Chapter 3

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Bonnie's POV:

The others and I were just sitting down on some boxes in the backstage and we were just talking and laughing. Well, everyone expect me. I was still thinking about what Freddy said. I sighed at the thought and listened to the others again. "Hey fuckers! I was right!" Hayden shouted at us, pushing through the curtains to see us. "Right about what. You droping a nuke in the toilet. Cause its been twenty minutes since you left." Kai replied. "No dumbass. About those dumb fags." "Ugh. What about them?" Alyssa groaned. "I found Foxy and Freddy, sitting on a bench, making out like no one could see them." Hayden explained making my heart jump. Kai bursted out laughing and whipped his fake tears. "Thats the funniest shit." Kai said still laughing. "Finally, gives us a good reason to fire those two faggots." Alyssa added joining in the small laughs and giggles. "Oh and you wont believe what they were talking about too." Hayden continued, "I didnt hear everything due to the loud ass crowd but those fuckers, are looking for a second boyfriend." This time everyone bursted out laughing as loud as possible. I felt weird about that. I mean... I thought them being together was a joke. Not for real. "Their whole job, is going down the drain for this one." Kai said. My heart dropped for a minute. I was gonna say something to defend Foxy and Freddy but I stopped. It felt wrong to. Wait, no. They're my friends. I should... But should I? "Hell yea. We'll fire them after the concert tonight." Hayden said. Mira, alyssa, BonBon, and Kai all agreed. "Bonnie?" Kai asked me. I froze for a moment, I didnt say anything. Until, "Yea. Fuck them fags." I said. They cheered in joy as my heart weakened. God what the fuck did I just say??? Theres nothing wrong with them being gay. Why did I... What the actual fuck. My heart ached more as they cheered more. Shit... Freddy's right. There's is something wrong with me... I need to talk to him during the break. Then some wolf chick walked by us and went through the back door. She gave me this look like I had something wrong with me and she looked like she was apart of the other band. "Hey, someone from the other band just walked by." BonBon pointed out. "Oo~ lets go say hi to our competitors." Mira said as everyone else got up. I was about to before my arm was grabbed. "Me and Bunny boy will catch up with you in a few." Alyssa said holding my arm. "Missin out on the fun." Mira said as they opened the door and left the area. "You and me are gonna have a little fun~." She said pushing me into a storage closet and shutting the door on us. Oh fuck...

Roxannes POV:

I was about to head to the bathroom to go finish up until the door to the front stage slammed open. "Hey! The Sledgehammers! Its great to finally see ya!" One of the bunnys said looking like the leader of the other band as we saw three more appeared behind him. Oh fuck. "Hello." Glam greeted them as politely as possible, "Its nice to finally see you too." "Didnt think our competitors would have boring ass outfits." A taller bunny said. "Your outfits look cool too." Glam said sarcastically. "Maybe you guys can learn a little bit after tonight is over." The taller one said. "Listen here asshole-." "Alright man. We dont want a fight." Glam said pushing Monty back who was about to charge at them. "Lets just go our separate ways and not argue like two year olds. I widh your band the best of luck, and may the best band win." Glam proudly said. The tall one laughed, "We dont need luck when we're gonna kick your ass." "Alright asshole, he was just tring to be nice so I recommend you and your dumbass little friends go fuck off." Monty argured, defending Glam. "Or what? You gonna punch me for hurting you little boyfriends feelings?" Uh oh...

Bonnie's POV:

