Chapter 6

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Bonnie's POV:

Hayden walked into the room with Bonbon and Alyssa behind him. Hayden was staring at Foxy and Freddy who were still holding hands. Their faces turn sad and their ears drooped. "Looks like the other fag wasn't dead," Hayden said. "Hey! Nows, not the time to be a dick, Hayden." Mira said getting in front of him. "So you're defending the dumb fags now?" Alyssa asked Mira with a sassy voice. "No. I'm saying that nows not the time to start fucking sword fighting each other." Mira said defending them. "Hayden, we can do this shit later. Right now, we need to figure out what our plan is." Kai ordered him. He just rolled his eyes. "As much as I hate to say it, all of us in here have to work together. No fucking arguing, no fights, and no killing each other," Kai said looking specifically at Hayden, "We all want to get out of here alive, the more of us the better. It'll be easier to take down a small group of them. So take this shit seriously. The past is behind us for now." He looked towards Foxy and Freddy for that one. "We won't get along well but we have to work to get out. You hear me." Kai said to everyone. Some nodded and some struggled Foxy didn't move a muscle. "Good. Now, we're gonna finish up the fortifying the rest of this place, then we'll get the other group and bring them back here. Got it?" Kai asked again. The same people nodded. Kai looked over at Golden, Roxanne, and Monty. "You three come with me. This place is huge so we have to find and block off every entry point. Hayden, you stay here and watch the door. Make sure nobody tries to break in. BonBon, you watch the back door. Everyone else, don't fucking kill each other. Switch out with Hayden and BonBon when they need to. Same with us. Got it?" He asked again. We nodded. "Alright, get to work then," Kai said. He took Golden, Roxanne, and Monty out of the room, Hayden made his way towards the door but gave Foxy and Freddy a death stare, then Foxy and Freddy left the room, Foxy was gripping onto Freddy's hand tightly. BonBon then left the room and Mira left the room. Alyssa gave me a stare that made me uncomfortable. I quickly left the room too. I could've done something there. To defend Foxy and Freddy. I could've said something. Fuck, maybe Miras is right. They're my friends and I should support them. If I wasn't such a fucking loser. I thought to myself. I walked into the cafe area and pulled up a chair that was in the corner and sat down. I laid my head down on my arms that were resting on the table and sobbed. We're gonna fucking die here. And I've waisted my life away by being a dick to everyone. God, I fucking hate myself...

Third-person POV:

About thirty minutes passed. Kai and the others were still working on most of the building, Hayden was still watching the door same with Bonbon, Foxy and Freddy were looking for any meds, Mira was in the restroom listening to the slightly quiet screams and cries from help outside, and Bonnie still sat in the corner and cried. The cafe they were in was attached to the staffs building so the place was pretty huge. Kai and the others were upstairs in the staff area while everyone else was downstairs near the cafe. Foxy and Freddy were just in the middle of their conversation when they walked into the cafe room where Bonnie was. They didn't notice him. "...I promise you. Ok?" Freddy started as they walked in. Bonnie noticed them but hid his face from the tears that stained his fur. "I don't know Freddy..." Foxy started as they sat down the meds they found on a table. "Foxy, please just-." "Freddy I can even focus anymore. I fucking murdered a man. That's two people I've murdered..." Foxy said with a soft but hurt voice. "You didnt- murder your dad. He was gonna kill you.