's the-" Kai was interrupted by a shot gun blast through the window. Everyone panicked and got down. Foxy and Bonnie quickly dipped out of the window sight. I quickly got up and tried to follow before a bullet was shot throught the window and a bullet flew infront of me, almost hitting my head. I jumped back in shock and then quickly turn to my side and kicked over a table and hid behind it. "Come out now and we will make this easy for everyone of you!" A man screamed from outside. It sounded like the man that went over the speakers at the stage before all of this started. Like the announcer. I peeked around my table to see everyone hiding behind something. I tried to find Foxy and Bonnie and saw them near by me doing the same thing I was doing. "I'm going to give you ten seconds before we kick down this door and kill every single on of you." The Announcer continued. Oh god... We're gonna die here....

Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The Rockstar Massacre Of 1987Where stories live. Discover now