Chapter 36: A Frozen Past

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3rd PoV

Giyu and Shinobu were running towards the source of energy coming from the upper moon 2. They were getting closer and closer until they reached a covered garden, in the middle of nowhere.

Giyu" Why is there a garden here? How did they build it so fast?"

Shinobu" I don't know but do you feel it?"

Giyu" Yeah..."

Both could feel it. The front of the building was clean, like any other covered garden but an aura that was screaming death was emitting from it. They knew. Inside was their opponent. Before them was their final fight.

Shinobu" Let's go."

They rushed inside, taking a lot of turns, they couldn't locate him exactly so they were running without a proper destination. It was a Japanese-style garden. Sliding doors all around them. Zen garden, bamboos, small rivers. As they were running, a door next to Giyu slid open and revealed a woman with kanji in her eyes.

Without time to react, the girl was met by a kick from Shinobu, causing it to explode. Thanks to Giyu who quickly grabbed her collar and closed the door, Shinobu was unaffected by it. But the explosion caused the ceiling to crack and break. 

Rocks fall, one was about to hit Giyu so Shinobu quickly pushed him out of the way, leading them to be separated by a wall of celling's remains. Realizing that they have been separated, Giyu yelled.

Giyu" Shinobu!!"

Shinobu" Giyu are you all right!!."

Giyu" Yeah are you?!"

Shinobu" Yeah!! Don't worry I'll destroy these remains!"

She was about to thrust her blade but was stopped by Giyu's voice.

Giyu" NO!!"

The tip of her sword stopped a millimeter away from its target.

Shinobu" Why are you stopping me?"

Giyu" The structure is already damaged. If we unleash a powerful blow I don't think the ceiling and the walls will be able to stand themselves.

He was having a good point. The explosion greatly weakened the building. At this moment, if one were to strike in this exact place, it would collapse. Shinobu cursed herself for being so dumb.

Shinobu" Sorry!"

Giyu" Don't worry. Any way you feel it right?"

At this moment, Shinobu, looks behind her, the corridor with no lights, only darkness and cold air coming from it. Shinobu immediately understood.

Giyu" He's in your direction and at the same time in mine."

Shinobu didn't say a thing and continued to listen while staring at the infinite darkness.

Giyu" Shinobu. We've made a mistake, we fall into his trap. His goal was to isolate us from the beginning. If we can feel his energy coming from the opposite sides, that means that they are more of those Ice Bomb."

She was starting to bite her lower lip.

Giyu" We have to go in a different direction. If you were the one to find him, do not engage in the fight. He's the 3rd strongest demon to ever live. If you or I were to fight him alone, we would die. Do you understand?"

No need to say that she disliked the plan, no. She hates this plan. Going to separate ways? 50% of chance finding either a walking bomb or a demon. Alone. Look at what happened to Ikki after a single explosion. 

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