Chapter 12

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Third person POV:

Foxy was with Bonnie hiding behind a table and he looked over at Freddy doing the same at another table. Freddy looked back at Foxy and looked terrified of what was happening. "Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!..." The Announcer from outside started counting. "Shit! Run for the other door!" Kai ordered everyone. He got up and bolted for the other cafe area to get to the door. Everyone was about to get up and follow him before hearing a gun blast from the other cafe. The Announcer continued counting as Kai quickly ran back in and started down the hallway. "To the hatch! Now!" He shouted. "Four! Three! Two!" The Announcer almost finished. The others got up and quickly tried to follow Kai. Bonnie got up and sprinted towards them. Begging Foxy and Freddy to hurry. Freddy got up and was about to run before feeling a sharp pain in his side and stopping. Foxy got up and ran to the hallway but stopped and turned to Freddy. "One!" The man shouted as a shotgun blasted the front door. Freddy got up and tried to run but stumbled in the process and almost fell but caught himself. The front door was kicked down and Foxy pulled out his gun and shot two rounds at a man that rushed in with a shotgun. He missed his first shot but hit the second in the man's shoulder. The man stumbled, giving Freddy time to stand back up and run to Foxy. He succeeded and Foxy and Freddy were about to turn around and run. The man aimed the shotgun at them and shot. Foxy immediately grabbed Freddy and ducked, dogging the shot. They both got up and started bolting down the hallway. Foxy was gripping Freddy's hand tightly as they continued to run. "Take this left!" Foxy ordered Freddy. But as soon as they could, Foxy got shot in the shoulder and fell almost into Freddy. Freddy caught him and helped him up. There was a man from the other cafe area that broke down that door and shot Foxy. Bonnie appeared and helped Foxy and Freddy up. "Shit Foxy! Please tell me your ok!?" He panicked. Foxy looked up and him. "Im fine. Just keep going." Foxy said. Bonnie grabbed Freddy's hand and helped him up and they all started running down the hallway again. They continued down the hall until they saw Monty and Glam dive into a room to their right. Them guessing that was the room with the roof exit, they dove in with them. "Shut the door!" Kai shouted. Monty and Springtrap immediately slammed the metal door shut after Foxy, Bonnie and Freddy came in. Everyone was in the room and Monty and Springtrap were holding the door shut. "Get everyone up on the roof now!" Monty ordered. "I'll start boosting up." Hayden said standing under the hatch. "Kai, you first." He ordered. Hayden put his hands out and Kai ran up, pushed his foot down on his hands and launched up. "Next!" Hayden demanded. Freddy and Bonnie were with poor injured Foxy. Freddy turned to him and looked at his poor bullet wound in his shoulder. "Foxy, your ok right?" Freddy asked panicked. Foxy was holding his bullet wound with his opposite hand and panting in pain. "Yea. I'm fine. We just need to worry about you two getting out of here right now." Foxy said to him. "Then you need to go first." Bonnie said. Foxy pulled out his gun and checked the clip. Five rounds were left. "You two first. Then me. Alright?" Foxy said to them. "Bonnie! Your up!" Hayden shouted to them. Bonnie turned around and saw everyone else gone except Springtrap and Monty holding the door and Hayden. "A-alright." Bonnie said, worried about Foxy and Freddy. Bonnie ran up and was boosted to the hatch. "Freddy!" Hayden ordered. Freddy looked at Foxy and then got ready to run. He did so, was boosted up but when he grabbed the edge of the hatch, he felt his side feel like it ripped open and he let go. Luckly, Kai caught him and pulled him up. Freddy got to the top and pulled himself the rest of the way up. He succeeded and crawled away from the hatch. He felt his side bleeding and aching. "Freddy! Are you ok? Please tell me your ok?" Bonnie rushed over to him. "I-Im ok. Just get F-Foxy up." Freddy begged. Down the hatch, Hayden got