Poland and America

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America: *braiding Poland's hair* When is the last time you brushed your hair its so tangled?

Poland: *reading her book on murders* When is the last time I hit you with a hairbrush?

America: 2 years ago-

Poland: you have your answer.

America: *concerned noises*


Russia and Germany: *talking about their countries*

Poland: *bursts into the room and hides under the table*

Germany:  *looks under table*And what is wrong with you? 

Poland: *pinches her leg* Shut up.

America: *kicks the door off the hinges holding a baseball bat* WHERE IS SHE?

Russia: Who? You look like an idiot by the way.

America: POLAND! She made a joke about my parents being dead and Ima kill her!

Germany: But isn't her parents  dead as well?


Russia: She ran down the hall.

America: Thank you for being useful for once in your sad life. *leaves*

Poland: She made a Joe Mama joke and I said "Sadly enough your mama is dead."


Memes I shall make. 2.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora