Chapter 4

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Third person POV:

"Hello everyone and welcome to the best concert of nineteen eighty-seven!" The announcer shouted into the microphone while he was on stage. The crowd of what looked like a thousand people. "Tonight, on Friday the thirteenth, we have two bands who blew up out of nowhere playing tonight. Our First band, are the heavy hitters, the Glamrock stars, The Sledgehammers!" The crowd screemed in joy. "And our next band, are the guitar blasters, speaker slamers, The Bunny Shooters!" The crowd screamed again even louder than before. "These bands are competing for a large prize. A prize so huge that it'll blast your pants off. These two bands are competing for one hundred thousand dollars!" The crowd screamed in excitement. "I know. One hundred thousand dollars is alot. Pretty insane for some bands that blew up not even a two months ago. But what we want tonight is something insane so we're gonna start off with The Bunny Shooters!" The lights went drak on stage and The bunny Shooters walked up on stage and grabbed their instruments. The lights turned back on and the crowd cheered for The Bunny Shooters. Bonnie was holding a guitar next to Kai the main leader. Bonnie looked into the crowd and saw Foxy, not to far from the stage watching him. Bonnie gave Foxy a small wave and a soft smile that Foxy returned. They both blushed madly at eachother as they locked eyes. Bonnie felt weird by the sudden moment but liked seeing him and his soft smile. But then he immediately went back to paying attention to the band as soon as he heard drum sticks slaming together. "One, two, three, four!" The band started playing and music started blasting. The crowed cheered as loud as they could for them as Foxy watched the sweet bunny boy play his guitar.

Foxy's POV 10:45pm:

