Chapter 16

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Third person POV:

Everyone made they're way over towards the front door and got ready to split. Springtrap was gonna go up first but his arm was grabbed and he was held back. He turned around to see Golden and a smile but confused look appeared on Springtraps face. "Whats up?" Springtrap asked as everyone made they're way out the door. "Are you... Are you sure we'll be safe. Like... I trust you but-" "Yes, Golden. We'll be fine. This is a smart card to play. It'll be safer for everyone." Springtrap told him as Golden let go of his arm. "But are you gonna be safe?" Golden finished his sentence. Springtrap was gonna answer positively but sighed. "I dont know. We just gotta hope I guess. C'mon, they're waiting for us. Springtrap said turning around and started walking the other way. Golden sighed and followed him. They walked out the door and saw everyone waiting. "Everyone still know the plan?" Springtrap  to them. Everyone nodded. "Good. First group there needs to get their injured people in the truck and Immediately try to find that dead driver. Got it. Good. Then lets split here." Springtrap announced. Bonbons group was getting ready to go first. "Be safe everyone." BonBon wispered, mainly looking at Bonnie and the other two. "Dont die." Mira replied. BonBons group quickly made their way down the road over towards the haunted houses. Everyone else was ready to split up. "You guys know your plan, so stick to it no matter what. Don't lose eachother." Springtrap told Bonnie's group. They all nodded and got ready to head their direction. Springtrap caught Golden as he got up ready to follow the others and Springtrap stood up with him. "Wait, Goldie." Springtrap said, causing him to stop. "Hm?" Golden hummed. Springtrap walked up to him and cupped his chin. Placing a soft but quick kiss on his cheek. "Stay safe, ok?" Springtrap begged him, backing away after and turning towards his group. A soft blush peered on Springtraps face as with Golden there was a bright red glow burning from his cheeks. "Y-you too Springy." Golden said, turning around to his group and getting ready to follow them. Springtrap walked over towards Roxannes group and rounded them up to get ready to go. "Can you carry him the whole time?" Springtrap asked Monty while looking at the pale, poor bear in Montys arms. "Yes." Monty answered quickly. "Ok. Follow me from a distance and when I order you to follow, don't fall behind. We don't know what we will face up ahead." Springtrap said. "Lets go."

BonBons POV:

Mira, Hayden, Kai and I quickly departed from the others and made our way over towards the haunted houses. That's where Chichi and Chica most likely are. Along our way, I pulled out my gun and was kinda leading our group towards the area. We tried to stay somewhat hidden in the darkness so no one would see us but less hidden so we could see eachother. "This is so bullshit. We could be out of here by now if we went with my plan." Hayden wispered to us. "Leaving people behind isn't a good plan Hayden." Kai said. "Well we all would have made it out and it would've been safer if we did. The others could have just stayed at that store and hid while we escaped and told the police where they were." "Thats still stupid though, if some guy got in there, they would have died no matter what." Mira said. Hayden groaned as we continued towards one of the mazes. The power was still turned on from the psychos turning on the power towards this section of the park. "Still, it was only Foxy, Freddy and Glam that were injured. Monty is most likely gonna get killed with Glam and they are both gonna die and Foxys already a walking corpse so Freddy would die trying to protect them." Hayden complained. "Damn dude shut up. You probably wanted to leave them because they're still fags." Mira argued. "They deserve to rot in hell for what they are doing. They're lucky that only we figured out that their fags before anyone else did. And now that Bonnie'sfucking dating them. Ha!" Hayden whined. "Leave them alone dude. Stop being a fucking dick." Mira argued. "Could yall shut up please. What we did to them was bullshit enough. So shit the fuck up." I shushed them. "Why is this an argument right now. We're literally gonna fucking die and your still being a whiney bitches about some gays? Jesus christ Hayden." Kai argured. Hayden was about to say something until in the distance we heard a loud robotic scream come from one of the haunted houses up ahead of us. It was a robotic jumpscare in the maze so someone must have tripped it. "That could be them." I wispered towards the others. "That could also be a guy looking for where the others were hiding." Hayden ensured. "But its still worth checking. Plus we can kill whatever is in there that's