Chapter 9

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Foxy's POV:

I was laying down petting Freddy's soft, beautiful hair as he rested. It was silent. He didn't speak and nor did I. I think we were both just stuck thinking about all of this crazy shit that's going on. Or he's thinking about me killing two people. Or he's thinking about Bonnie. Or he's asleep. I looked over his head and saw him fidgeting with his necklace. I think he noticed me looking because he showed me it. "Do you think he'd like this?" He asked. I sighed and continued brushing his fur. "I don't know. Maybe." I responded. Freddy reached down his shirt and pulled out another necklace that looked similar to the other one he had. "Well, I have the second one. And the coincidence of him kissing us both tonight in the hell hole we are in tonight is pretty odd. But... I feel like I should give him it." Freddy explained. "So why do you carry two necklaces on you? For that kind of reason?" I asked with a confused look. "That's what I did with yours. I wore all three necklaces and then gave you yours that day at the festival. It's like a bond between us. Like a promise ring kinda. But I knew you probably wouldn't wanna wear a ring so... Ye'know." "I would've wore a ring. Anything you give me I would use." "Well, would you wear a ring that has hearts on it?" "Yes." Freddy paused for a moment. "Really?" "Hell yea." "Hm. I guess I'll make you a ring for your next Christmas present." Freddy said with a giggle. I didn't laugh back and he noticed. "Hey, love..." Freddy said brushing his hand through my fur and onto my hand, "Don't think negatively. Well, get out of this. And then we'll buy that apartment, we'll all three go on that date together, and we'll all be happy. Not exactly like a happy ever after but close enough." I kissed his head once again and rested my chin on his head. "I love your positivity," I said making him laugh. "You've said that a million times tonight." He replied making me then laugh. Then a figure appeared in the doorway and Freddy quickly sat up. "Hey." The figure said sounding like BonBon, "Can I... Talk to you for a minute, Foxy?" He asked. "Yea. Sure." I said standing up. Freddy was still holding my hand but when I got up he let go. "I'll be right back Fred," I said to him, making my way towards the door. BonBon began walking and I followed. It was almost pitch black but we had some small lights from what I'm guessing was flashlights sitting on in the hallways so we could see. BonBon stopped by a room with enough light glaring at us and turned around to face me. I stopped in front of him. "So what's up?" I asked. He didn't speak for a moment. "Back when we were at the hatch with Kai and everyone, you struggled to pull us up. Your arm was bleeding and you said something about you being... Suicidal?" He said concerned. I didn't answer but crossed my arms and look down. "And I want to know. Honestly..." He continued. I looked at him and he had his head down. "Did we... Did we make you do that to yourself?" He asked. My heart jumped and it began to ache. I finally answered after a moment of silence, "Not exactly but... Yes." His bunny ears dropped to the sides of his head and he hugged himself. "Jesus Christ..." He whimpered, "I... Fuck... I'm so so sorry. I never thought about that and what I could cause by hurting you. I was just a dumb ass. I'm so sorry, Foxy." I didn't respond for a moment. I wanted to call him an asshole but I knew that's something Freddy wouldn't say. "It's ok. That's in the past. If you really want to apologize to someone, apologize to Freddy. He's an emotional sweetheart so when you guys would hurt him, it would make him cry more than me. But... I forgive you." I said. His ears perked up and a soft smile brightened on his face. "C-cool. I'll talk to Freddy too. Thank you Foxy." Before I could respond, Mira quickly ran down the hallway to us. "Someone's outside!" She said stopping in front of us. "Did it look like the others?" I asked. Freddy slowly came down the hallway as we were talking. "No. It's some masked guy. He could try and break in." She panicked. "Whats our plan if he does?" Freddy asked walking up next to me. "Well... We'll have to run. You think you can do that?" She asked Freddy. "Yea. I'm ok." He answered. "We have to get the others and tell them. C'mon." Mira ordered. We all quickly followed her as we left the room and ran to the cafe area to see if Golden and Alyssa were there. We ran in the room and Golden was pushed up against the door crouched. He noticed us and immediately jestured us to get down. We did so and he whispered over towards us, "Someone's here!" "Yea we know!" Mira whispered back. I looked at the window and saw a man walk past. "What the hell do we do?" BonBon whispered back. "I dont know. I guess we just wait. Hope he leaves." Mira explained. Alyssa peered from the corner crouched and panicked. "The fucks going on?" She whispered across the room. "Someone's outside." Golden whispered to her. "If they try and break in, then we have to run for the hatch upstairs. Or..." She stared, pulling out a kitchen knife. "We fight."

Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The Rockstar Massacre Of 1987Where stories live. Discover now