ready to boost Foxy up but the door was slammed and who ever was on the other side almost pushed Springtrap and Monty out of the way. Foxy quickly ran over and slammed the door shut with his body. He held it and Springtrap helped too. "Monty! Just get hayden up! He's got long arms so he'll be able to help us up quicker!" Springtrap said to Monty. "Alright. Hayden let's do this." Monty said turning and quickly running over to Hayden. He just nodded and they got ready to boost him. While up the hatch, Freddy looked around his surroundings and saw a long plank lying on the ground next to them. "Hey, we can use this plank to lift up the last person!" Freddy announced his idea. Kai paid attention and nodded in agreement. "Smart thinking, Freddy." Kai said rushing over and grabbing the plank of wood. "Hey, help me lower this down and help everyone up!" Kai ordered everyone. Back below the hatch, Foxy and Springtrap were still holding the door down. Monty was under the hatch and a plank of wood was lowered down. "Grab on! Hurry!" Glam ordered in fear. Monty looked at Foxy and Springtrap and Foxy nodded. "Just go. We'll be fine." Springtrap said. Monty sighed and grabbed the plank. Then quickly being lifted up. Foxy sparked an idea and looked over at Springtrap. "Open the door on three and then close it when I say so." Foxy explained. Springtrap looked at him terrified. "What?" He asked in fear. "Just watch. Ready?" Foxy asked gripping his gun tightly. Springtrap took a deep breath and backed up. Foxy did the same and the door flew open. The man on the other side who was slaming into it stumbled back in shock and Foxy aimed his gun. He shot three rounds at the man. Two hitting his stomach and one in his shoulder. "Shut it!" Foxy shouted at Springtrap. He slammed the door shut and Foxy pushed onto it too. "That'll give you time to go. Hurry!" Foxy order Springtrap. He nodded and ran over to the plank and grabbed it. "Pull!" Kai shouted. They lifted Springtrap up and he jumped on the roof. Freddy noticed it was Springtrap and panicked. "Get Foxy up!" He begged. "Foxy, cmon hurry!" People started shouting. Foxy was still holding the door down from the guy trying to break it down. Foxy felt everything go silent in his head and could only hear the man outside slamming against the door. Foxy almost couldn't hold it anymore. So he gave up. "Fuck it!" Foxy jumped out of the way and the man broke through. He had a pistol in his hands. The man saw Foxy and aimed his gun right at his head. The others could see through the hatch at Foxy. They were terrified. Foxy charged at the man and knocked into him. He shot Foxy but that didnt kill him. Foxy slammed him into the wall then shoved his gun up in his chin and pulled the trigger. Killing the man. Foxy immediately ran over to the plank and grabbed it. "Pull!" He begged. They all pulled as. Hard as they could and Foxy climbed out. "Close the hatch!" Bonnie ordered. Hayden grabbed the hatch and slammed it shut. They were safe. For now. Everyone was panting and shaking in fear. Foxy was sitting on the ground facing away from everyone. Freddy was still laying on the ground in pain. He looked over at Foxy and saw his hand on his face. He couldn't exactly see what he was doing but there was blood dripping through his hands. "F-Foxy?!" Freddy asked worried. Everyone's attention switched over towards Foxy. "I-I can't s-see..." Foxy studdard. Freddy's heart stopped. "Foxy?..." Bonnie asked shaking. Foxy slowly turned around and moved his hand from his face. Everyone gasped in shock. There was a bullet wound that skinned Foxy's right eye. Luckly not going through his head and killing him. His side of his face where his eye was, was bleeding like crazy and Bonnie immediately ran over. "Foxy! Oh my god!" Bonnie said crouching down in front of him. "Bonnie I-I..." Foxy studdard, scared. "I have left over bandages!" Monty said running over and crouching down next to Bonnie, handing him his bandages. "Springtrap give me you knife. Now! Please!" Bonnie begged. Springtrap ran over and crouched down next to him and gave him his knife. Roxanne crouched down next to him too. Bonnie took the knife