not them." I said showing them the gun Foxy gave me. "Foxy gave that to you?" Kai asked. "Yea. I just gotta shoot until the guy falls. Easy." I said standing up. "Fuck. Alright let's do it. Everyone stick close." Kai ordered everyone. We all stood up and slowly made our way towards the long dark building that was the maze. It had to have been one of the biggest ones in the park so this was gonna be hard for us. I hesitated to walk up the stairs to the entrance but gained the courage to go first. The entrance was a curtain so I pushed it aside and aimed my gun in first. "Be careful BonBon." Mira begged me, directly behind me. I took a deep breath and went in the building. The lights were all dark blue and the area was all Hospital themed. As soon as I walked in, I activated a loud scream coming from a hidden speaker. It screamed like a little girl and then an evil laugh played. "We need to be careful of the tripwires. They will tell whoever is in here where we are. Just keep a look out everyone. They should have a beaming lazer near the floor." Kai said. I nodded and continued to walk slowly. The place had creepy noises playing quietly through speakers down the long hallways. There were fake rag doll bodys in certain room that were supposed to look like hospital rooms but were filled with fake blood. As I continued, I saw a cross bolt lying on the floor. It looked like it could've been a prop but I wanted to make sure because I remember some guy having a crossbow from the beginning of all of this. I made my way towards the bolt that was on the ground and I bent down and grabbed it. I looked at it and I realized it wasn't a prop. It was real and whoever shot it hit someone because it was covered in blood. "Is that real?" Mira asked quietly. "Yea. It's real. Chichi and Chica have to be here. Unless this was from the beginning of evetything." I explained for everyone. "Well hopefully they are-" "Screeeeech!" A fake rag body slammed against the window and screamed making Mira almost scream. "Jesus fucking christ." Mira held in here scream. "I told you to watch out for tripwires." Kai told her after laughing. "Shut up Kai. Jesus. I already hate it here." Mira whined. "Oh c'mon. It wasn't too scary." Hayden said. "Well we are in a terrifying situation right now so I'm pretty sure I had a good reason to shit my pants because of that." Mira argued. "Lets just keep going." I said with a slight giggle. I pushed forward again but dogged that tripwire and lead the group again. We reminded silent until we spotted a body in the hallway. "Is that real?" Hayden asked. I slowly approached it from a distance and saw that it was a rag doll. "Its fake. I think." I said approaching it more. I turned around and looked at the others who were a little distance behind me. I rolled my eyes and walked forward. A loud scream came from the rag doll as it launched up at me. I almost screamed and jumped back in fear. The fake body folded back to its dead form and the robotic arm that launched it up folded back down into the floor. The others were giggling from the back of me. "Yall knew that was gonna happen didn't you?" I said angerly at them. They just laughed. I rolled my eyes and continued down the hallway. "This shit looks pretty creepy though. I wish we could've dont this stuff before this massacre happened." Hayden said. "Yea. We wouldve had fun. Now the whole ass park is a horror house." Mira said. We continued down the hallway and it took a little left turn. I followed it while stepping over the tripwire to start the jumpscare and turned the corner. I felt my heart jump when I looked down the hallway. There were three bodys and they were all dressed up in Halloween costumes. I saw another body in the back corner that looked to be a short girl and my heart jumped. That can't be them, can it? "BonBon? What up?" Mira asked walking up next to me. She looked down the hallway and gasped. "Oh Jesus." Mira said. The other two appeared around the corner too. "Great. More bodys. This shouldn't be shocking when we saw the piles upon piles of bodys near the stage." Hayden said. "Its still... Not normal... It hurts to even see another body." Mira said. "It doesn't matter. They're just another corpse to me." "So was Alyssa just a corpse to you?" Kai asked Hayden, making him go silent. "Dont... Talk about Alyssa." Hayden begged, crossing his arms. and sighing. "Damn, I thought you didn't care about anyone." Kai said. I still kept my focus on that body near the corner in the back and started to move towards it. There were rooms on the side of the hallway that were hospital rooms but were pitch black so the actors can jump out from behind the door to scare you. I continued to make my way over towards that body and as I got closer, I saw that purple like outfit that Chica had