Chapter 3 Dinner Party

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Amanda's p.o.v.

"As you won't get this" Adrian said into my neck and started gently kissing and biting it. As soon as his lips touched the soft surface, my skin quivered. You know the feeling of a cold wind hitting your skin, that's what I felt. I held most of my moans until he slightly licked my skin and I let out a small moan and he pulls away. Gosh, he was teasing me! He is looking into my eyes and I am looking into his. I felt guilt for stabbing this man. No! I did the right thing! He deserved it. No, he just wants to love me. My mind is spinning with thoughts but then he says, "I'll give you time to think about it," He said with a wink and got up. Before he left me, he dipped his head and kissed my forehead. Gosh, he was making me fall for him. I nod and he left me. Silence. Why was he doing this to me? Did he love me? Do I love him? Yes? I don't know what to make of this behavior. After a few mins, Igor walks in with a tray full of food.

"I brought you something to eat," He said all cheery. "Igor- I will never love you ok? So stop trying, it's awkward" "I know- I know, but I can't seem to shake you off." He smiled and placed the tray beside me on the table. "How are you planning to help me eat?" I said. "I am gonna slowly open one-off your hands ok? Don't try anything, a guard is right outside." I roll my eyes and he opened my right hand. I started eating the food immediately as I was hungry like hell. "Slow down honey," He said, I look up at him at the word he just called me. "Only Adrian can call me that. Ok?!" I said, what the fvck did I just say? It rolled out of my tongue without my control. "Oh-k," He said with sad puppy eyes. "Well, the marks on your body tell me you taste pleasing." I stopped mid-bite, to examine my neck. Nothing."Woah, made you look, tells me that it really happened," Igor said. "I fvcking hate you!" I said as I continued to eat. "What can I say? I am an amazing person" He complimented himself. I rolled my eyes at him again. Wow I do this a lot around him 

I finish my food quickly and Igor is staring at me the whole time, blushing. I look into his eyes but don't get that feeling I get with Adrian, Igor is a nice guy but I like Adrian, not Igor. I look away. He opens his mouth but shuts it without saying anything. He ties my hand back, picks up the tray, and left. I am thinking about the offer Adrian gave me, a position in his gang. I actually wanted to do it, I could experience love and use myself somewhere it could be useful. I just had one question. So when Igor came back.

"Igor, could you please call Adrian here? I want to talk about the offer he gave me" "Are you going to say no?" He replies. I am surprised that he knew about the offer. "You will see" He exits again and comes back with Adrian.  Adrian steps in and Igor remains outside closing the door for our privacy. "You wanted to talk about the offer?" He said plopping onto the seat in front of me. "Yes, I did......... I decided that I will take the job" "Yes!" He screams launching his hands in the air and bringing them back down quickly realizing what he had just done in the flurry of events.

"But- What's my salary?" "Really? that's what you wanted to ask?" He said as if it were nothing "Yep, an average hitman would get 7500$ per week-" "You will get 8000$ per week by the mafia," He said. I was satisfied with the salary. "Ok then, count me in," I said with a wink. "I am trusting you," He said with a smile and opened my hands and my legs. I sprung up from my seat and so does Adrian. He kisses my forehead again. Gosh, I love these fvcking kisses. "Do I get a room?" I said"Yes, of course, you do," He said and leads me out of Igor's room.

 We go down a hallway and enter a freshly painted room. The color of the walls was lavender and the sheets and pillows were a mix of dark purple and Ice blue. I loved it so much. I trace the walls of the bedroom. It was very peaceful. I look out of the window to see the sunlight about to go into the evening sunset.

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