Chapter 21 Façade

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'As Adrian thinks about his one true love. Amanda Rose Hale. 'fOol fOr yUo' starts to play. Both in ballroom wardrobe. Wanting to perform the dance they never got to complete. 

This love is tainted

Adrian puts his cold hands onto Amanda's bare shoulders as she quivered under his frail touch. He trails his hands down her shoulders to her waist. As Amanda held onto his neck in pure love mistaken for lust. The moment would be so elegant in reality. The lights formed of small circles guided their way through the dark ballroom. Adrian spins around his love and pulls her back.'

'Cause I'm a fool for you,
And the things you do

"Elliot do something!" Jessica's screams echoed on her dying brother.

'Flashes. "If only this were real" Adrian wished as he put his arms onto Amanda's shoulders with her back on his chest. "You are just so perfect," He said as Amanda scoffs. Her hair had a different scent. He adorned the rings worn by Amanda over her white gloves. It fades away slowly. Into something else, something beautiful.'

When you're looking like this
I just can't resist it

"He's flatlining, we need to get it out!"  Elliot yelled after ages. "Scalpel?" He asked. 

'Adrian sees himself sitting on a lakeside. with his toes in the water, watching the sunset. Amanda came from behind with a pair of earphones, as she plugged one into his ear, the song rushes in.'

I'm a fool for you and the things, the things you do

"Don't Die On Us! You Understand?"  Damon said trying to keep Adrian's eyes open as he accompanied Elliot to save Adrian in this medical crisis.

' "You know, I am not perfect," Amanda's voice echoed in Adrian's ears. As he flashed back into his dreams. "And who told you that?" Adrian said as he looked into Amanda's cold eyes, bopped onto her nose, something he always loved to do. "Cause I faked a relationship and cheated on you?" She said as she played with the wire of the earphones. "Hmmm... I wonder-" Adrian started. '

"Where the fuck did you keep the Electrocautery" Elliot screeched. If Elliot is swearing, this isn't a good sign. You see he is a silent man.

This love is tainted

' "I never loved you, it was always a facade for your trust," Amanda snapped Adrian into the dreams again. As they walk into oblivion. "You know my mother always told me... Everything happens for a reason, and every bad motive or deed is performed for a reason" Adrian said. "Well she wasn't wrong, I can assure," replied Amanda. "So I wonder what bad have I done to such a facade soul of yours that I received such a painful memory?" Adrian asked as silence consumed them. His mind was now in a dark room full of misery. "That is something you won't understand." '

"Shit this bullet is long as fuc-" Damon stated as he held the skin of Adrian's chest apart. "Shut up and let me concentrate" Elliot silenced Damon as he concentrated on his sweating hands. Elliot clenched his jaw as he reached out for the halfway-out bullet. He held the forceps that were on the verge of slipping from his hands. "Fuck. Deep breathes Elliot," Elliot said to himself as he controlled himself and pulled the bullet whole. 

' "Well, I guess you'll never know until you find me," Amanda said in her final words. "I guess that is the case" Adrian replied. '

"Operation successful"


*I intended on that chapter being short. It's just a filler chapter. I always wanted to try out this writing form. In and out of the fake scenarios and the reality. And of course my fave element, song lyrics. Tell me how you liked the writing form and if you would like to read more like it. Happy reading*

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