Chapter 18 Risotto

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Adrian's p.o.v.

"What do you think you were doing Adrian!" Danny said as he helped me lay into bed. "I saw her" I explain "Who?" "I was my mother Danny!" "What? Adrian she's been dead for 8 years now" "I know Danny! I don't want to talk about it!" I said as I pulled the blanket onto my head. "Ok, Let me know if you need anything," Danny said after a deep breath. What is wrong with me! I can't get drunk and see my dead mother. "Adrian? Are you alright?" She spoke again, as I slowly looked up from my sheets. The same bright light surrounded me. She sat at the corner of my bed. "Go away Мама! I know you are an illusion!" I said as I put the blanket over my head. "Adrian... Adrian? Adrian....? Adrian..." My mother kept calling for me, getting angry by each time. I started to cry, I fell asleep. The loud ring tone of my phone woke me up. It was Damon. The hangover of 7 beers hit me. I should probably be dead right now. I pick up the call. 

"Amanda... Amanda and Christan, they are gone, they haven't returned yet!" He let out worriedly, as I focus on the clock it is 09:30 p.m. hence the time in Miami would be... 12:30 a.m. Wow. "What do you mean they haven't returned? They didn't get back from the bar?" I asked as I rubbed my forehead, trying to stay calm. "No! They came back from there-" Damon began but was cut off by Jess. "They said they were going for shooting trees, they left around 6! They haven't returned yet, even though they said they'd be home by 10, well technically Carol asked them to come back by 10. We can't even reach them, their phones are switched off. I am really worried Adi, what are-" Jessica kept rambling but I cut her. "Jess! Calm the fuck down! I am coming to you, don't worry" I said, Don't worry my ass. I was already pulling my hair in the amount of stress. 

Who could have possibly done this, to my people! "We can't calm the fuck down, they are one hundred percent kidnapped by another mafia for revenge, so you better figure it out before they die!" Carol snapped into the phone, bursting my ears. "Ok, I am leaving right now! Trust me, nothing will happen to you guys. Just go to our Celler by the mountains and stay there, until I come to you. Ok?" I said. "Ok! I'll take them immediately" Elliot spoke. "Ok great, don't worry, I am coming. Keep each other safe and don't try anything stupid!" I said as I grabbed my go-bag and a jacket. I finish the phone call and sprint to the one and only room. My boxing room. 

I didn't bother getting gloves and started hitting the punching bag letting the anger flow. My hands started to glow red as I wouldn't stop for a second. I need this anger out before I go there, or things can take a turn. I kick the bag hard and it comes off the hook and falls onto the floor. I collapse onto the floor. Shit, Shit, Shit!!!! I have to save Amanda before she ends up dead. I can't lose Christan either. He's an asset and more importantly my brother. We have our differences but we love each other. I grab a water bottle off the counter and gulp it down. "Adrian? What's wrong? And why did you just ruin a perfect punching bag?" Danny asked me as he appeared out of nowhere. "Someone has Amanda and Christan," I said in a low tone, almost ashamed of myself. 

"WHAT?!!" He screams as he rubbed his hands on his forehead and his hair. Wow, someone is stressing. "Don't worry I am going to Miami right now" I explained to him as I threw him a water bottle. I knew he needed it badly. "No, we are going to Miami," Danny said. I rolled my eyes, "Who the fuck is we?" I growled at him. "You, Igor, and me," He said as if it were so simple to occur. "How the fuck did you think that I will take Igor on a mission to save Amanda and Christan!! If you need a reminder, Igor fucking hates Christan!!" I said as I approached him rapidly. "Adrian, I know you hate him, but he is very important to us. I am sure he will get us out of this situation. "I will not take Igor with me under any circumstances!" I yell at him. "I am sorry but we need him!" He said and sprinted towards the cellars. Fuck Danny, why do you have to be so stubborn!

I sprinted towards Danny. He reached the cellar. As I followed. He unlocked Igor. "Free at last!" Igor exclaimed. I ran to him and pinned him to the wall. I knew he was weaker. "Danny, fucking tie him up before I fucking kill both off you," I said as I stared into Igor's blank eyes. "Come on Adrian, you know I would love to save Amanda!" Igor said as Danny stood there not completing my orders. "Well news flash, I. Don't. Trust. You. Igor." I paused "You are very lucky to be here, Igor Sidorvo, since I showed mercy for you or you would be rotting in our father's cells right now!" I said with gritted teeth. "But, Adrian Sidorvo, you know deep down in your heart, that I can and will do anything to save Amanda," He said "So Adrian, if you don't want to end up getting Amanda killed.... take me with you, trust me for this one fucking time!" He shouts. I close my eyes, as I can't keep up with the things Igor is saying, she is so attached to me that I am now scared of losing her even before I have planned to save her. 

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