-" "But I still put a bullet between his eyes." "Even if you did. But tonight you saved people. You saved Bonnie. You don't have to be afraid of that anymore. I promise you everything will be alright. And I'll keep saying that over and over again until you feel safe. We'll get out of this together." Freddy said. Foxy sat down in a chair and laid his head in his hands. "I wish you were right Fred," Foxy said. "Foxy..." Freddy started sitting down next to him, "Don't think about this negatively. It'll only hurt you more." "You always say that," Foxy said looking at Freddy. Their backs were turned from bonnie so they still didn't know he was there. "Well cause I'm right." Freddy said. Foxy chuckled. "Why are you so positive about things?" Foxy asked now having a soft smile on his face. "I dont know. I guess it's just my lovely personality." He said making Foxy chuckle again. Foxy leaned over and kissed his cheek softly. "Your too sweet. How have you never dated someone before?" Foxy said leaning his head on his shoulder. "Mh... I dont know. Probably cause I'm gay." Freddy said to Foxy. "True. But you probably still could've gotten a cute boyfriend." Foxy said. "If only the whole world wasn't homophobic." "You could've asked me out sooner." Foxy mentioned laying his head down on Freddy's lap and laying his legs down on the chair. "All you talked about was woman. How would I have know if you were gay. Same with Bonnie." Freddy said scratching the back of Foxy's ear. Bonnie's ears perked up for a second. What do they mean, Same with Bonnie? He thought to himself. "I was young and dumb. Plus I liked you alot then. I just thought something was wrong with me for liking my friends." Foxy said making Bonnie sit up now. The room was pitch black other than the moonlight from the windows that were shining through the window. He wasnt near one so he was technically invisible. Kinda. "Same with me. I almost wanted to... Give up. Like, on confessing." Freddy said. "If you wouldn't have, I don't know if I would've gained the balls to either." Foxy said. Bonnie then stood up from his seat and quickly tried to leave the room. Feeling weird about the situation and what was going through his head. Why'd they mention me? Why'd they say and Bonnie? What? I... Bonnie was about to walk down the hallway but he turned back around and looked at them. They were still with each other talking and giggling. Bonnie sighed and turned around and walked towards them. What the fuck am I doing? Bonnie questioned himself. As he walked over towards them, his footsteps could be heard and he could now be seen through the shine of the moonlight in the window. Foxy saw him and quickly sat up. Freddy noticed to and adjusted himself. They didn't notice it was Bonnie until he got closer. "Oh, Bonnie. It's just you." Freddy said in relief, "I thought you were someone else." "Do you need something?" Foxy asked Bonnie. Bonnie didn't say anything for a second. Bonnie felt weird but wanted to know why they were talking about him. "Why were you-" He tried to say before hearing someone walk in on them. It was Hayden. Of course. "Well well well." He started making Foxy and Freddy bolt up, "Whatcha doing talking to the fags, Bonnie?" He asked as he got closer to them. Bonnie didn't say anything. "You gonna answer, Dumbass?" He said. "Hey dont push him around dude." Freddy barked back, defending Bonnie. "Haha. Your so funny aren't you. You think hes your little friend don't you?" Hayden said. "Look man. We don't want a fight right now." Freddy said as Hayden got up right infront of them. "Shut up dumbass." He said towards Freddy, making Bonnie back away from the fight. "Hey! Don't fucking call him that!" Foxy shouted in his face. "Why the fuck are you guys shouting over here?" Mira said walking in the room with Bonbon and Alyssa. She looked at Hayden and then turned pissed. "Are you seriously fucking doing this right now?" Mira shouted at him. "Yea. These fucking fags need to know they're place." Hayden said pushing Freddy back a little with his hand. "Dont fucking touch him asshole!" Foxy said pushing Hayden back. "Hey both of you stop! Right now! You remember what Kai said?