on and I panicked and ran over. "BonBon what is it?" Kai asked. I dove down to the body and realized the clothes weren't actually on the body but were laying on top of it. I sighed in relief. "These are Chicas clothes so I panicked. Sorry." I said to them as they got closer. "Why'd she take her clothes off?" Hayden asked very confused. I lifted up the shirt and the whole back was covered in blood. "Shit." I said as the drenched fresh blood dripped down. "Screeeeech!" A loud noise played in the other room infront of us. I quickly stood up and aimed my gun. "That could be them if they are still here." Mira said. I nodded and started slowly moving forward. There was a curtain that lead to the other room that was spray painted with a green, blue and pink color that said "Emergency room" and a big bloody stream on it. I gulped and pushed around it, walking into the other room. The room was twisted upside down so it looked like we were on the ceiling. I made my way down it slowly and saw the weird rooms to the sides and the weird colors on the ceiling. There was a stream of fresh blood towards this room that was supposed to be a doctors office and I made my way over towards it. The others followed close behind me as I made my way over towards the room. As I was right next to the doorway, I stepped on a tripwire and a jumpscare happened and a loud screech came from above me. I sighed after not seeing a jumpscare so I walked all the way into the room. As soon as it did, I saw a stick get swung at me and I quickly dogged it and aimed the gun at the figure who tried to hit me. After a brief pause, I realized it was Chichi. "Holy fuck BonBon." ChiChi said immediately hugging me. The others saw and ran in. "Thank god your fine. Where's Chica?" I asked immediately when she pulled away. "H-here." A voice said. It was Chica, sitting in a corner by the door. She had some fresh clothes on that looked like she was wearing a Friday the thirteenth Jason costume with some random big brown leather jacket on. Chichi had a Nightmare on elm Street Freddy costume on with a leather jacket on. Chica was curled up in the corner and looked pale. "What happened to her?" Kai asked as he quickly walked over and crouched down to her. "It's a long story." Chichi said. We all walked over towards Chica and crouched down next to her. She looked pale and hella injured. "Im ok. I just got shot. I'm fine." Chica said with her voice sounding dead. "Are the others safe?" Chichi asked us. "They are heading towards the stage again. Freddy mentioned that we could get a truck and put all of the injured in it and drive out of here." Kai said. "Wait, who's injured?" Chica asked. "Freddy, Foxy, Glam and you." Kai said. "And me. The fucker sliced my whole side. I'm lucky Chica was there to help me." Chichi said grabbing her hand. "You saved my ass too." Chica said giving her a smile. "So what the hell happened with you two?" Mira asked. "Chica and I were running from two fuckers after us, one got me in the side and the other shot Chica with a cross bolt. We managed to get away and quickly and used our clothes as bandages and through on these outfits to blend in with the bodys outside. And it worked. I couldn't help carry Chica so we stayed here and heard someone trigger a haunted house trap in the other room. Which luckly was you." Chichi said. "Yea, thankfully. Now let's leave before someone else comes here." Hayden said standing up. I stood up and leaned Chica a hand and pulled her to her feet. She slightly stumbled but I caught her. "C'mon sis. We're almost out of this bitch." Mira said to Chica, wrapping her arm around her for stability. We were about to start walking until... "Screeeeech!" A trap went off from where we came from. Then another one went off near the way we would go to find the exit. "God fucking damn it." Hayden whined. "Sh!" Kai shushed Hayden. We stayed quiet until we heard another screech from the front and we crouched down. "We have to go the other way, even if there's there's gut there. We don't know what this guy could have. He could be the one with the shotgun." Kai said. "Or it's the one with the bat. We saw some guy with a bat with nails on it. He has throwing knifes too. One stuck me." Chichi told us. "And the other one could be the crossbow guy." Chica added quietly. "Then we have to take our chances, BonBons got a gun. So no matter who we bump into, we. Can shoot him. Knock him down- literally do anything. I'm not watching someone else die." Mira said. Everyone looked at me to hear my opinion. I took a moment to think before deciding. "We head towards the exit. Yes it'll be risky because of the tripwires but that could also trick the other guy and tell us where he is." I explained. "Smart. Them let's move fast." Hayden hurried us. We all quickly got up and