Chapter 16 Head

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Adrian's p.o.v.

"Martin, it's nice meeting you," I said as I entered my office. Danny explained to me the 'problem.' Martin walked into the mansion with my father's head in his hand. Not that I loved him but I was still angry he took away my pleasure of killing him. "Ahh... Finally, Adrian" He said in his Italian accent, remaining in his seat. There he was sitting on the chair as my father's head hung from his hand. Blood was still dripping from it. Martin held the head with my father's grey hair. Martin was just as I remembered. Young in his 20's clean shaved. Big muscles, a little less than me though. Dominating smirk. Let's see what this guy wants, shall we.

"So, I know you killed my boy toy and kidnapped the other one," He said calmly. I sat in my chair. "I surely have done that, and that boy toy of yours is my brother so I have full right on him," I said in the same tone. "So here" He paused and placed my father's decapitated head onto the table. His eyes were still open. He looked good dead not gonna like. "Here is a little idea of what I can do and am willing to do with you," He said as he opened the bloody glove he had on, threw it onto my table. "I never really loved him you know?" I hissed at his failed attempt "I know, I was thinking about Danny's head......" He paused. I was furious. "But I just wanted to give you a little starter that's it, I mean if you don't surrender then that head might be Amanda's" He growled.

 Just hearing her name roll out from his mouth made my blood boil. "Now that I pumped you up for our war I shall leave," He said and got up. Fixed his coat. "Not so fast," I said and got up as well. "You brought me a gift so you should leave with one too," I said and opened the first drawer. "Well, what might that be?" He asked me looking at his watch. "Here," I said and handed him the keys to his own house. "What am I supposed to do of these?" "Tari's decaying body is in one of the rooms of this mansions," I said with a grin. "How dare you kill my sister?!!" He shouts as he snatched the keys. "Woah! Igor left her there, he told me about her very late so I couldn't save her" "I was thinking of a War for Power but Adrian Sidorvo..." He paused and I stand in front of him. "It just got personal," He said with gritted teeth. "It was always personal, Martin Russo," I said as calm as an eagle keeping an eye on its prey. He gave me a glare and left. I stood there.

 Did he just threaten Danny and Amanda at the same time? This guy is brave and now that he thinks I killed his sister he might go to a higher level. I look at my phone. Shit, I have to call Amanda and Christan to let them know about their mission in Miami. I stepped out of the office and asked Danny to burn my father's head. I called Amanda and the phone connected. "Hey, Adrian!" "Hey Amanda," I said in a rather low tone. "Could I talk to Chris if he is around?" "Ya sure, you're on speaker" "Hey Adrian," Chris said. I asked him to put it off speaker in Russian. "What happened Adi, you seem stressed" He spoke. "Ya... I found out who is behind Francesco's mafia" "Well who? " "Martin" "As in Russo, his best friend?" "Yep...... he killed my father" "What!? He did that! I am coming right now, we are gonna kill them all" "Christan, calm down" "He killed Ivan" "I know, Just letting you know. Go back to Amanda let's discuss the mission" "Ok" "Don't tell anyone about my father" "Sure Adi."

He put the phone on speaker. "Ok so, tell me. What am I going to do as my mission" Amanda said cheerfully. "You are gonna eliminate Samuel Jones," I said"This is gonna be easy," Christan said" Tell me more about it, " Amanda said. "He's been spotted in Miami, he goes to his bar every day at 8 p.m." "He is the leader of a small cartel gang, they call themselves 'The Skulls.' Keep an eye on him today and go to the bar at 8. After you reach there all you need to do is what you did with Igor." "Like getting kidnapped by his brother," She asked jokingly. "No silly, Flirt with him a little, lead him to the alley and Chris will do the rest" "Understood," She said "Perfect" I smiled even though they couldn't see my smile. "You have 4 hours to stalk him, try fetching some information about where they store their drugs, any sort of base," I said. "Great so I think we'll head out," Chris said. "Ya be safe ok? And protect each other" I said "Yes boss!" Amanda said.