I was pushed in the storage closet and the door was closed by Alyssa. It was just us two. "Alyssa what are you-" I tried to say before she pressed her finger up against my lips. "Its just us. Alone. We can have a little fun before the show starts." She said brushing up against me. "N-n-no Alyssa I dont-" I tried to say flustered. I didnt like any of this. I didnt like her. "Shhh... Quiet bunny boy. Let me do my work." She said licking my neck and brushing her hand against my crouch. This made me jump and I felt so uncomfortable so I pushed her back. "What the fuck are you doing?" She asked as she fell on some boxes and her vision was covered. I quickly left the storage room and I shut the door behind me. What the absolute fuck. I hated that. Im not ready for that kind of stuff. Not with her either. Anyone but her. Ugh. I felt so weirded out by that. I stepped away from that door and heard yelling from the the back door into the old stage room. "Bonnie!" Alyssa shouted at me as she ran out of the storage closet. "The hell is wrong with you?" She shouted pushing me back as she walked up to me. "Im sorry, you made me extremely uncomfortable. So I pushed you." I argued. "So what? Would you rather someone else suck your dick? Would you rather Mira suck your dick? Would you rather Kai suck your dick? Fucking Hayden suck your dick?" She blabbered. "No, just-" I was cut off when I saw Freddy walk around the corner and freeze. "Oh I get it. You'd rather this guy suck your dick huh?" Freddy looked like he jumped a little from the sudden sentence and he began to studdar, "W-wh-what?" "Alyssa leave him out of this. Im not into you. Thats why that made me uncomfortable." I explained to her. "I was willing to suck your dick and let you fuck me and you just denied that." She complained. "No I'm-. Im just not into that." "Oh yea. Cause you like sucking dick. I bet you suck his too." "Alyssa! I dont like you that way. That doesn't mean anything else other than I dont like you." She rolled her eyes and turned around and walked away. I sighed, "Im sorry you had to hear that. She tried to... Ye'know." "Its ok... Im sorry that happened." "Its fine. I just felt extremely uncomfortable. Do you know what time we start?" I asked Freddy. "Thats actually what I came over here to tell you. You guys start in fifteen minutes." He said. "Oh shit. We better finish getting set up then." I said as I went to the door to the building. But before I opened it, I heard mumbled shouting. "...So I recommend you and your dumbass little friends go fuck off!" Someone shouted. I looked over at Freddy who looked pretty scared at the response so I listened again. "Or what? You gonna punch me for hurting you little boyfriends feelings?" I heard what sounded like Hayden. Something about that sentence triggered me so I slammed the door open. "Hey!" I shouted not knowing why at first. They all turned around to face me. "Bonnie! Finally came out to join in on the fun aye?" Kai shouted to me. I rolled my eyes and groaned. I looked down at the other band and examined them. "We have fifteen minutes till we start. So I recommend you all get up here and stop arguing like a bunch of children!" I announced. "Awww dont be a party pooper Bonnie." Mira said. "Just get up here!" I shouted to them politely. "Ugh. Fine party shitter." BonBon whinned making his way up. "Dont act like this conversation ain't over." Hayden said to the other band before he made his way up with the others. I turned around to see Freddy peeking over my shoulder and then back up kind of when he saw me look at him. "Do you need to head down there?" I asked him. "Y-yea. I think Foxy's down there." Freddy studdard. "Just wait behind me so the others dont see you or they'll just fuck with you. And I dont want that to happen." I wispered to him. "O-ok... Thanks Bonnie." He thanked me, making me smile. "No problem." I replied. We waited for a few until BonBon walked out first. "Had to ruin the fun. The gator dude was gonna lose his shit when you said the bear was his boyfriend." BonBon said to me and Hayden who walked out after him. "It would've been funny too, I doubt he would've tried to throw hands." Kai said making Mira giggle as they both walked up together. "Can we talk after the concert is over?" I wispered to Freddy. "S-sure. About what?" He asked. "About... Just please find me after ok?" "A-alright." He answered walking around me and through the door. I thought for a moment, "During the break, ok?" I corrected my self to him. "Ok." He replied sweetly. Then I closed the door behind him and made sure no one was watching. "Whats wrong with her?" Kai said as they stopped to see Alyssa with her arms crossed looking pissed. "I rejected her. And her sex offer." I said feelling disgusted by the sentence. Kai smirked and giggled. "Hey, lets get ready before the show starts. If we wanna kick ass then we gotta be ready for it." I announced. "Hell yea Bonnie! Lets kick this shit into high gear!" Hayden shouted.

Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The Rockstar Massacre Of 1987Where stories live. Discover now