hurried into the next zone. We walked in and it was a cafe like room. It had fake hanging people on the ceiling and a ton of spider like things. There were three different doorways too that lead to different areas. We looked at them for a hot minute before looking at eachother. "Whatever the fuck you guys are thinking, but we are not splitting up." Hayden said walking over towards one of the door. We were about to follow until it trigger a loud laugh noise from above the door. "Shit we gotta go now!" Hayden panicked quietly. He raced down the hallway and we quickly tried to follow. As we began to run down the hallway with him, there was another big room that the hallway lead to and as soon as we made it in that room, Hayden screamed. "Shit! Duck!" He shouted as soon as I made it in the room. By time I did, a crossbow was fired and an arrow flew through the air right towards me. I ducked just in time for it to miss. "Go back! BonBon shoot him!" Kai begged as he and Hayden bolted back out the door. Mira helped Chica up after she fell trying to duck and the tried to make it out too. I stood up and aimed my gun at the man who was somehow already reloaded and aimed right at Chichi in front of me. I didnt hesitate to shoot and fired trying to point it at him. The bullet luckly his arm and he stumbled, misfiring and the bolt stuck into the wall next to me. "Go BonBon, hurry!" Chichi panicked. Quickly bolted for the door and Chichi with me. We both made it back into that hallway and started running down it. The others weren't infront of us anymore so they must have ran down the hallway already. I turned around to see that guy with the crossbow down the hallway finish up reloading and aimed at us. Before he could fire though, we were able to get out of the hallway and back into the main room. "Fuck! Where did they go?" Chichi panicked, looking at the other two rooms. The others weren't anywhere in sight and my first thought was to run straight for the door directly across from us. "That way. They probably went-" I started before seeing another masked man with an bat come from the other doorway. He looked dead eye straight at us and pulled out a throwing knife. "Go!" Chichi ordered me as she quickly started runningtowards the other doorway. I followed quickly and we managed to run past the guy and bolted down the hallway. This area had a sign above it though that said maze and I immediately knew we were fucked. The hallway we ran down got darker and darker and when we finallymade it down the hallway, we made it to the entranceof the maze. I didnt see Chichi anymore and there were two separate entrances into the maze. I chose the doorway on my right and ran down it. Hoping she went that way. As soon as I started, I activated a tripwire and got a loud scream next to me. I jumped back almost shitting my self and then got back up ready to run again. I heard another screech from the other side of the room and guessed that Chichi was over there. I was about to turn around to join her until I saw the bat guy come though my entrance of the maze. I was gonna shoot him but could barely see do to the poor lighting in the maze and I remembered that I only had two bullets left. I hopped back up and turned around to run. As soon as I did, I felt a sharp object stab me in the back and I stumbled into the wall. I got back up and took the corner turn and continued to run thought the maze. As I was running, I reached behind my back and grabbed a handle in my back and ripped it off. It was a throwing knife that I could barely see in the dark and I gripped it tightly in my hands. My back hurt like hell from it stabbing me but I somehow managed to deal with it. I continued the maze and was repeatedly jumpscared by different traps and got repeatedly cut off by dead ends. I looked at the tall ceiling and noticed that the maze walls didn't reach all the way to that ceiling and I could somewhat tell where the end of the rooms were and where the exit could be. I continued the maze and found out that I was doing a loop in one of the corners. I got out of it and saw the exit door. My heart jumped and I tried running towards it but I was tripped and I fell. I dropped my gun in the process and I was gonna crawl over and grab it before I heard a noise behind me and then a grunt. I slightly turned around and looked up and saw the man with the bar swing down at me. I jumped forward but he still hit the back of my leg with the nailed bat and it stuck in me. He pulled back as I screamed in pain, pulling me with him. He ripped the nailed bat out of my leg and got ready to swing again, aiming for my head and I couldn't move. I felt myself give up and my body collapsed. He was about to swing again before another figure appeared from the other side of him and slammed him against the wall. It