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Tzuyu's POV

The bed felt so soft beneath my body, and the room has an addicting scent that makes me feel like sleeping longer.

I feel so comfortable in this soft bed, but then I was curious as to where I am, and I quickly blink my eyes open.

I looked at my surroundings and it was quite obvious that I wasn't in my room. For a moment my heart skipped in fear, maybe I've been kidnapped.

I stepped out of the so tempting bed and approached the huge door, but my phone had to ring out at this moment.

I quickly picked up the ringing phone and on seeing the caller ID, manager Hwang, a smile graced my lips.

"Hello Hwang Sir. where are you?" I asked softly while looking at the beautiful mirror in the room.

"Are you asking me such a question?" he sounded a bit pissed and that was understandable.

"I just got a call from your boyfriend Mr. Kim, and he told me that you spent the night in his house. Why didn't you call to tell me this? Do you even have any idea how scared I was when you didn't return to your apartment last night?" Hwang sounded angry, and I couldn't blame him for that.

I recalled all that happened over the previous day when Taehyung and I went to the park, and how I ended up sleeping while watching my favorite frozen movie.

"I'm so sorry Sir, it was all my fault."

"Save the explanation for later and get here right now, something important just came up." He hissed and ended the call.

I picked up my bag and headed out of the room, but I accidentally bumped into Taehyung on my way.

He staggered backward and regained his stand. He looked at me with questioning eyes before sighing.

"Why the rush? Did something happen?" Taehyung asked while strangely staring at me.

To be honest, I expected him to yell at me or just walk away, but he didn't and I was glad about that.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim. My manager, Mr. Hwang just called me right now, and he sounded quite angry, so I have to go now."

Taehyung glanced at his wristwatch and he looked back at me.

"I'm heading to the office right now, come I will drop you off at your apartment." He said and walked away, and I hurriedly followed him behind.

We made it outside his mansion and I ran towards his white car, the one we used yesterday, but he bypassed it and walked over a black limousine, and he got into it.

I stood there staring at the limousine like a fool. I never imagined that I would ever see a real limousine in my whole life, but here I am, about getting into a limousine.

"Are you going to stare all day or get in? I'm running late for an important meeting." Taehyung said and I quickly got into the limo, and the driver drove off.

Everything seemed so different from a normal car. It has a television, and it was big enough for me to lay on.

"Wow, this is so beautiful and great. I've always heard about how cool a limousine is, and right now I'm sitting inside it!" I screamed in excitement while touching the television and I heard Taehyung chuckling.

I looked at him and I realized that I've been so noisy since I got into the Limo.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize, but he shook his head.

"It's okay, I'm not angry." He smiled and changed the channel.

"I've never met anyone as straightforward, open, and naive as you. You say exactly what comes into your mind without thinking about it, and that's quite amazing you know."

"Thank you." I said calmly.

"Don't thank me Miss Tzuyu, I just told you the simple truth." He looked out through the window and then back at me.

"We're at your apartment, I guess this is where we part ways for the day."

I looked around and he was indeed correct.

"Yes sir, it is." I picked up my bag and I got down from the limo.

"I'm so sorry for sleeping during the movie yesterday."

"It happens, so don't apologize to me." He put on his dark glasses and the driver started the engine.

"Bye Miss Tzuyu and I had a great time yesterday." He smiled and the driver drove off.

Hearing Taehyung says those words gave me great joy. At least I didn't fail him.

I turned around and stared at my apartment door and I slowly walked inside.

I was expecting to hear Hwang yelling and scolding me, but it didn't happen, rather he was busy on the phone and he did look so tense.

I stood still, waiting for him to be done with his call. I felt my heart beating so hard in my chest when he made yet another call after ending the previous call.

What if they just ended my contract, or did something terrible happen? I just couldn't understand a single thing.

Hwang sighed as he ended the call and turned around to me and he frowned.

"You little brat, what on earth were you thinking that you couldn't even give me a call last night? I almost had a heart attack because of your foolish behavior." He didn't yell, but he kept it low and I did feel bad for making him so worried.

I lowered my head and walked closer to him.

"I'm so sorry boss. I went to the park with Taehyung, and I slept off so he took me home afterward. I'm so sorry." I apologize even though I know that my apology won't change a single thing.

"That's alright, get ready we're leaving for China by nightfall." He plainly said and turned to leave but I ran towards him and stood in front of him.

"Leaving for China? Why is that so Sir? Have I done anything wrong?" I asked softly, but my eyes were already full of tears.

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