-" "I dont give to shits about what Kai said." Hayden interuped Mira. "Maybe you should listen to her asshole." Foxy ordered him. "Ha! You think she's on you side with this you little shit? She wants you gone and dead as much as I do. And so does everyone else." "Hayden stop!" Mira shouted at him. "After we heard you two fuckers smoochin on that bench, we were gonna fire you. Kai wanted to fire you, BonBon wanted to fire you, Mira wanted to fire you, and Bonnie even said fuck you." Hayden argued. That shattered Freddy and Foxy's poor hearts. Freddys ears dropped and he looked over at Bonnie. Foxy stood his ground but Freddy felt heart broken. Bonnie felt his heart ache when Hayden said that and he looked at Freddy. His heart shattered when he saw his eyes water up and then turn away from him. I-I-I didn't m-mean I-It! Bonnie shouted out loud in his head. "No one gives a shit about you. Everyone here wants you gone and dead. Both of you. The only reason why your both here is because your our bait if they find us." Hayden said. "Hayden stop-" Mira tried to say. "And if I really wanted to, I would've slit you dumb boyfriend's throat and made you watch him bleed and die, then I would've stomped on your scull and killed you too. So you and your retarded ass boyfriend better watch your backs." "Dont you ever fucking call him that." Foxy said getting right up in his face. "What are you gonna do pussy. Hit me?" Hayden smirked. Foxy reached down and grabbed the machetes handle and gripped it tightly. "I'll do so much worse than hitting you." Foxy said. "Try me bitch." Hayden said. Bonnie's heart jumped and he knew he had to do something or they would kill each other. But he couldn't think of what to do. If he helped Foxy, they wouldn't listen to him. Because of what Hayden said. But he could separate them. It would destroy Freddy and Foxy but as long as Hayden would stop hurting them. And maybe Hayden would shut the fuck up for once. Bonnie had to think. It felt like time stopped around him and he could only hear a ringing noise. After what felt like a frozen eternity, Bonnie knew what to do. He quickly ran up to both of the two fighting and pushed them apart. "Both of you stop, now!" Bonnie shouted, surprising both of them. "Foxy, you need to fucking leave. Now! Take your fucking boyfriend and go somewhere else before shit gets worse!" Bonnie shouted looking at Foxy. Foxy looked broken and terrified at the same time. "But-." "I said now!" Bonnie shouted at him again. Foxy's tail shot down and his ears flattened against the side of his head. A soft but quiet puppy whine could be heard and he quickly grabbed Freddy's hand and quickly tried to flee the room. Freddy had tears in his eyes but tried to hide them. As much as that hurt Foxy, it hurt Bonnie fifty times more. He didn't mean anything thing he said but he had to say it to separate them. "Good job Bonnie. You scared the fags away." Hayden said, boiling up Bonnie. "Shut your fucking mouth Hayden. You only cause problems with people. Your a complete fucking asshole!" Bonnie shouted at him, surprising everyone else. Bonnie's never acted like this before to anyone. "I get it now. Your their little second boyfriend they're talking about." Hayden said making Bonnie clench his fists, "But you scared them away. Cause your a dumb. Ass. Fucking. Faggot." Hadyen said finally pushing Bonnie to his limit. Bonnie kneed Hayden directly in the crouch and swung his fist, hitting Hayden directly in the face making him almost fall over but catching himself on a table. "Fuck. You." Bonnie said, turning around and quickly leaving the room to find Foxy and Freddy. He felt his heart beating like a drum. He felt his body acke and his eyes water when he left the room. "What the fuck is going on down here?" He heard a distant voice say, going into the room that Hayden and the others were in. Bonnie didn't turn around or say anything. He needed- No, he had to find Freddy and Foxy. Meanwhile with Freddy and Foxy, they were pretty much across the whole building. Freddy was silent and Foxy was silent. Freddy felt his eyes watering up and Foxy felt himself crying on his inside. "F-Foxy..." Freddy tried to say. "It all fucking bullshit, Freddy." Foxy finally said. "Foxy..." "I knew he didn't give two fucking shits about us. He's never cared about us. He's never loved us." "Foxy-" "We're just fucking dumb faggots to him. No one cares about us." "Foxy, please stop. We'll get through it well be ok.