and immediately cut a long strand of cloth and got to wrapping. Freddy got up and rushed over and crouched down next to Foxy and held his hand. "Hey your ok. It's ok Foxy, your going to be ok." Freddy panicked. "Im s-sorry Freddy. I-I tried to get everyone out before me." Foxy apologized. "Nothings your fault, don't apologize." Freddy said. Bonnie continued wrapping in until he saw no more blood flow and the bleeding stopped. "See your ok Foxy. Everythings ok now. Your ok." Bonnie said, panicking but also starting to calm down. Foxy continued to pant and shake in fear. Bonnie hugged him tightly and so did Freddy. "We need to get off this roof. Now. Before those fuckers find out how to get up here." Kai said. "Foxy can you see now? Can you see a little better?" Roxanne asked as Freddy and Bonnie pulled away. "Y-yea. My visions kinda coming back. I-I think I'll be ok." Foxy answered. "Ok, that's good." Bonnie helped pull Foxy up and Monty helped pull Freddy up whom was kinda struggling. Freddy held Foxys hand tightly. "Just stay with me. Ok?" Freddy asked. "Ok." Foxy answered. "Lets go." Hayden ordered everyone. Bonnie brushed Foxy hair out of his left eye and gave him a soft smile that quickly died when he looked back at his other eye. "C'mon. Let's go." Bonnie said to them. He quickly lead the way while Freddy guided Foxy. Freddy looked at Foxy and gave a soft whimper. "Im so sorry, love..." Freddy apologized to him. Foxy lifted Freddy's hand up and kissed it. "My eye doesn't matter. As long as I didnt lose you back there then everything is alright." Foxy said to Freddy. They all quickly made they're way down from the building and onto the street. "Hurry up. Before they come outside to find us." Kai announced as they rushed down the road. Glam was slightly limping but Monty kept him company. Golden was chatting with Springtrap, sounding worried. And Freddy and Bonnie were still shattered because of Foxy. Bonnie was trying to deny what he saw but couldn't and Freddy... Felt like it was his fault. Freddy began to tear up silently. He hated how emotional he could get but couldn't handle it. Foxy's all he had left other than Bonnie and he wouldn't know what to do with himself if he lost Foxy. Negative thoughts slowly clouded the poor bears head and he only thought about the death with his lovers. "Fred?" Foxy asked him. Freddy turned his attention to Foxy and tried covering his tears with the darkness. "Im fine don't worry about me. Just tell me if your ok or not. Alright?" Freddy asked, hiding his sorrows. Foxy looked down; or atleast it looked like he did. "Thats not the positive fluff ball I know." Foxy said. Freddy gave a soft giggle and blushed. "Sorry. It's just. Yeknow." Freddy started. "Hard?" Foxy finished for him. Freddy glanced at him while slightly looking down. "Yea..." Foxy looked up at the others to see that they slightly rushed ahead but Bonnie somewhat stayed back with them thought. "Whats our plan now?" Bonnie asked the others. "The ferris wheel. Same plan as earlier but we all have to go." Kai explained. "And then the plan after that?" Monty asked. "I guess we'll have to run for the exit if the police are there or just hide until dawn. We have no choice now." Kai explained again. Everyone continued to remain silent. They all quickly but quietly ran from building to building, structure to structure, hiding to make sure no one could see them. The ferris wheel was in the middle of the whole park so to get there, it was risky. It was too open of an area. But it was they're only choice now. Freddy still felt his body ache and his heart too when he looked at Foxy. They hid behind a building and looked out into the open where the open area to the rollercoasters was. Bonnie scooted back next to Freddy and Foxy. "I'll keep you both safe. I promise." Bonnie said to them both. Foxy gave Bonnie a soft smile and Bonnie noticed and returned it. "We have to move fast here, alright? Springtrap will run straight to it so just follow him. We'll wait at the bottem for him to climb it and then give us the information when he gets down. Quick and easy." Kai explained to everyone. "I still don't know how to climb