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Taehyung's POV

A nice aroma woke me up from my beauty sleep. It felt like old times, waking up every morning to eat the meal Jiyeon made herself.

"What's going on?" I muttered and stepped out of the bed. I expected to feel the same dizziness and headache, but it wasn't there anymore, it was all gone.

It was so strange, I felt so strong and healthy again as if my Jiyeon was back to me. She's the only one that can make all my pain go away in a matter of seconds. I smiled and was about to leave my room when I remembered the news I watched regarding Jiyeon's wedding earlier this morning.

Instantly I became broken and disorganized. I became frustrated about everything. Life is painful and cruel to me. It gave me happiness and took it away from me without a warning whatsoever.

"Good morning!" Came Tzuyu's voice, and she jumped out of nowhere with an apron around her waist.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, looking all happy and excited.

Oh gosh. Can this day get any worse than this? It's Miss Chou again, what is she still doing here?

"Miss Tzuyu, why are you still here and wearing an apron?"

"I'm still here because you were sick, and I'm wearing an apron because I was cooking."

"Cooking? Who asked you to? Who gave you the right to do such things?"

"Please calm down Taehyung and come downstairs to eat, you need a lot of energy for what's to come, trust me."

"Excuse me? I don't understand your statement."

"You will understand very soon, but come downstairs and have your breakfast first, you took some homemade remedy for fever, so you need to eat so that you won't get dizzy."

I couldn't say anything, this lady is something else. Now I know why I feel much better than this morning. Well, that's good of her.

"Okay, let's get going."

Once I got to the living room, I saw a delicious meal on the table, and without saying another word, I started eating, and God, it tastes so delicious and well cooked. Tzuyu also sat at the table and was also eating, but she said nothing. She was only adding more food to my plate and I ate it with joy.

"Thanks for taking care of me earlier this morning."

"You're welcome Mr. Taehyung. Now eat, time is not by our side, and mind you, today is going to be a hectic day for you."

"And why is that so?" I asked, but she said nothing. Her words were disturbing, but it was nothing compared to the tightness in my chest. Knowing that Jiyeon is getting married was like stabbing me with a dagger over and over again.

After eating, I got up to leave the dining, but Tzuyu held my hand, thereby stopping me from leaving.

I was baffled at her courage. The way she makes decisions and acts without my consent was quite surprising. She's so different from my Tzuyu.

"What now?" I asked without looking at her.

"You've helped me in getting into the most famous and well-known modeling agency, so it's time to fulfill my part of the deal.

"But she's getting married, Miss Chou, you told me about it yourself, so what are you trying to do? To rub salt on my wounds?"

"No, at all." She smiled and handed over my phone to me.

"That's your phone, I set it on silent so that your sleep won't be disturbed."

I retrieved the phone from her hand, but to my greatest surprise, I have 115 missed calls waiting for me from my friends, family, and business-related partners.

"Shit! So many missed calls, why?" I asked while looking at her, but she averted her gaze to the television and turned it on.

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"What!" I turned over to look at Tzuyu. and back on the television screen. I quickly clicked on the link to the video through my phone and watched it all. It was so shocking, so confusing. I was baffled by the scene playing on my phone.

Tzuyu was wearing only a bra with her head resting on my chest and I was shirtless, not to mention the hickey on my neck and that on her neck, collarbones, and shoulders.

This isn't happening, it's not real. I looked at her, but she looked away. At that moment I had so many thoughts running through my mind, so many questions I needed an answer to.

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