-" Foxy through Freddys hand aside and turned to face him. "No we wont, Freddy. Your wrong. Nothing will be ok. Nothing will be alright. We're Fucked Freddy! No one gives two shits about us. So stop fucking lieing to yourself. Stop acting like everything will be alright. So stop being an fucking idiot!" Foxy argued. Freddy went silent. Foxy then realized what he said and broke. His heart shattered when he heard what he said echo through his head. Tears formed up in his eyes and he hugged himself. "I-I... I didn't... Fuck..." Foxy whined. Foxy never wanted to hurt Freddy like he just did. He couldn't breathe. He felt like he just stabbed a knife through Freddy's poor heart. "I-I... I need to be alone." Foxy said slowly backing up. He then quickly bolted off balling his eyes out. What the fuck is wrong with me??? Foxy cried to himself. Freddy stood frozen. Heart broken. He started to cry. He didnt move. He just let his tears pour from his face, staining his furry cheeks. He then too quickly left the area. Bonnie ran down the hallway calling out Freddy and Foxys name's begging that they would respond. He stopped at a specific spot upstairs where he saw Foxy. Hugging his legs sitting and crying in the dark. His face was dug between his legs and his tail was wrapped around him. Bonnie got closer and the fox noticed. "Go away." Foxy begged. "I-" "I said go away!" Foxy repeated himself. "Foxy please let me talk to you. I didnt mean what I said." "You didn't mean what you said... Your lieing. You never gave a shit about us." Foxy cried. "Foxy... I never wanted to yell at you." Bonnie tried apologizing again. "You've never cared. You wanted to fire us. You said fuck you to us. You've never cared." "Foxy-" "Because we're not like you!" Foxy yelled getting up, "We're not bunnys. We're not cool like them. Because we're faggots and their not." Foxy argued then walked past Bonnie to try and quickly leave. Foxy slightly moved into a brighter area that the moon gave and Bonnie a clear view of him. His sleeves were rolled up and his arms were bleeding. He had tears pouring from his face. Bonnie felt terrible. His tears began to turn into bullets, pouring from his face. "Foxy, please wait!" Bonnie shouted trying to catch up with him. Meanwhile with Freddy, he was crying and walking through the halls. "Maybe Foxy's right." He said talking to himself, "Maybe things won't get any better." Freddy sighed and walked into a random storage room with some light in it. Freddy looked up to see a axe swing at him. His heart jumped and he quickly ducked. He bolted forward and turned around to see what it was. There was a man with a bag mask on and a full black outfit with a bloody axe. From him missing his swing, his axe got stuck in the door. He ripped it out and slammed the door shut. Freddy was trapped in there with him. He was confused about what the hell just happened and immediately tried to back up.. tried to scream for help but the room was so sealed that no one could hear him. The man swung his axe again Freddy luckly dogging it. He ran back further into the storage room to try to find another exit. The room was almost pitch black so his only way out was the front door. Im gonna die here I'm gonna die here I'm gonna die! Freddy cried, not seeing where the man went. He crouched down and snuck between the storage units. He ran very far from the exit door so he had to pray he would make it without the man finding him. Oh God please someone help me. He prayed crying even more. How did this guy even get in here? Didn't they block everything off? Freddy saw the door and slowly made his way towards the door. Listening to the masked man's breathes through the mask. Freddy's heart pounded louder and louder as he got closer to the door. He felt his palms sweat and his heart race. As he almost made it, he slowly stood up and then bolted for the door. A axe swung from his side, stabbing him directly in the side of the stomach and pulling back slicing. Freddy squealed in pain and fell against the door. Slightly cracking it open. The masked man ran up to Freddy and began to swing at him again but Freddy quickly dodged it again. He tried to get up and run but he fell in pain. He turned around and kicked the masked man in the knee making him stumble and lose control of the axe in his hand. He dropped it and it slid