Chapter 2

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Bonnie's POV:

Freddy Freddy Freddy. Where did you go? I was walking around the crowd looking for him. Some people stopped me to say hi and tell me how much they loved our music, I didn't try to talk to most of them but you know how most people are. I continued walking around until I finally saw Freddy. He stopped and leaned up against a wall, crossing his arms, and sighed. He looked so dead. He seemed sorta happy earlier but as soon as they mentioned Foxy... Anyways, I slowly walked over towards him and felt something pump hard in my chest. It felt like something you would feel when you get extreme butterflies in your stomach when you are about to make a speech on stage. But I was just going to talk to Freddy. As I made it closer to him, I said something, "Hey Fred." He looked up at me and it looked like he cracked a small smile but it vanished quickly. "Hey." He replied softly. I walked slightly closer to him and said, "You didn't take what the others said seriously right?" I asked. "No. I didn't." He replied. I leaned up next to him on the wall he was leaned on. "Well, you ran off like you believed it," I said. "He's just... Going through a lot right now." He confessed looking more upset. "What is it." "Bonnie, if I told you would you really care?" "Yes, I would. Foxy's my friend-" "Well last time I checked, apparently letting your friends bully a person who is going through hell right now, isn't a great idea." "Freddy, they're just joking-" "Like tripping him in the hallway and calling him names like fag is a joke." "I know they make fun of you two but it's just jokes, I swear." Freddy didn't reply but he started to walk away. "Fred!" I shouted to him. He didn't turn around. I rolled my eyes and ran to catch up with him. "Fred c'mon," I begged. No response but he started to walk faster. "Freddy don't shut me out please," I begged again. That made him stop and immediately turn around. "Shut you out? You really wanna know why?" He said getting closer to me. His voice sounded hurt and cracked. "Yes." "His whole family is dead." He blurted out. My heart dropped. "What..." "His father one day just went insane. Killed his whole family, then he went after Foxy and he had to shoot his own dad in defense. Killing him. He has to live with that now and he's been terrible because of it. He has no one except me. No one else cares about him. Not even you. Cause we're not like the band. Cause we're not bunnies." He turned back around and continued walking. I was frozen in place. Holy shit... I looked back up to see him but he was gone. Fuck. I'm so sorry Foxy...

Flashback to six days ago to Freddy and Foxy:
Foxys POV:

Freddy was very nice to me today. Awhile ago I told him about the "Incident" resulting in my family's death and he promised me to take me to a festival with him so I could feel better. I agreed and the next day he picked me up and took me to the festival. We had a lot of fun. He'd buy me stuff and he even hold my hand sometimes. It made me blush like hell but I knew he was only doing it so I would feel comfortable with him. Finally, the sun was setting and we had to leave so we were walking up to Freddy's car to drive off for the night. His car was parked up on a slight hill in the grass so we could pretty much see the whole festival. "So how was it?" Freddy asked me as we were walking to his car, "I mean like the festival and whatnot?" "Um... It was good. I just wish we could've stayed a little while longer. But we got school." I said with a sigh. "Well I'm super happy you had a lot of fun. Oh and I forgot to give you this." He said pulling out a necklace from his pocket. "I made it not too long ago for you. I thought you would like it." I took it from him and held it in my hands. It had a dark wood circle with an infinity heart on it painted a golden yellow. The color of my eyes. "Sorry if it looks gay. I just thought it would look kinda cool and-" "I love it. It's very pretty. Thanks." I thanked him, slipping it on. I cracked a small smile and that made his heart burst into joy. "I'm happy you like it. It took me a while to make it." He said with a chuckle making me giggle. His smile grew brighter every time I smiled or laughed. We were almost there until he stopped. "Wow... That's beautiful." He said looking towards the sunset. I stopped too and looked at it. "Yea... Its really pretty." I said. He turned to me and sighed. "Foxy. I have something to tell you..." He said crossing his arms and looking down. I turned towards him. "What is it?" I asked back. He took a deep breath and looked back up at me. "I know it might not be the best time to asked you this but right now the sunset and the mood is kinda telling me to..." He took another deep breath again. "Foxy. Will you... Go out with me?" He asked. My heart jumped when he said that. Theres no way he just asked me that. Theres no way! My heart was beating so fast and I could feel a smile growing on my face. He was looking down and away from me in fear of my rejection. "I understand if you dont wanna. I know its still weird to... Ye'know. But I-" I cut him off with a kiss on the lips. I wrapped my arms around him and could only feel my cheeks burning and my heart warming. I felt him kiss back and rest his arms around my neck. After what felt like and eternity, I released. "Id love to." I said hugging him tightly, "I've had the same feelings for you for so long but I never knew how to ask." "Holy shit this is a dream come true." Freddy squealed. We both laughed. "But... I do also have... another thing." Freddy said. My ears slightly drooped for a second before I pulled back out of the hug, still having my arms wrapped around him. "I also... Really like Bonnie too..." Freddy confessed making me giggle. "Im gonna be completely honest. When I was younger, Ive always dreamed of having you both in my arms. But I dont know if I'm even aloud to do that." I said with a nervous giggle. "Then... Well be the first. We just gotta figure out how to ask him." Freddy said. "Hes so obsessed with work now and those guys." I wimperd. "We'll figure something out. With us two. We can do anything."

Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The Rockstar Massacre Of 1987Where stories live. Discover now