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Taehyung's POV

Watching Jiyeon every morning on the television has suddenly become a part of me. Some months ago, we always slept together, wrapped up in each other's arms, but today I can't believe that we aren't together anymore.

It was just past 5 a.m and the world around me was spinning. My head was hurting pretty hard, I could hardly look at the light in my room.

It was obvious that I'm having a breakdown due to the series of business-related trips over the week and also yesterday's business trip. I must say that it's telling on me, coupled with the stress of my fake wedding and all.

It was way more difficult than I had imagined, but it has to be done, I can't lose my Jiyeon, I must get her back no matter what it takes. But, for now, I have to mark today as my resting day, else I might become sick. The moment I took the blanket beside me to cover my body, Tzuyu marched into my room, looking tense.

"You?" It was shocking seeing her in my room so early in the morning. How did she get in? How did she know where I stayed?

"What are you doing here and how did you get in?"

"How I got here is not important Taehyung, what's more, important is the trending news on all channels."

"And what could that be?"

"It's about your ex-girlfriend and her lover, their wedding date has been announced, it's on-air as we speak."

"What?" I jumped out of bed, forgetting about my pounding headache. Switching on the television was more like all that matters at the moment.

I sat still, my heart was broken into a million pieces at the sight in front of me.

She is getting married to another man, after all, we've been through together. I was the one who stood by her when she was a nobody and made her who she is today, but now she has decided to leave me for another man. This was way too much to handle. It was hurting so much, my body felt so tight and heavy, and the room began to spin.

"Taehyung, are you alright?" I heard Tzuyu asking, but it was as if she was talking from a far distance, her voice sounded faint. I couldn't get a hold of myself, and the last thing I saw was darkness, total darkness and that was all.

Tzuyu's POV

It was so scary seeing Taehyung passed out on the floor in front of me. He must have been so shocked after seeing the news, who wouldn't be?

I helped him up and laid him on the bed and covered him with a blanket. I was about to get up from his bed to get him some water when I noticed that his temperature was high.

He must have been sick before now. I quickly went back to my apartment and brought some of my homemade remedies and hurried back to him. Thank God my apartment wasn't that far away from Taehyung's.

When I made my way back into his room, he was still unconscious and it gave me enough time to mix the medicines. When I was done, I sprinkled some water on his face till he came around and I felt relieved.

I pushed a tablespoon through his closed lips and he took it in effortlessly. I sighed deeply and sat beside him. He looks so pale, so sad, and even pathetic when sleeping. It means that he's seriously sad within.

The sadness they say is like a disease that spreads through the body, and if it continues, it may lead to cancer. Thank goodness I saw him when he drove by my apartment last night and entered his mansion, else I wouldn't know where he lives.

The truth is that this sad man helped me with just a phone call into one of the biggest and best modeling agencies, and here I am, not even able to help him out in his darkest hour. It's not fair, we had an agreement and now I will make sure it goes exactly as planned.

He can't suffer while I enjoy my life, no-no. I will make him smile by bringing his lover back to him. I'm Chou Tzuyu, and I can do the impossible. So I think.

I got up from his bed and rushed back to my apartment, I grabbed my makeup box and rushed back to Taehyung's apartment. It's time to bring it on, Jiyeon will regret ever leaving Taehyung, and she will come running back like a helpless broken bitch I guess she is.

I once took an acting class in the university just for fun, I guess now is the time I put it into action.

I applied weird makeup on Taehyung's neck and many on my neck, collarbone, and shoulders. Goodness, it looked exactly like a hickey made out of serious love bites.

"So perfect," I said to myself, I'm just too good. I stripped myself off my pajamas, leaving only my bra on. I hated the thought of what I'm about to do, but I guess it's the only way out.

I took my phone and set it on the recording and placed it on the television set. That's a perfect view to get a clear video of us.

I lay beside him and took off his pajama top, then placed my head on his bare chest and pulled the blanket over our bodies. His heart was beating steadily and I felt so relieved that he's out of danger and now sleeping although he looks restless.

This plan has to work, we have to be the talk of the city, if possible the talk of the country, Korea.

I grabbed his hand and placed it on my waist, and got even closer to him. His fingers brushed my skin, and I felt a spark of shivers going through my body. I looked at him and blinked my eyes closed. It has to look real, so real that every girl that watches it will go crazy for Taehyung.

Taehyung moved his body, and each move he made appeared to be more sexy and sexual. It was as if Taehyung was working hand in hand with me in this master plan of mine, but no, he was indeed sick and sleeping restlessly. It has to take about 30 minutes before the medicine I gave to him takes effect and starts doing its work, thereby making him relax and sleep peacefully.

After getting the video I want, I wore back his pajamas and mine as well, and I started editing the video. By the time I was done, shit. It was fucking perfect. It was so perfect that I gave myself a thumbs up. It's a job well done.

Step one of the plans is over, so it's time for step two. I made my number private, and I called Mr. Park, a well-known reporter in Seoul and I told him I have an offer for him, a good one that will earn him a lot of money and popularity.

Mr. Park is a reporter I've worked with for a few weeks, but I had to quit due to pressure from the job and all. And today he's going to make this video a blast and the best part of it is that the man doesn't know that I'm the one he's talking to on the phone.

Once it was done, I transferred the video to him and called him back. This time around his tone on the phone was priceless. He was so excited and happy. I could even hear him jumping through the phone, and at this point, I knew that the Internet was going to be a blast in a matter of seconds.

"All done. Now I need to prepare breakfast, Taehyung needs to eat so that he can get well soon. He will be interviewed by a lot of people this week so he needs to be strong." I muttered happily and left his room. I walked around the huge mansion searching for the kitchen, and after what felt like forever, I finally found it.

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