"Foxy!" Roxanne shouted knocking me back to reality, "C'mon lets keep going before we get smashed inbetween the crowd." Roxanne said, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd. She pulled me all the way through until the crowd started to die down and we were out of that mess. "I saw you looking at Bonnie up there." Roxanne said. "Yea. I just wanted to see him before he started." I said looking back at the stage to Bonnie. "He gave you a cute little wave too. Maybe he does have something for you." "I dont know..." "Aw c'mon of course he does. As soon as you talk to him after this stuff is over, he'll love to see you." I sighed. "You dont have to lie to keep my hopes up..." I said with a soft tone. "Foxy, Im not lieing to you. Just talk to him when the concert is over and tell him how you feel." She said as we continued walking towards the merch store. "Yea... I guess I could try." I said making her give me a smile. "Good." She said. We continued to the merch store and as we made it in, we were immediately greeted by Chica and Chichi. "Hey guys!" Chichi greeted. "Hey, I thought we said come back with your girlfriend. Not this hottie." Chica said looking at me, making me blush. "Well, we bumped into Freddy and I offered to find his little prince before the show started but that clearly didnt work out." Roxanne explained. "Hey, im older than him, so that'll make him the little prince." I corrected Roxanne with a laugh. "Sure Foxy boy." She said walking up closer to the counter with Chica and Chichi. "So hows everything been doing for you and Freddy, Foxy?" Chica asked me. "Um... Its been ok..." I answered. "Well thats good. Those bullies up there still fucking with you?" "Of course they are. We're just a weak target to them." "Thats sucks... Im so sorry-" "Fuck those guys. They think just cause they're so special with their little suits means they can bully others, they can go fuck themselves." Chichi interrupted. "You could say that again." Roxanne added, "We got in a small heated argument with them earlier, my band and I, and they were this close to pushing Monty, our drummer, over the edge." Roxanne said showing us a small space between her fingers. "See. They think they're so cool and shit. If they weren't my bosses, I would sock whoever the fuck would try and talk back to me." Chichi said clinching her fists. "But they like you." Chica pointed out. "They like me cause they think I'm some hoe that'll suck their dicks. But I aint." "Well..." "Dont you dare even say it." Chichi mumbled to Chica making me and Roxanne laugh. "You two fight like sisters." Roxanne said leaning up against the counter. "If she was my sister, I would've put her head ten feet in the ground already." Chichi said looking a Chica. "You would not. Your to soft to me." "Not if you were my sister." We laughed again. "Well Foxy, I wanna know more about you and Freddo Fazbear. Like, when did he ask you out?" Chica asked. "He asked me out at sunset." I answered. "What was your first reaction?" "Well... I didnt know what to say so I just kissed him." "Awe, thats adorable." "Just like every other movie." Chichi said getting punched in the arm by Chica. "What? Im not wrong. Thats how every other romantic movie ends." She said. "Not every movie." "Oh yea. Horror movies are different. They kiss them as soon as they are about to die." Chica rolled her eyes and looked back at me. "Well im happy that it was perfect for you and your happy with him." "Yea... Me too..." "Do you think hes the one?" Chica asked. "Dude dont ask that kind of question." Chichi said. "No its fine. Hes been super sweet to me and he cares about me so much so maybe he is. But hes not the only person I like..." I answered shocking Chica. "What!? You dont like him?!" "N-n-no I do I do. Its just-" "Foxy and Freddy like Bonnie. Like a second boyfriend." Roxanne explained for me. "Wow. Really? I've never heard that before." Chica said. "Yea... And now thinking about it more... I dont know if asking Bonnie out is a good⁹ idea." "Hm... I dont know. You just gotta push him till he notices that you still care about him." "Like not in a dick head way." Chichi added for Chica. "Thats what I said. Technically." Roxanne said making me giggle. "Well hopefully he'll feel the same." I wished myself. "Just beat the shit out of his other friends and maybe you could win his heart." Chichi said. "Thats never gonna happen." I replied. "We'll kick ass together. And show Bonnie how much you care about him." I sighed. It went silent for a moment before Roxanne asked something, "Whens this break? Another thirty minutes?" She asked. "Well its already been ten minutes so yea, probably a half an hour." Chica answered. "Great. That'll be fun." "Well while you both are here, we might as well-" The lights flickered and then shut off, cutting off Chicas sentence. "Oh god damnit." Chichi said, "What the fuck happened." "The powers out." Chica answered. "The fuck you mean the powers out? This place has got to have another generation or something." I dont know why but I felt uneasy that everything went dark. The band playing stopped as soon as the lights went out and the crowd gasped and wispered. "T-theres no way something like this would happen here. There was n-no storm or anything so someone turned off the power." I said, studdaring. "Foxys right. Theres something wrong." Roxanne said. My vision slowly came back from the lights flickering and shutting off that I could finally see in the dark. "Lets move out towards the front of the store so we could try to see whats going on." Roxanne said. "Yea. I can still kinda see." I agreed with her. "Then lead the way cause I cant see shit." Chichi said walking around the corner and grabbing Roxannes arm. "Yea I cant see anything either." Chica also replied stepping up with us. We made our way to the front entrance of the small merch shop and stepped out. We looked around and it sounded like some people were freaking out, some were silent, some were wispering and some were trying to leave. "What the hell is going on?" Roxanne asked herself. "Everyone calm down, ok? We're gonna try and find out what happened to the lights and then the show will continue!" Someone shouted on stage. "This doesn't feel right." I said stepping closer to Roxanne. "Its fine. Someone probably flipped the swich or something. We'll be fine." She said trying to confert me. "I just hope Freddy's ok..." After a couple minutes later, we waited and the lights were still off. "This shit ever gonna turn on?" Chichi said. "It takes them a few minutes, everything will be fine-" Roxanne tried to say before getting cut of by the stage lights turning on. The lights showed a dark blue and purple color and some of the other band members were up there. Including Bonnie. "Welcome everyone!" A cracked and deep voice screamed into the microphone. I didnt see anyone on stage who would've had a microphone. "To the fest of your lifes!"

Freddy X Bonnie X Foxy: The Rockstar Massacre Of 1987Where stories live. Discover now