Egypt, China, and Hyksos

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Egypt: CHINA! I messed up!

China: Are you arguing with Israel again!?

Egypt: no..... I... Ummm. I may have... killed my husband...

China: You what!? 

Egypt: *eyes Hyksos's dead body in the corner*

China: EGYPT!

Egypt: I know! I mess up didn't I....?

China: Egypt, you killed. Your. Husband. 

Egypt: oh i messed up!

Avaris: Where is daddy?

Egypt: Daddy is singing with the gods now sweetie. 

Avaris: Ok. I'm chill with that.

China: How are you so calm!

Egypt: not my first dead partner.....

China: Want talk about it?

Egypt: yea... the emotions are starting to catch up!

China: Tea?

Egypt: *nods*

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