was Chichi and she had that bolt from earlier and dug it right into the guys neck. I quickly crawled back and grabbed my gun on the ground and then turned back around to them. The man didn't care about the bolt in his neck and he quickly over powered Chichi and through her to his side against the wall and stabbed her in the stomach with a throwing knife. He almost fell and he got ready to swing the bat at her head. I aimed my gun at him and got a soft glare of light at him and shot twice, hoping I hit him. I watched as his figure collapsed on the ground and Chichi quickly helped herself up and ran over to me. She lended me a hand and I grabbed it. She pulled me up and we looked back at the man's body and saw him slowly starting to stand back up. We didnt hesitate to turn around and run towards the exit. We made it out of the maze and ran down the hallway. I felt my leg burning with pain as we continued to move quickly down the hall. We took a left turn and saw the exit door. Two separate hallways connected to it as we heard more haunted house traps go off form those hallways. We made it to the door and slammed it open. "Exits down here! Hurry!" Hayden screemed from one of the halls. We made it outside and turned back around to the door. Chica and Mira limped out together and noticed us. "Thank god your guy's are ok! We were so worried." Mira said as Chica hugged Chichi. "Ahhh!" Hayden screamed. "Shit, they're still in there with that guy. Can we lock this door from outside?" Mira panicked. I looked around and noticed that the exit door had a latch thing on top of it that made the door open from the inside. "Put a bar or something between the latch ontop of the door." I told Mira. She looked at it and immediately ran towards this trash bit next to the door and pulled out a metal bar that was bent at the top. A second later, Kai stumbled out of the exit. "Hayden!" He yelled through the door, worried. There was no response for a second. Kais knees looked like they got weak and he stumbled back. Mira was about to shut the door and lock it before Hayden stumbled out with a bolt stuck in his shoulder and two stab wound sliced on his chest. Mira then slammed the door shut and locked it with the bar. She stepped back to see if it worked and then someone slammed against it. It didn't budge. We were safe. I sighed in relief and almost fell to my knees. Chichi hugged me tightly slightly shocking me. "I thought you were fucked back there. Holy shit Bon." She panicked. "I thought you were fucked too. I'm just happy I hit those last two shots." I told her. She released me and stepped back making me somewhat blush. "Hayden are you ok?" Kai asked running up to Hayden who was slouched down and bleeding from the back. "Im fine. Don't rip it out or I'll bleed more." Hayden said. "Hayden I'm so sorry. It's my fault your hurt, I couldn't run, I'm so sorry." Chica apologized. "Hey, it's fine. I'm fine. Just dont mention it. You couldn't help yourself." Hayden accepted her apology, somewhat shocking me that he didn't go off on her. "Damn. Haydens whole mood change?" Kai joked. "Shut up before I shove this arrow in you back." He joked back making Kai laugh. "Nope. Same old Hayden." Mira stayed staring at that door then turned towards us and looked around me. "Theres the main area of the park. We're almost there to the main stage." Mira announced to us. "Then lets hurry before the find us." I replied. "Are you both able to walk?" Mira asked the others. "My back was shot. Not my legs. I'm fine." Hayden said. "I'll live. Just dont leave me behind." Kai said. Chica was already stumbling from just standing in one place. "Dont worry Chica, I got you." Mira said, quickly running up to her and grabbing her arm and wrapping it around her shoulder. "Thanks sis." Chica said. Chichi was holding her stomach from the stab but was managing. My leg still hurt like hell. "I got you BonBon. Don't worry." Chichi said. I wrapped my arm around her and we got ready to move. "Lets hurry. I don't like being out in the open." Mira said. They started walking and Chichi and I followed close behind. Chichi was holding her stomach with her other arm applying pressure on the stab wound. "Are you ok?" I asked her. "Yea. I'm alright." She said, trying to avoid that conversation. "Thanks for the save back there." I said to her. "I really thought I was a goner there." "Yea. No problem." She replied. It went silent for a moment before she took a deep breathe. "I would say you owe me but then you kinda saved my ass too." She chuckled. I laughed and sighed. "Im just happy no one died back there." I said. "Yea. Me too." We continued towards the park and made our way towards the stage.

Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The Rockstar Massacre Of 1987Where stories live. Discover now