We said our goodbyes. I was alone. Wait I am not alone. I went to the kitchen. Grabbed a pack of 8 beers and headed to the one and only. Igor. "Привет (Hi) brother," I said as I sit next to him. "What brings you here with a pack of beer?" He asked looking at me. "Just missed my annoying little brother," I sighed and opened 2 bottles. "Really.... don't lie to me," He said and took one of them, as I sipped onto mine. "What I am not lying" "You drink beer only when... someone's dead" "Aaaa... About that" "Did you get Amanda killed?" "What Igor... no!" I said as I put aside my now empty bottle. "Then who the fvck is dead?!" He said as he finished half of his. I was drinking very fast.

"Our father!!" I said gulping half of the second bottle in one gulp. "What- Adrian, your drinking too fast," He said. "How does it matter?!" I said finishing my 2nd bottle, I feel my body heat rise. "Who killed him?" Igor asked finally calming down, finishing his bottle. "Martin Russo," I said gulping the bitter 3rd bottle. "So you did figure out the real man behind that rat" "Yep I did, and btw you just called yourself a rat," I said with a grin. "What?! No, I didn't. " He said as I took my 4rth beer bottle. "Adrian, slow down," Igor said. "Why? What's the fun in that" I said stealing Igor's 3 bottles making my count fall at 7. "Hey! Those are mine!" He whined as I drank his ration. "Go get yourself more if you want to," I said as I let the bitter taste onto my tongue. I pulled the tray containing the beer bottles out of Igor's reach. "Oh wait you can't!" I laughed at my own silly joke. Igor stayed silent. 

We just sat there in silence as I drowned my 7th bottle. The silence remained for a few mins. I gotta say, it was very peaceful. Even in this dungeon. Until Danny burst through the door. "There you are, I have been searching for you all over," He said as he approached us. "Dan-Dan, what's up!" I slurred out. "Igor, how bottles many did he drink?" He asked "7" Igor replied quietly. Danny raised his eyebrows at the amount I mean it's not much. Sure. I stumble but get up and walk upstairs to the kitchen. I approach the minibar to pour myself a glass of whiskey. "Adrian, stop it." I heard her voice from behind me. She is dead! I saw her die in front of my eyes! I buried her myself! "Мама?" (Mom) I said as I turn myself. There she was, standing in front of me in the same dress I last saw on her, same facial features, short hair. The only thing out of place was the 3 bullet holes in her chest, one right at her heart. I transformed into my 15-year-old. The day of her death came flashing back to me. 


"Boys! Get to the car right now!" My father shouts at us. We were under attack. Something that tends to happen in every pact celebration party. "I am staying with you!" I shout back at him "Adrian come with me immediately!" My mother yelled for me as she held my 12-year-old brother near her fleeing the scene. "Mother go! I will stay here with father!" I said as the bullets rained through the hall and everyone was running here and there. Dead bodies pilled and blood splattered on the beautiful marble floor. I pull my gun out ready to shoot anyone posing threat. "Don't be stupid Adrian, come with me right now!" She said and yanked my hand. "No mom!" I said and pushed away my mother, while Igor stood behind my mom tugging onto her dress. "Brother come with us!" Igor shot out. I see someone coming from the corner caring a big black gun, I was too unlearned to identify what it was. I walk past my mom and aim at the guy who has also spotted me. I struggle pulling the safety off. She came in front of me. I hear the 3 clearest gunshots I would never forget, she falls back onto me and I can't stop staring at her painful eyes. She smiles at me as my father shoots the guys. "It will be alright" She mouthed.

*End of Flashback*

"It was all my fault Мама," I said, dropping onto my knees. "No Adrian, it wasn't," She said as she held my shoulders, and picked me up. "I am so sorry Мама," I said as a bright light surrounded us. It gave me peace. It felt like I belonged here. A place where my bloody hands were accepted. "Adrian, sweetie, stop this behavior and come with me," She said as she stood up and walked a few steps away from me. "Come with me Adrian," She said as she held her hand out walking a few steps away. "Yes, Мама," I said as I wiped away the tears and held her hand as she led me through the bright light. "Adrian stop!" Danny shouts across the room, as I snap back into reality. I clenched a sharp long knife inches away from my heart. I dropped the knife and fall onto my knees. "She was here!" I said as I pointed in the direction of where my Мама was standing. "Who was?" Danny asked me. "My dead mother!"


*Sad chapter I know, but I wanted you all to know a little back story for Adrian's life. Tell me about your thoughts so far*

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