it. Neither does Golden. So..." Springtrap started as he slowly turned to Foxy. Everyone's attention turned to him. "You think he can do it? Fucker can't even see anymore." Hayden argued. "I dont like what I'm saying but... I agree with him. Foxy's whole vision won't come back in his other eye. It could be extremely risky and something bad could happen." Bonnie agreed, hating to agree with Hayden. "Yea. Haydens right. Foxy could die up there if he messes up." Krista agreed. "Im sure he'll be ok. Foxy's smart. He'll manage." Golden said. "Foxy should be ok as long as we're there." Springtrap agreed. Freddy didn't answer. "I'll be fine. I'm sure of it. I can still see. This ain't the worst thing I've been through." Foxy said. "Im sure Foxy will be alright." Roxanne said. Bonnie looked at Freddy, hoping he would say something. "Foxys the only one that knows how to climb that thing so he has to go. We need to take risks if we all want to live." Mira argued. Freddy looked at Foxy who was still holding his hand tightly. Freddy was about to say something before Foxy stopped him. "Freddy, I will be fine. I swear." Foxy said. Freddy sighed and dropped his head. "Alright..." Freddy said hurt. "Then let's keep going. I don't like waiting right here." BonBon said. Everyone got up and started moving. Bonnie gave Foxy a hurt look. And then continued walking. His heart still ached with pain just seeing him hurt. Freddy was still thinking negatively about everything. Before Freddy could start walking, Foxy stepped infront of him and gave him a kiss on the lips. "Dont worry about me, ok?" Foxy said, cupping both of his cheeks. "You can't just ask me not to worry about you when you hurt." Freddy said with pain in his tone. Foxy sighed and held his hand continued to walk with the group. Foxy felt everything in his body burn with pain hearing Freddy's negativity. He's always so positive. Foxy noticed Bonnie walking somewhat ahead of them and Foxy sped up with Freddy to get next to Bonnie. "Stay with him for a minute." Foxy asked Bonnie as he let go of Freddy's hand and walked over to Springtrap and Golden. Freddy stayed next to Bonnie as they continued walking. "All I can think about now is losing him tonight." Freddy said to Bonnie, catching his attention, "If that bullet was any closer to his head, he would be dead. And I dont know what I would do with myself if I lost him." "Im trying so hard not to think about it either but I can't. He could've died. Foxy means so much to me now and I know that right now, what he is doing, could hurt him." Bonnie said. "He's not caring about himself or his own safety. He just wants everyone else safe." "Well, that is the Foxy I know." Freddy looked at the red fox as he continued talking with Golden and Springtrap. "He still looks pretty though." Bonnie said. Freddy gave a soft giggle. "Hes always been pretty." Freddy said continuing to look at the fox as his tail blew in the wind, back and fourth. Bonnie grabbed the bears soft hand and held it tight. "Lets just hope he will be ok." Bonnie said. Freddy looked at their hands and smiled. "Yea. Let's just hope, love." Freddy replied. Bonnie sighed and kissed the bears cheek making him smile again. Foxy was talking with Golden and Springtrap about how the ferris wheel works. "...There are no more ladders other than the one that leads to the middle bit of the ferris wheel so we will have to climb the lights to get to the top. Then we should be able to see everything." Foxy explained. "Your sure your capable to do all of that?" Golden asked. "Yes." "What about them?" Springtrap asked looking at Freddy and Bonnie. Foxy realized what he was looking at but didn't turn to look. "They will be fine. They both know I've been through worse shit so they should be ok." Foxy explained. "Well if I knew my boyfriend was hurt and he was still willing to play the risk taking card, I'd still be worried sick about him." Springtrap said making Foxy sad. "I guess you make a good point." Foxy said as he looked up and saw the ferris wheel ahead of them.

Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The Rockstar Massacre Of 1987Where stories live. Discover now