under a table by the door so he pulled out his knife and ran towards Freddy. Freddy noticed the door slightly cracked opened and screamed for help once again. Back with Foxy and Bonnie, Bonnie was chasing Foxy trying to talk to him. "Foxy please dont shut me out! I'm sorry!" He apologized again. "Then do something!" Foxy shouted, quickly turning around and shouting at Bonnie, surprising him. "Tell them to leave Freddy alone! Do something if you give a shit! They break his poor fucking heart all the time and he crys in my shoulder about it. I can't bare to see him cry anymore and I just fucking yelled at him! Fucking hell, why am I even telling you this?" Foxy asked himself. "Because I care about you. It may never look like it but I do-" "Then control them! You see what they do and you let them!" Foxy said turning around, "Then you hurt us..." Bonnie thought for a moment then spoke. "Then why didn't you quit?" He asked him, "Why didn't you and Freddy quit. You knew what would happen if you stayed. Then why did you stay!?" Bonnie shouted at him. "Because I love you!" They both went silent. Bonnie's body froze and his heart stopped beating. "I've always have... I stayed because I didn't want to lose you... Because you mean something to me... To Freddy... You mean more than just a friend or a musician or a rockstar... You mean way more..." Foxy confessed looking into Bonnie's eyes. Bonnie felt his heart melt and his cheeks burn. "Foxy I-" "Help!!!" Freddys voice screamed, interuping Bonnie. "That was Freddy." Foxy pointed out. "Shit!" Foxy said turning around and bolting to the voice. He pulled out his machete and sprinted. Bonnie followed close behind. Freddy tried to crawl away from the masked man but he grabbed his leg and pulled him back the man stabbed Freddy's thigh and then climbed on top of him and swung down trying to stab him in the head. Freddy luckly catched it but the cut on his side weakened him. The man tried pushing the knife down with both hands and Freddy tried pushing back. Freddy cried for help again as the tip of the blade got closer and closer to his eye. He cried one last time before he heard a slice. Something splattered on his face and he looked. The masked man had a machete split through his head. His body fell and Freddy pushed him off. He looked up to see Foxy and Bonnie. Foxy quickly dove down to Freddy. "Freddy! Holy shit, holy shit! Are you ok?" Foxy panicked. He looked at my cut side and my stab wound in my leg and he started panicing more. "Bonnie help me sit him up!" Foxy begged. Bonnie quickly ran by me and lifted me up with the help of Foxy. They leaned me up against a wall on some table. "Im going to get bandages!" Bonnie announced. "Yes please! Hurry!" Foxy begged. Bonnie got up and ran out the door seeing the others walking down the hallway with flashlights. "What happened?" Kai asked Bonnie but Bonnie just pushed past them to find bandages. The others quickly ran in the room to see Foxy trying to apply pressure on the wounds. "Holy shit! What happened?" Mira cried. "Someone br-broke-" Freddy tried to say but just coughed up blood. "Monty, Help me apply pressure. Roxanne, hold that flashlight up so we can see the wounds. Mira, when Bonnie gets back with the med kit you need to hold him up. Please." Foxy ordered and everyone immediately got to work. Hayden left the scene with Alyssa as BonBon watched in horror. Kai quickly. walked over. "Push as hard as you can." Kai said rushing over. "Please check to see if there's any other cuts." Foxy begged. Kai looked around and saw the cuts on his side that were being held by Foxy. The thigh that was stabbed that Monty was holding and there were some cuts on Freddy's hands. "Theres only cuts on his hands." Kai announced. "He should be fine then. The blood will dry up very quickly." Foxy said. "Fuck, Freddy I'm so sorry. I shouldnt have left you. This is all my fault." Foxy whined. Freddy cupped Foxys cheek and tried to smile. "Its not your fault sweetie. Don't be sorry." Freddy said sounding tired. "Hey! Don't fall asleep Freddy. Please keep yourself awake." Foxy said worried. Bonnie appeared back in the room with a medkit. He slammed it down on the table and pulled out some alcohol. "Bonnie, give that to Kai so he can clean the wounds. Roxanne, aim the light at Kai so he can see." Foxy ordered. Bonnie quickly gave Kai the bottle and Kai immediately moved over to Monty. Roxanne aimed the light at him. "Move your hand for a second." Kai asked. Monty did so and Kai poured a little bit of alcohol on his thigh wound. Freddy's leg tensed but he was ok. Bonnie quickly ran over and immediately started wrapping it. "Freddy, we're gonna clean your cut right here, ok?" Foxy asked him, removing his hands from the wound on his side. Kai got ready with the alcohol and cloth and got ready to clean it. "Ready?" Kai asked Freddy. He nodded and Foxy gripped his hand tightly and Mira lifted his shirt so Kai could clean it and leaned him slightly over. Kai started pouring the bottle on the cloth and then pressed it up against his side. Freddy cried in pain from the sting but stayed calm because Foxy was holding his hand. After Kai finished, Bonnie came over and started wrapping the wound. Going around his whole stomach around his waist. "Your ok sweetheart. Everythings ok now." Foxy said to Freddy with tears in his eyes. Everyone backed up except Foxy and Bonnie. "Your ok. Your ok." Foxy said again calming him. Freddy hugged him and Foxy hugged him back. "This doesn't hurt right?" Foxy asked. "No its fine." Freddy answered, his voice sounding dead. Everyone took a second before asking Freddy questions. "Do you know how he came in? Or what happened?" Bonnie asked standing next to him. "I-I-I dont know. I-I came i-in here a-and he was just hiding behind the d-door." He studdard. "A-and when I came in he swung his axe at me. He missed but then he sliced my stomach and tried to stab me with a knife. I k-kicked his knee so he dropped his axe somewhere." Freddy said. Roxanne aimed the flashlight around until it stopped at the bottem of the table. "Under there." She said. Bonnie bent down and slid it out. "Thats a shit ton of blood." He said examining the axe. Kai walked over and grabbed it. "Its all fresh too. This couldn't have all been from Freddy." He said. "Then it's from the others outside." Golden said. Standing in the door way, "There hasn't been a gunshot or scream in a couple of minutes. Maybe some people made it out." "Or maybe their all dead." Monty said, "Or most of those killers left after getting bored that they killed most of those people out there." Roxanne sighed and aimed the flashlight down the storage unit. She aimed it around until she stopped at a small glimmer of light coming out of the roof. "Whats that there?" Roxanne asked. Everyone in the room turned their attention to it. It looked like a hatch to the roof. "Thats how he got in. And that's how we'll get out to get the others." Kai announced. "Is it unlocked?" Roxanne asked. "Kai I'll boost you." Monty said. Kai and Monty walked underneath the hatch and Monty put his hands out together. "Ready when you are." He said. Kai hopped up and tried lifting up the hatch. Locked. There was a little key hole too. "Locked. The fucker locked it. Did he have a key on him?" Kai asked. Golden walked over to the guy and looted his pockets. He pulled out what seemed to be a key but it was bent in half. "He did, but it's broke." Golden said. Monty let down Kai and he sighed. "Does anyone know how to pick a lock?" He asked. "I do." Foxy said, "But can I atleast get Freddy somewhere to rest, first?" "Yea. Go ahead. And BonBon." Kai said looking at the shell shocked blue bunny near the doorway. "Y-yea?" He asked back. "Get Hayden. Hes gonna have to come with us. From what happened in there, he's gonna be a problem if he stays here." BonBon nodded and made his way out of the room. "Freddy." Kai said. Freddy's attention turned to him. "You rest. For now. After Foxy gets this hatch open. He'll stay here with you. Monty, Roxanne, Bonnie and Hayden will come with me. Golden, Alyssa, and BonBon will stay here with Freddy and Foxy. Mira, you'll sit on this roof and watch to make sure no one tries to get in. Sound like a plan?" Kai asked. Everyone agreed. "Good."

Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The Rockstar Massacre Of 1987Where stories live. Discover now